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Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Midd...

Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready for new  1  in high school.

2 , high school was different. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛)for cheerleaders(啦啦队队员). She was competing against very talented girls, and she knew it would be      3  for her to be selected. Two hours later, the   read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart   as the list ended without her name. Feeling  6 , she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.

Arriving home, she started with math. She had always been a good math student, but now she was  . She moved on to English and history, and was  to find that she didn’t have any trouble with those subjects. Feeling better, she decided not to   math for the time being.

The next day Jenna went to see Mrs. Biden about being on the school    10  . Mrs. Biden wasn’t as 11   as Jenna. “I’m sorry, but we have enough 12   for the newspaper already. Come back next year and we’ll talk then.” Jenna smiled 13  and left. “Why is high school so  14  ?” she sighed.

Later in 15  class, Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much  16  . By the end of class, she understood how to get them right. As she gathered her books, Jenna decided she’d continue to try to 17   at her new school. She wasn’t sure if she’d succeed, but she knew she had to  18 . High school was just as her mom had said: “You will feel like a small fish in a big pond  19 a big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the   20  fish you can be.”

1.                A.processes       B.exercises       C.challenges D.decision


2.                A.Therefore       B.Besides         C.Otherwise D.However


3.                A.difficult         B.interesting      C.boring    D.easy


4.                A.editor          B.judge          C.candidate D.boss


5.                A.jumped         B.raced          C.stopped  D.sank


6.                A.strange         B.lonely          C.awful D.happy


7.                A.struggling       B.complaining      C.working  D.improving


8.                A.ashamed        B.relieved        C.shocked  D.disappointed


9.                A.put up         B.give up         C.worry about   D.prepare for


10.               A.committee      B.team           C.radio D.newspaper


11.               A.enthusiastic     B.realistic        C.sympathetic    D.artistic


12.               A.speakers       B.writers         C.cheerleaders   D.readers


13.               A.widely         B.brightly         C.excitedly  D.weakly


14.               A.similar         B.familiar         C.different  D.ordinary


15.               A.physics         B.math           C.English    D.history


16.               A.pleasure        B.sorrow         C.trouble    D.hope


17.               A.fit in           B.get around      C.stay up    D.look out


18.               A.swim          B.escape         C.ask   D.try


19.               A.in return for     B.instead of       C.in terms of D.in case of


20.               A.slimmest        B.gentlest        C.best  D.smallest



1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文的主要内容是,这是一篇记叙文。Jenna以优异的成绩考上了高中。当她来到高中后,感觉很多事情都不顺利,甚至自己曾经很擅长的数学学习方面,也出现了很多困难,但是Jenna并没有放弃,而是不断的努力尝试,最终取得了成功。 1.根据The challenge is to become the best fish you can be.可知这里想说她准备在高中迎接新的挑战,challenges挑战,故选C。 2.根据high school was different.可知这里表示转折关系,故选D。 3. 根据She was competing against very talented girls,故选A,difficult困难的。 4.根据read a list of the girls for a second tryout,故选B,judge裁判员。 5.根据as the list ended without her name.故选D,sank下沉。 6.根据Her heart sank as the list ended without her name.故选C,awful糟糕的。 7.根据Arriving home, she started with math. She had always been a good math student,故选A,struggling 奋斗的。 8.根据to find that she didn’t have any trouble with those subjects.故选B,relieved宽慰的。 9.这里想表达她决定暂且不担心数学了,put up张贴 give up放弃 worry about担心 prepare for 准备,故选C。 10.根据“I’m sorry, but we have enough writers for the newspaper already.故选D。 11.这里想说Biden老师并不像Jenna一样热情,enthusiastic热情的,故选A。 12.根据for the newspaper already.故选B,writers作者。 13.根据“I’m sorry, but we have enough writers for the newspaper already. Come back next year and we’ll talk then.”故选D,weakly无力地。 14.根据high school was different,故选C。 15.根据Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much trouble ,故选B,math 数学。 16.根据Arriving home, she started with math. She had always been a good math student, but now she was struggling . She moved on to English and history, and was relieved to find that she didn’t have any trouble with those subjects.故选C。 17.这里想表达Jenna决定她继续来适应她的新学校,fit in适应,故选A。 18.根据As she gathered her books, Jenna decided she’d continue to try to fit in at her new school,故选D。 19.这里想说你会感觉自己是一条小鱼在一个大池塘里,而不是一条大鱼在一个小池塘里,instead of而不是,故选B。 20.这里想说你所面临的挑战就是成为池塘里最好的鱼,best最好的,故选C。 考点:故事阅读类短文完形填空

The flooding      the bridge, so we can’t walk across it forever.

A.damaged          B.destroyed         C.harmed           D.hurt.



In the good care of the nurses, the boy is      recovering from his heart operation.

A.quietly           B.actually           C.practically         D.gradually



Interviewing someone for a job is not as easy as it looks. First, as the interviewer, you’re tasked with finding the person who will not only do the job well but also fit in well with the other employees.

You have to make an evaluation of abstract qualities that can’t be found on a résumé. Because you have to repeat the process for every potential employee, you end up asking question after question, applicant after applicant.

Still, interviewers need to be told something: “What is your biggest weakness?” is not a good question. It just isn’t.

Now, job seekers have to understand that interviewers want to find some way to know what makes an applicant different from others. Asking questions that are seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see who can think creatively. Then what may be a proper way to respond to such a question?

Honesty, with a twist(新手法)

“‘What are your three strengths and three weaknesses?’ is a classic, but not too many people know how to answer this,” says Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, an online marketing company.

“As an interviewer, we want to hear strengths that describe initiative(主动性), motivation and dedication. The best way to respond is to include these qualities into specific ‘personal statements.’

“Similarly, weaknesses should be positioned as a strength that can benefit the employer.”

“I like to hear applicants state an exaggerated strength, and put an interesting twist on it. An example of this is, ‘My initiative is so strong, that sometimes I take on too many projects at a time.’”

This answer leads with a strength that employers want —initiative —and still acknowledges that you’re not perfect.

Although you might consider this acknowledgement too honest, it works because it proves you’re being honest.

Honesty, with progress

When you consider what your weaknesses are, think about how you have attempted to overcome them. No one is perfect, so pretending that you are a perfectionist will come across as insincere.

Debra Davenport, author of “Career Shuffle,” believes citing(引用) examples are the best approach.

“My preferred response for this question is to tell the truth without damaging the applicant’s image.” Davenport explains.

“A better response might be, ‘I’ve had some challenges with work-life balance in the past and I realize that a life out of balance isn’t good for me, my family or my employer. I’ve taken the time to learn better time and project management, and I’m also committed to my overall wellness.’”

The answer adds some dimension to the question, and proves you’ve thought beyond the answer. You’ve actually changed your behavior to address the situation, even if you haven’t completely overcome the weakness.

Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes

However you decide to answer, Debra Yergen, author of “Creating Job Security Resource Guide,” recommends job seekers imagine themselves sitting on the other side of the desk.

“If you were doing the hiring, what would you be looking for? What would be your motivation for asking certain questions? Who would you be trying to weed out? If you can empathize (共鸣) with the interviewer, you can better understand what they want and need, and then frame your qualifications to meet their needs for the position you seek.”

Once you consider what the goal of the question is and figure out what your honest answer is, you’ll be able to give the best possible answer to a tricky question.

 Job Interviews

Tasks for a job interviewer

☆ Find the person both doing the job well and 1.       along well with other employees.

☆2.      abstract qualities of applicants by asking one question after another.

3.       to interviewees for replying to a tricky question

☆ Understand that the interviewers want to 4.       between applicants and that asking a question seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see an applicant’s 5.       .

☆ Be 6.       and inventive when asked about your weaknesses, and respond properly.

☆ Never 7.       you are perfect, which may be believed to be insincere.

☆Try to show that you’ve changed a lot 8.        you haven’t completely get rid of your weaknesses.

☆ Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and have a better  9.         

of their needs for the job.


☆ With the goal of the question 10.       into account and the honest answer in your mind, you will be able to give the best possible answer.











Dear Peter,

I’m Li Hua. I’d like to join your “Reading Club” on the Internet. ……






Please consider my request, and I’m looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Nick is a 28-year-old Australian man, which life is very difficult because he born without arms or legs.  Some people used to make fun of him and said he looked like a monster. Doing normal things seemed impossibly to him. However, Nick never gave up, and after many failures, he finally learn to swim, fish and even surf. Most surprising, he completed university and earned the two degrees. Now he is the CEO of two company.

When asking about the secret of his success, Nick’s answer is:  Attitude is altitude. To him, nothing is impossible if you has enough determination to overcome difficulties. He thinks a positive attitude is the key of success.



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