满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many ESL (English as a Second Language) ...

Many ESL (English as a Second Language) students in the United States enroll in (注册学习) academic preparation programs and are in their late teens or early twenties. This is often a time when students are looking back on childhood in a different way. Their childhood memories and their viewpoint on those memories can be very useful for the production of wonderfully creative writing.

For this project, the students began in class by closing their eyes and trying to return to their childhood years in order to bring early memories to their mind. After imagining for a few minutes, they began to tell each other what they remembered about those years and tried to describe a particular incident that stood out in their memories.

That evening they wrote in their journals about the incident, embellishing (润饰) the story as much as possible. The next day, they read the story to a different partner and got feedback (反馈意见). The partner’s job was to: ask more questions to bring back the writer’s memory; help the writer make sure that past tense verbs were used correctly, focusing on the difference between those things that were still true and needed present tense and those things that belonged specifically to the past. Two days later, students made necessary changes or additions and turned in a typed copy of their story. I then made my own comments about their work and asked them to revise their work. The third draft (稿子) produced some very good work.

1.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to _____.

A.show readers the difficulty he had in his work

B.explain his idea of English learning

C.show readers how ESL students live and study

D. tell readers how he taught his ESL students to write

2.What did the author ask his students to write about?

A.What they saw around them.

B.Their predictions for the future.

C.Their childhood memories.

D.Their opinions of the United States.

3.In what order do the students write their compositions according to the passage?

a. share their writing with their classmates

b. exchange their memories

c. write their stories

d. ask for others’ feedback

e.  make some changes to their compositions and have them typed

f.  corrected by the teacher

g.  recall their stories

A.g-b-c-a-d-e-f                           B.g-c-a-d-b-f-e

C.e-f-b-c-a-g-d                           D.d-e-f-g-a-c-b

4.A partner may help do the following things EXCEPT _____.

A.make the memory more complete

B.find spelling mistakes

C.check the tense of the verbs

D.give some feedback


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要介绍了作者是如何来将非英语母语的学生来学习写作的。 1.主旨题。从最后一段I then made my own comments about their work and asked them to revise their work. The third draft (稿子) produced some very good work.可知,本文主要讲述了作者是教那些母语为非英语的学生如何来写作的事情,故选D 2.细节题。从文章the students began in class by closing their eyes and trying to return to their childhood years in order to bring early memories to their mind. 可知作者同学们写他们童年的记忆,故选C 3.细节题。本题不难,按照文章的段落的顺序及句子的出现先后顺序即可作答,故选A 4.细节题。文章讲到了一个学习伙伴可以帮助使记忆更加完整,可以检查动词时态和可以给出反馈意见,并没有讲到可以检查拼写的错误问题,故选B 考点:教育类说明文

There was once a farmer. His land was hilly and the soil was not the best. He had a cow that wasn’t giving much milk and he had chickens who were laying few eggs. The place looked run-down (破败的) and the barn and fences (篱笆) needed repair. The farmer and his wife felt dejected.

One stormy evening, a poorly-dressed man knocked on their door, asking if he could get shelter for the night. They shared the food that had been prepared, while they talked a great deal about the farm.

When the stranger left the following morning, he thanked the farmer and his wife and pulled a little bag of gold pieces out of his pocket. He said that maybe this would help them. He added that he’d come by next year with hopes of finding a revived farm.

After this, the farmer and his wife often talked about whether they should buy a more promising cow. Other times they considered whether they should buy chickens who laid more eggs. However, every conversation ended with the farmer trusting the farm would improve as he found himself fixing the barn and the fences, caring for the animals, preparing food for themselves and their animals.

The farmer beamed (眉开眼笑) when the stranger did come by again a year later. Everything looked so much better. The stranger asked, “What did you use the gold for?”

The farmer said, “We hid the gold under a kitchen tile (地砖) and, while we often thought of it, we never did think of anything we needed the gold for.”

Then the farmer added thoughtfully, “I do thank you, though, ever so much. You gave us what we really needed to keep going — you lifted our spirits.”

Saying that, the farmer removed the tile and cheerfully returned the gold to the stranger.

1.The underlined word “dejected” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_____”.

A.kind and generous

B.surprised and delighted

C.disappointed and unhappy

D.strong and fearless

2.One year later, the stranger visited the farmer to _____.

A.get his gold pieces back

B.see if the farm had improved

C.get shelter for the night

D.give the farmer more money

3.From the passage, we can conclude that what the farmer really needed was _____.

A.land rich enough to farm on

B.something to keep their spirits up

C.scientific knowledge of agriculture

D.money to improve his farm



From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I  1  a note. Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a  2  moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of 3  for the coming test or sporting event.

In early grade school they  4  their notes. But as children grow older they becomes self-conscious(有自我意识的), and 5  he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer  6  my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to  7  them but I still needed to write them, I 8  until the day he graduated.

Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move  9 for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college,   10  two internship (实习) in Washington, D.C., and   11  , becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento, 12  short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was   13  happy to have Marc back. Since I was  14  making lunch for his younger brother, I    15   one for Marc, too. Imagine my  16  when I got a call from my 24-yere-old son,   17  his lunch.

“Did I do something   18 ? Don’t you love me  19  ,Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I  20  asked him what was wrong.

“My note, Mom,” he answered. “Where’s my note?”

1.                A.carried         B.found          C.included  D.held


2.                A.difficult         B.special         C.comfortable   D.separate


3.                A.congratulation   B.improvement    C.explanation    D.encouragement


4.                A.loved          B.answered       C.wrote    D.examined


5.                A.lately          B.by the way      C.by the time    D.gradually


6.                A.received        B.understood      C.enjoyed  D.collected


7.                A.copy           B.read           C.take D.send


8.                A.held up         B.gave up         C.followed  D.continued


9.                A.out            B.home          C.to college D.to Sacramento


10.               A.organizing      B.planning        C.comparing D.completing


11.               A.hopefully       B.finally          C.particularly D.certainly


12.               A.Because of      B.Instead of       C.Except for D.As for


13.               A.especially       B.immediately     C.equally    D.generally


14.               A.once          B.again          C.still   D.even


15.               A.packed         B.fetched        C.bought    D.filled


16.               A.fear           B.surprise        C.anger D.disappointment


17.               A.waiting for      B.worrying about   C.caring for  D.asking about


18.               A.wrong         B.funny          C.strange    D.smart


19.               A.any more       B.enough         C.once more D.better


20.               A.interestingly     B.bitterly         C.politely    D.laughingly




—Excuse me, can you tell me where the Sleeping Beauty Castle is?


A.It’s located on that small island

B.It’s one of the best ancient buildings

C.It’s probably one of the most fantastic buildings in the world

D.It’s famous for its beautiful roof



Colorful fireworks added ______ the attraction of the night of National Day.

A.to               B.on               C.up to             D.up



We all know that the painting, named Racing Horse, is a(n) ______ example of Xu Beihong’s style.

A.traditional         B.artificial           C.typical            D.unique



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