满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Any car that would ____ these young cust...

Any car that would ____ these young customers has to have three main features, great style, strong performance and a low price.

A.attend to          B.contribute to       C.appeal to          D.add to


C 【解析】 试题分析:考察动词短语辨析。A照顾,照料;B做贡献,投稿;导致;C吸引,呼吁;D增加;句意:如何一个能够吸引年轻顾客的汽车要有三个主要的特点:风格,很好的外貌以及低廉的价格。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考察动词短语辨析

If you are invited to any special occasion such as a wedding or a celebration, you’ll have to be ____ dressed.

A.attractively        B.appropriately       C.conventionally      D.flexibly



You should keep it in mind: Don’t ____ important things too quickly; instead, you should think twice before you go.

A. decide on    B. depend on    C concentrate on    D. focus on



David is the current holder of the 5,000-meter world record, but there is no ____ that he will win in the Olympic Games.

A.insurance         B.promise           C.guarantee         D.outcome



To pull through, the Press is trying to get more readers to _____ its newspapers instead of cutting down expenses.

A.contribute to       B.tend to           C.submit to          D.subscribe to



The government work report covers a variety of issues, and social justice ____.

A.in common        B.in general         C.in particular        D.in practice



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