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Boys need friends, suffer when they don'...

Boys need friends, suffer when they don't believe they have any, and worry over the ups and downs of relationships. Many adults believe that somehow boys need friends less than girls do, in truth, though, no boy is an island; boys value their friends throughout childhood and adolescence and are happier and healthier when they have solid relationships with peers(同龄人).

Despite the common belief that girls are better at relationships, most boys consider their friends a very important part of their lives, and boys may actually be better at keeping friendships than girls are. A recent study of 10 to 15­year­old boys and girls found that girls' friendships are actually more fragile. Girls tend to say and do hurtful things to each other more frequently than boys, and girls are more hurt by the end of a friendship.

Boys are the living definition of the phrase “peer group”; they love games with rules, competition, and doing things together. Boys seem to enjoy, even need the opportunity to test themselves against others, and many lasting friendships begin in karate(空手道) class or on the basketball court. Competence and skill are widely respected; being picked last for a team or left out altogether is an experience that can haunt(萦绕心头) a boy for years.

As boys mature(成熟), the friendship becomes even more important, and it frequently widens to include girls. During the teen years, friends can become the most important part of a boy's life—and a part in which his parents are not included. The confusion of being a teenager leads boys to form close bonds(关系) with friends. There is the sense for many boys that a friend is someone who is “always there for me”, someone he can trust. They may be partners in crime or partners in study, but the friendship of adolescent boys can run surprisingly deep.

1.The common belief of adults is that boys________.

A.don't care about others as much as girls

B.don't value friendship as much as girls

C.have the same friendship as girls

D.have healthier friendship than girls

2.According to the text, boys' friendship________.

A.is usually built around active play

B.tends to be in small groups

C.can bear mutual hurt between friends

D.doesn't suffer from failure

3.The author mentions the study in the second paragraph to prove ________.

A.many people believe girls are better at relationships

B.most boys consider their friends very important

C.boys may be better at keeping friendships than girls

D.boys may be more active in a friendship

4.As a boy gets older, he tends to________.

A.widen his circle of friends to include different kinds of people

B.shift his focus from his friends to himself

C.leave his parents out of his friendship

D.be confused about what a friendship is

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.Friendships between Boys and Girls

B.Boys and Their Friendship

C.Childhood and Adolescent Friendship

D.Tips on Making Friends with Boys


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文说明了男孩怎样重视友谊,并分析了男孩间的友谊 1.细节理解题。根据第一段“Many adults believe that somehow boys need friends less than girls do...”可知答案为B 2.推理判断题。根据第三段“Boys seem to enjoy,even need the opportunity to test themselves  against others,and many lasting friendships begin in karate class or on the basketball court.”可推知男孩的友谊是建立在玩的基础上的,答案为A。 3.推理判断题。该研究显示“girls’friendships are actually more fragile”,并解释了其原因,由此可推知男孩比女孩更注意对友谊的维护。选C 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段“a part in which his parents are not included”可知男孩的父母不在友谊之内,答案为C 5.主旨大意题。本文说明了男孩怎样重视友谊,并分析了男孩间的友谊,因此B为正确答案。 考点:考查人生百味类短文

Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.

In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, too. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so many people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows.

In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city center downtown. It is here that you can see many huge skyscrapers and office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the city center. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.

But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.

1.The underlined phrase “a residential area” means an area________.

A.where people can buy things

B.which is suitable for living in

C.where people can do business

D.which is near a city center

2.Why do people move to live in cities or towns?

A.Because they like noisy life better than peaceful life.

B.Because they can live more comfortably there.

C.Because they mainly want to find work there.

D.Because they are sure of having a better life there.

3.Which of the following statement is NOT true about the business district?

A.Big companies usually have their main offices in the business district.

B.A business district usually lies in the city center downtown.

C.People usually work and live in the business district.

D.Nearly every major city has its own business district.

4.In the United States, many people work in the center of a big city________.

A.and live there

B.but live in the suburbs of the city

C.and live in another city

D.but live in rural areas

5.We can infer that this movement from rural to urban areas ________.

A.has been going on for more than 2,000 years

B.will surely continue in the future

C.may not continue in the future

D.has now stopped already



Here is a science report.

Mahru-Z, a robot    1.    (develop) by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology can clean a home, put clothes in a washing machine and even heat food in a microwave. It took the institute two years to develop Mahru-Z,    2.   is 4.3 feet tall and is 121 pounds in weight. . The new robot has    3.   human-like body including a rotating head, arms, legs and hands    4.   six fingers. The most special feature of Mahru-Z is     5.   ability to observe objects, recognize tasks, and complete them.

Mahru-Z could also work with an earlier robot which is called Marhu-M. Marhu-M can move on wheels. Both Marhu-M and Mahru-Z can be  6.   (remote) controlled by a computer server.

You Bum-Jae, who was  scientist of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology,  7.   (claim) Mahru-Z as the most advanced robot in terms of copying human movements. Apart from doing the housework, it could also be used in the situations   8.   it is too difficult or dangerous for humans to accomplish the tasks.     9.    it will be a long time before this kind of robots is produced for commercial use .

The science institute spends about 3.5 million dollars every year     10.    robot research. It began receiving state funds for the project in 2006.



She was a four-year-old girl with very fine golden hair when I first met her.She was carrying a bowl of    1   .I was 29 at the time and suffering  from the flu.

Her mom and I had been friends for many years.Finally that friendship grew into care,from care into   2 and marriage.Marriage brought the three of us together as a    3   .At first,I was afraid to be a“stepfather”.Therefore,I tried not to come between my future daughter and her   4    father.I acted in that way in order to be liked.However,  5   she was growing up, I found it increasingly hard to  6  with her.

Once her school required every parent to write an open and    7  letter to the children.I wrote a letter about a little golden-haired girl who had brought me a bowl of soup when I needed    8  

A week later,all the parents got together with our children in a classroom.The students were allowed to make a few speeches.I was   9   to hear what my daughter would say.

Finally,my daughter determinedly   10   her way up to the microphone.She said something like others and then   11   ."There are people and things we sometimes take for granted that we shouldn't,at this very moment,I just want to say…I love you,father.”

Immediately people around me started    12   at me,and patting me on the back as though they also understood the depth of that unusual speech.For a teenage girl to say    13  in the front of a room full of people,“I love you”,took a great deal of courage.Since then I have come  to understand that I didn't need to have any   14  about being a stepfather.I can still  15  honest love with the same little girl I met so many years before-carrying a bowl full of what turned out to be kindness.I can also be friends with the girl-my dear daughter.

1.                A.soup           B.rice            C.porridge  D.noodles


2.                A.like            B.pleasure        C.excitement    D.love


3.                A.union          B.group          C.family    D.whole


4.                A.following       B.natural         C.untrue   D.new


5.                A.after           B.with           C.before   D.as


6.                A.connect        B.share          C.communicate  D.argue


7.                A.honest         B.ordinary        C.powerful  D.beautiful


8.                A.cure           B.care           C.money   D.friend


9.                A.glad           B.hopeful         C.serious   D.anxious


10.               A.came          B.made          C.had  D.got


11.               A.lasted          B.decided        C.continued D.repeated


12.               A.smiling         B.hugging        C.kissing D.staring


13.               A.quietly         B.brightly         C.quickly    D.openly


14.               A.courage        B.happiness       C.fear  D.idea


15.               A.exchange       B.send           C.expect    D.share




阅读下面的短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

Gaby Lucy is just a 17-year-old American girl, but she has experienced life in the Dominican Republic as a volunteer. When she recalls her time volunteering there, she doesn’t think about the fact that she had no running water and lived in a small house outside. Instead, she remembers fondly the people she met, the work she did with a youth group to improve accessibility to a local library and the leadership skills she gained.

American teens are setting an example to their parents through their volunteer work, according to a new survey by Harris Interactive. The random national telephone survey released this week found that more teens volunteer to support a charitable cause(慈善事业) – 56 percent – than have a part-time job –39 percent. Parents said 82 percent of the teens in their lives do something to support charitable causes, including volunteering, inviting others to a cause or donating money.



2.以约120个词就 “青少年从事志愿者工作” 这个主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:

(1) 青少年从事志愿者工作的意义;

(2) 简述一次你自己或你身边的人从事志愿者工作的经历和感受;

(3) 请你向同龄中学生发出号召。















中国西南方,被誉为世界屋脊(Roof of the World)








700多年的悠久历史;有很多享誉海内外的名胜,如布达拉宫the Potala Palace。






Dear Peter.

I am so glad to know that you will come to Tibet for a visit.


                                                                               I'm sure you will have a wonderful journey in such a great land.

Looking forward to your coming to China





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