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In South Korea, children get used to the...

In South Korea, children get used to the Internet at an early age. A survey last year by the Ministry of information and Communication showed that nearly half of children between the age of 3 and 5 use the internet.

“In south Korea, the Internet has become a babysitter, said Lee Kyong Ko, a professor at Duksing, Women’s University in Seoul.   

Online role-playing games, where participants make friends and band together, have a strong appeal to Koreans,“One problem with those games is that you build your online person through countless hours of battles, and you develop a huge emotional attachment to your game character,”said Chang Woo Min, a one-time online gamer.

Parents report that their children steal money and do not come home for days and even weeks, practically living in Internet Cafes, and sometimes they refuse to look for jobs and play games all night and sleep during the day.

The authorities require Internet cafes to keep their distance from schools, and they open camps for teenage addicts and distribute booklets(小册子) on the dangers of game addiction. In addition, they are training hundreds of counselors, who visit schools and Internet Cafes.

In the 28,000 Internet Cafes in South Korea, persons under 18 are banded from entry after 10 p.m.. The authorities have even discussed reducing the points of gamers who play for more than three consecutive (连续的) hours, But such talks have produced no agreement, amid concerns that such restrictions would put a high-growth industry in danger and worse the problem of teenagers stealing adult online identification numbers,“Sooner or later we will be able to announce our measures,”the minister of Information and Communication, Rho Jun Hyoung, said at a news conference in May.“Since South Korea is one of the most active and developed countries in the Internet, the world is paying great attention to What policy we will adopt on this problem.”

1.According to the passage, in order to solve the Internet problem, the authorities of South Korea took the following measures EXCEPT              

A.demanding the Internet Cafes to be far away from schools

B.telling the students about the dangers of game addiction

C.training counselors to visit schools and cafes

D.banning all the people from entering the Internet after 10 p.m.

2.We can learn that                 from the passage.

A.most children under 6 in the South Korea use the Internet

B.some parents hope their children use the Internet only at home

C.all kinds of measures are not supported by all the people

D.the authorities in the South Korea believe that it is most active and developed country in the Inter

3.In paragraph 2,the underlined sentence “the Internet has becomes a babysitter”means     .

A.children are well looked after on the Internet

B.children likes sitting in the Internet Cafes

C.children can earn money working as a babysitter in Internet Cafes

D.Internet has become a place where children are looked after while their parents are not there

4.The passage is written to tell us_________________.

A.the Internet problems in South Korea        B.the bad effects of the Internet

C.the measures of the authorities             D.teenagers like going surfing in South Korea


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A  【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲解了因特网在韩国非常普遍,存在很大的问题这引起了父母和政府的担心,他们担心孩子们会沉迷于其中玩游戏,同时也讲解了政府采取了一些措施来解决这个问题。 1.判断题。从文章The authorities require Internet cafes to keep their distance from schools, and they open camps for teenage addicts and distribute booklets(小册子) on the dangers of game addiction. In addition, they are training hundreds of counselors, who visit schools and Internet Cafes.可知,A,B,C三项都在韩国所采取的措施中,文章persons under 18 are banded from entry after 10 p.m.讲到只有18一下的人才不允许在晚上10点后进入网吧,故选D 2.主旨题。从文章But such talks have produced no agreement, amid concerns that such restrictions would put a high-growth industry in danger and worse the problem of teenagers stealing adult online identification numbers,可知,并非所有的人都同意这些举措,因为它会加剧孩子们偷父母亲的上网编码来上网这个现象,同时损害高速发展的行业,故选C 3.推断题。从第一段可知,一般以上的3-5岁的孩子都在使用因特网,所以因特网成了他们经常玩的东西,也是他们父母亲不在时经常去的地方,故选D 4.主旨题。本文主要讲解了因特网在韩国非常普遍,存在很大的问题这引起了父母和政府的担心,他们担心孩子们会沉迷于其中玩游戏,整体泡在网吧里,故选A 考点:社会现象类说明文

Researchers questioned nearly 9,800 people over the age of 50 about their lives and found women were happier than men and enjoy life more in old age.

Dr Elizabeth Breeze, one of the researchers, said that women could become happier as they get older as they no longer have to worry about looking after their families.

She said:“There is a difference between the way men and women view their quality of life and they are influenced by slightly different things. Women are affected negatively by caring for someone else or if they are not in employment but if they see their children and family more they are positively affected.”

“A strange thing happens to male actors, especially movie stars, in my experience,” said Helen Mirren, a 62-year-old Hollywood actress.“A young male actor feels that all the girls want him-he’s a star. As actors get older they bad-tempered for they have lost that sense of being in control of their destiny(命运).”

Wealth also helps you live longer with the poorest people more than twice as likely to die earlier than the richest, researchers at University College London discovered. In some age groups. the difference was even greater. The poorest women between 60 and 74 are six times more likely to have died than the richest women of the same age.

According to the study, you have more chances of living longer if you are married, educated to certain degree or a professional. single people are twice as likely to die early as those  who are married or living with a partner.

1.What may be the best title of the passage ?

A.Why Women Are Happier Than Men in Old Age .

B.How to Live Longer.

C.Women Happier Than Men in Old Age.

D.The Difference between Women and Men in Old Age

2.What can we know from the passage?

A.Men should not worry about looking after their family any more in old age

B.Male actors, especially movie stars are easy to get bad—tempered when they get older and older.

C.The poorest women about the age of 50 can’t live longer than the richest women at the same age.

D.Education has nothing to do with happy life in people’s old age.

3.What may be talked about if there is another paragraph as the ending ?

A.Things that the old should do to be happier.

B.The disadvantage of being actors.

C.We should earn money as much as we can.

D.How to become a professional.



My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years . Being a waitress changed my  1 . I tried my best to do what I loved---  2 People. I always made everyone , customers and coworkers,   3  good.

One of my   4  customers was Fred Hasbrook. He  5 came for Breakfast on Sunday mornings.  6 I saw the old man coming, I always smiled at him and   7  the best service.

One day, Fred saw me and asked , “What’s up ? You’re not  8 today.” I told him that I dreamed of having my own  9 . but when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款),they said , “We just don’t have the  10 .”“Fred,” I said to the old man, “I know I can  11 more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

The next day , Fred came and  12 me a check totaling $50,000—along with a  13 that read, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my  14 in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have the chance to  15 that dream.

I accepted the money and plans for the restaurant I would  16 . Things did not go well. My plans  17 and I lost the money.

Later I decided to  18 a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  19 and became a pretty good agent.  20 I paid back Fred the $50,000.Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.

1.                A.work           B.life            C.attitude   D.opinion


2.                A.pleasing        B.serving         C.supporting D.understanding


3.                A.seem          B.remain         C.feel  D.stay


4.                A.daily           B.ordinary        C.normal   D.regular


5.                A.ever           B.seldom         C.even D.always


6.                A.As soon as      B.Every time       C.Because  D.Since


7.                A.left            B.made          C.got  D.offered


8.                A.working        B.joking          C.smiling   D.singing


9.                A.house          B.way            C.restaurant D.company


10.               A.time           B.money         C.courage   D.luck


11.               A.do            B.give           C.have  D.share


12.               A.handed        B.showed        C.bought    D.lent


13.               A.gift            B.note           C.picture    D.book


14.               A.wish           B.trust           C.guess D.demand


15.               A.express        B.prove          C.realize    D.explain


16.               A.visit           B.introduce       C.sell   D.open


17.               A.finish          B.change         C.succeeded D.failed


18.               A.keep on with    B.put up with      C.apply for  D.give up


19.               A.paid           B.employed       C.interviewed    D.praised


20.               A.Generally       B.Actually        C.Finally D.Fortunately




----- The cake is delicious.

------Well, at least it is ___________ the one I baked last week.

A.as bad as          B.no worse than      C.no better than      D.not better than.



Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so sad that I don’t think he really________ what he was saying.

A.knew             B.knows            C.besides           D.therefore



---John has got a very good job in the government .

---_______ he looks so happy.

A.No, doubt         B.No wonder        C.That’s because    D.It’s natural



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