满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---Could you turn the TV down a little b...

---Could you turn the TV down a little bit?

---______. Is it disturbing you?

A.Take it easy.        B.I’m sorry.         C.Not a bit          D.It depends


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查交际用语:A. Take it easy.放轻松B. I’m sorry.对不起C. Not a bit一点也不, D. It depends那就看情况而定了。句意:--你能把电视声音调小点吗?--抱歉打扰你了吗?选B。 考点:考查交际用语

For a long time they walked without saying ____ word. Jim was the first to break ____ silence.

A.the; a            B.a; the             C.a; /              D.the; /



Bungee jumping is not a new activity. Men on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific have been doing land jumping for hundreds of years. The men tie long vines(藤) from plants around their ankles(踝关节). They spend days building tall towers out of vines and logs(圆木). Then they jump off them.

According to their beliefs, the first land diver was a woman. She decided to run away from her rude husband. So she climbed up a tall tree and tied some vines around her feet. Her husband also climbed up the tree and tried to catch her, but the woman jumped and the man followed. The vines saved her life, but her husband died.

This ancient custom caught the interest of some students at Oxford University in England. In the late 1970s, they formed a group called the Dangerous Sports Club. They were some of the first people to test several of what are now called extreme sports. They are said to have invented modern bungee jumping.

In the spring of 1979, members of the group jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England. They were attached to the bridge by a bungee cord, a long elastic rope that stretches. The group soon received even more attention when they organized a bungee jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

A man named A. J. Hackett of New Zealand decided to make the sport into a business. He started developing bungee ropes and material with a friend. They held a major jump in 1987 off the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. They later got permission to open the first bungee jumping operation on the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Many people paid 75 dollars to jump off the bridge with a bungee cord attached to their ankles.

1.The second paragraph tries to tell us________________.

A.a story about a woman land diver

B.the beginning of modern bungee jumping

C.the beginning of land jumping on Pentecost Island

D.a story about a brave woman and her rude husband

2.The underlined word them in the first paragraph refers to__________.

A.plants            B.tall towers         C.vines             D.logs

3. The Dangerous Sports Club first caught people’s attention when they jumped off_________.

A.the Eiffel Tower                         B.the Kawarau Bridge

C.the Golden Gate Bridge                   D.the Clifton Suspension Bridge



We human beings haven’t been good friends to animals. For thousands of years, we have been polluting the environment, making it hard for animals to live on the planet. We have been killing animals for their fur, feathers or meat, or simply because they are dangerous. As a result, many kinds of animals have disappeared forever. Hundreds more are on the endangered list today.

Should we care about animals? Of course we should. If animals of a certain kind all disappear, they will never come back again. Animals are more than just resources of things we need. Every kind of animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying any kind of animal can lead to many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the corn and grain that the farmers stored were destroyed by rats and mice. Why?  Because hawks eat rats and mice. With less and less hawks to keep down their numbers, rats and mice multiplied quickly. And if people kill too many birds, more and more insects will eat the crops.

Luckily, we’ve realized that we shouldn’t kill animals any more. And people are working hard to save those animals that would disappear soon. The government also passed laws to protect the endangered animals. In fact, quite a few countries have passed such laws. These laws forbid the killing of any kind of animal on the endangered list. We should try our best to protect and save the endangered animals.

1.The text calls on us to__________.

A.keep animals at home                    B.protect the environment

C.protect the endangered animals            D.know more about the balance of nature.

2.Why do people kill animals?

A.Animals cause many serious problems.

B.They kill animals for something they need.

C.Animals destroy their natural resources.

D.They kill animals to protect the environment

3.The example that farmers killed hawks shows that__________.

A.there were too many rats and mice

B.hawks are the most important in the nature

C.animals are good food resources

D.every kind of animal is important in nature



The Museum of Childhood is Australia’s most comprehensive collection of childhood items including toys , dolls , infant and school material.

Housed in a modern facility , the displays reflect Australian childhood experience over time including play , child rearing , orphanage childhood , and home , school , and war time experience .

There are many hands –on exhibits and education sessions including the famous ‘lesson’ in the 1920s One Teacher Bush Classroom .

The Museum also hosts national touring exhibitions and conducts special activities on Sundays and school holidays(ring for details ).

Open: Tuesday- Friday 10am – 4pm , Sunday 10am – 4:30 pm , or by arrangement .

Special activities on Sundays as advertise .

Closed: Public holidays ,16 December-18 January .

Location: Edith Cowan University campus , Bay Road , Claremont (take bus 208 and alight at the Bay Road and Princess Road intersection . The Museum is 15 minutes’ walk from Claremont train station )

Tel :(08) 9442 1373 ; Fax ; (08 ) 9442 1314

1.On       you can stay at the Museum until half past four .

A.Wednesday        B.Friday            C.Sunday           D.Monday

2.If you want to attend a special activity , you’d better come on         .

A.Monday           B.Tuesday           C.Saturday          D.Sunday

3.When you come on December 20th , Friday ,you will find the Museum       .

A.closed                                B.holding special activities

C.not closed until 4:00                     D.not closed until 4:30

4.The main purpose of the Museum of Childhood is to         .

A.display toys , dolls , infant and school material

B.reflect Australian childhood experience over time

C.host national touring exhibition

D.tell you the famous ‘lesson’ in the 1920s



Once upon a time there lived an old man in a nice cottage with a large garden. The old man was seen   41  his flowers all the time. They were so well-tended that every passer-by could not but   42  for a glance.

One day a young man went by the garden. He gazed at the splendid garden, lost in admiration at the beauty of the scenery. Then, suddenly he   43  the old gardener was blind.   44  , the young man asked, “Why are you busy tending these flowers every day which you can’t  45  in fact?” The old man smiled and answered that “ I can tell you 46  reasons. First I was a   47  when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, yet I can  48 them. Third,I can smell sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s   49 .

“Me? But you don’t know me,” responded the young man   50  .

“Yeah, it’s   51  that I don’t know you. But I know everyone knows flowers and would never turn them down. I know the beauty of my garden will get many people into a good mood(心情). In the meantime, it also   52  a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

The old man’s  53  astonished me. The blind man grows flowers and serves them as a link of minds so as to make everybody enjoy the sunshine in spring. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

I believe every flower has   54  with which they can see the kindness of the man’s heart. The blind man grows flowers in his heart. Though   55 to see the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it, I suppose.

1.                A.loving          B.watering        C.tending   D.planting


2.                A.stop           B.stay            C.live  D.run


3.                A.realized        B.noticed         C.felt  D.thought


4.                A.Excited         B.Frightened      C.Shocked  D.Satisfied


5.                A.feel           B.see            C.hear D.eat


6.                A.one           B.two            C.three D.four


7.                A.gardener       B.teacher         C.farmer   D.painter


8.                A.taste           B.plant           C.touch    D.appreciate


9.                A.it             B.me            C.them D.you


10.               A.with pleasure    B.in surprise      C.with hope  D.in anger


11.               A.true           B.possible        C.a pity D.a shame


12.               A.introduces      B.offers          C.stands D.leaves


13.               A.words          B.behavior        C.story D.attitudes


14.               A.ears           B.soul           C.eyes  D.heart


15.               A.refusing        B.trying          C.pretending D.failing




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