满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My husband had just bought a new washing...

My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me . I decided to use it the very day and I washed a lot of things .

Everything worked well , but I found one of my husband’s socks(短袜)  missing . I looked everywhere for it , but I couldn’t find it anywhere .

The next morning , I got ready for school as usual . When the bell rang , the students came in . I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day .

When I turned around to write on the blackboard , the class burst into a roar (大笑声)! They laughed and laughed . They laughed so much , in fact ,that I was afraid the headmaster would come in to see all this .

I asked the class to stop , but the more I talked , the more they laughed . I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard . when I did this , they roared even more .

Finally , the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about .

“Good heavens ,” I said , “Will someone please tell me what is so funny?”

“Oh , God,” said the teacher , “You have a brown sock to the back of your skirt !”

So that’s how I found my husband’s missing sock .

“Oh , well ,” I said to the class , “Let’s just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电)。”

1.What was the writer ?

A.A washer          B.A student          C. A headmaster     D. A teacher

2.What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard ?

A.The class roared with anger .

B.The class began to laugh loudly .

C.Another teacher came in

D.There was a loud noise outside the room

3.Why couldn’t she find one of her husband’s socks?

A.Because some students had hidden it .

B.Because her husband had taken it away .

C.Because she had left it in the classroom .

D.Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt .

4.What did the writer do when she got to know why her students laughed?

A.She did nothing but laugh.

B.She got angry with the class .

C.She did nothing

D.She explained the matter in a clever way .


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍作者找不到丈夫的袜子是因为袜子连在她的裙子上了,在班级引起学生哄堂大笑,但作者用很聪明的方法解释这个现象。 1.推理题:从第三段的句子:The next morning , I got ready for school as usual . When the bell rang , the students came in .可知作者是个老师。选D 2.细节题:从第四段的句子:When I turned around to write on the blackboard , the class burst into a roar (大笑声)! 可知当作者转身的时候学生都大笑起来。选B 3.细节题:从最后的句子:“You have a brown sock to the back of your skirt !” So that’s how I found my husband’s missing sock .可知作者没找到丈夫的袜子是因为袜子连在她的裙子上了。选D 4.细节题:从最后一段的句子:“Oh , well ,” I said to the class , “Let’s just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电)。”可知作者用很聪明的方法解释这个现象。选D 考点:考查故事类短文

An old man once had an argument with his only son. He tried to __16__ many times, but the young man would not __17__. The father never__18__ because he loved his son with all his heart, but the son would not give in, __19__ he was too blinded by his pride.

Years passed and as the man lay in his deathbed, he made a __20__ attempt to reconcile (和解) with his son, but __21__ he would not listen and so the father died with a heart full of __22__.

During this time the son too had a child who had now __23__ into a young adult. To this child he never __24__ his father and when the young man asked about his grandfather he __25__   tell him never to mention him again.

One day, they two were involved in a hot __26__ and his son fled away as he did many years ago. This made the man extremely__27__ and this time he had no __28__, but felt completely isolated. (孤立的)

He was afraid that he would__29__ his son forever and for the first time after many years he realized how his father must have__30__ many years back.

He remembered how he had __31__ his old man and only at that point he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused. The __32__ he thought the more he understood how unjust he was with his old father, the man who gave him everything __33__ his life.

With these sad thoughts he felt __34__ on the couch. The next morning when he opened his eyes he found __35__ lying in his bed and in front of him stood his son. The man could not believe his eyes, and the two hugged each other while they cried together.

1.                A.bend          B.predict         C.apologize D.seek


2.                A.stop           B.listen           C.chose    D.come


3.                A.brought about   B.gave up         C.got in D.made up


4.                A.if             B.when          C.thought   D.because


5.                A.final           B.big            C.latest D.useless


6.                A.still            B.ever           C.once D.just


7.                A.anger          B.curiosity        C.sorrow   D.gratitude


8.                A.left out         B.grown up       C.put aside  D.turned up


9.                A.mentioned      B.hid            C.praised   D.forgave


10.               A.would          B.need          C.must  D.might


11.               A.imagination     B.room          C.argument  D.discussion


12.               A.sad            B.confused       C.annoyed   D.afraid


13.               A.thought        B.pride          C.laugh D.guess


14.               A.throw          B.change         C.return D.lose


15.               A.felt            B.done          C.watched   D.regretted


16.               A.hurt           B.abandoned      C.disappointed   D.scolded


17.               A.better         B.higher         C.more D.older


18.               A.before         B.throughout      C.into  D.against


19.               A.painful         B.frightened      C.relaxed   D.asleep


20.               A.his father       B.his son         C.someone  D.himself




After working for two years, Tim Martin was ___ as the top manager in charge of the company.

A.ranked           B.appointed         C.recognized        D.classified



I’m sorry to tell you that we decided __________ your plan.

A.to abandon        B.abandoning        C.to quit            D.quitting



They are going to find a new approach ______these complex problems.

A.to solving         B.to solve           C.in solving          D.solves



I'm afraid that I can't make myself _______ because of my poor English.

A.understand        B.understanding      C.to understand      D.understood



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