满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Over the last ten years, technology has ...

Over the last ten years, technology has been constantly improving. Learning languages outside classes has__36__from using sets of tapes or CDs to much more creative and interesting __37__.This is largely due to the ever __38__Internet. There are now hundreds of __39__that will help you learn a language, some are better than others; some charge and some are __40__. Below are some of the free-of-charge websites that I recommend (推荐) to __41__ you learn a language.

Busuu is like Facebook for language learners. __42__of this website span (跨越) across the globe. It works by giving you exercises to __43__; these exercises can be grammar, __44__, or reading comprehension. The more exercises you complete, the more your “Language Garden” __45__. Written exercises are corrected by native speaker of the language you are learning. You can also help students of your language by __46__ their work.

MyHappyPlanet is an online community for people __47__ in learning a language in __48__ for teaching their own language. For example, you help someone in Barcelona with their Chinese __49__they help you with your Spanish. With Myhappyplanet, you can practice speaking with a __50__speaker, learn more about other cultures, and make friends with people __51__in the world.                      

BBC languages is probably one of the most __52__ways to learn a language online, and it’s great for beginners .The lessons are in the __53__of a TV series shot in your target language. It’s like watching your favorite show and __54__at the same time. They also help you to have a better understanding __55__ the culture of the country

1.                A.settled         B.continued       C.changed  D.started


2.                A.points          B.ideas           C.designs   D.methods


3.                A.improving       B.falling          C.requiring D.working


4.                A.books          B.websites        C.programs D.tapes


5.                A.cheap          B.expensive       C.free D.spare


6.                A.help           B.expect         C.hope D.advise


7.                A.Managers       B.Members       C.Employees D.Employers


8.                A.compete        B.report          C.teach D.complete


9.                A.structure       B.English         C.vocabulary    D.knowledge


10.               A.closes          B.grows          C.ends  D.rises


11.               A.showing        B.measuring      C.praising   D.correcting


12.               A.interested      B.shocked        C.disappointed   D.surprised


13.               A.balance        B.exchange       C.preparation    D.search


14.               A.but            B.while          C.since D.unless


15.               A.strange         B.foreign         C.fluent D.native


16.               A.anybody        B.somewhere     C.anywhere  D.somebody


17.               A.serious         B.difficult         C.boring D.relaxing


18.               A.fashion         B.form           C.shape D.figure


19.               A.learning        B.living          C.guessing   D.thinking.


20.               A.on            B.to             C.for   D.of



1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是现在课堂以外不同的学习语言的方法,主要是通过网络社区等不同的媒介进行学习,如Busuu,MyHappyPlanet和BBC languages。 1.C 动词辨析。A解决B继续C改变D开始;在课堂之外的英语学习已经从听磁带改变到很多其他的方法。 2.D 名词辨析。A意义B观点C设计D方法;本句讨论的是英语学习方法的变化。 3.A 动词辨析。A进步B下降C要求D工作;这里是指英语学习方法的变化主要是由于不断进步的网络。 4.B 上下文串联。根据下文41空前的website说明讨论的是一些学习英语的网站。 5.C 上下文串联。本题前面的some charge,说明有些网站是收费的,有些网站是免费的。 6.A 动词辨析。A帮助B期待C希望D建议;下面是我推荐来帮助别人学习英语的一些网站。 7.B 名词辨析。A管理人员B成员C雇员D雇主;指网站的成员来自世界各地,各国的人都有。 8.D 动词辨析。A竞争B报告C教育D完成;这些网站主要是通过给你练习来完成起作用的。 9.C 名词辨析。A结构B英语C词汇D知识;这些练习可以是语法,词汇或者阅读理解。 10.B 动词辨析。A关闭B成长C结束D上升;你完成的练习越多,你的语言花园就生长地越好。 11.D 动词辨析。A展示B衡量C表扬D纠正;你还可以通过纠正学习你的母语的学生的错误来帮助他们。 12.A 形容词辨析。A感兴趣B震惊C失望D惊讶;MyHappyPlanet是一个对那些希望通过交换学习来学习语言感兴趣的人设立的语言社区。 13.B 固定搭配。In exchange for…交换…;指在这个社区里,各个成员相互交换着学习各自的语言。 14.B 连词辨析。你可以帮助一个西班牙人学中文,同时他也可以帮助你学习西班牙语。While同时。 15.D 上下文串联。通过上文描述,可知在With Myhappyplanet我们可以和很多讲自己母语的人进行交流学习,通过这样的方法来学习语言。 16.C 词义辨析。A任何人B某地C任何地方D某人;我们可以和来自世界各地的人交朋友。 17.D 形容词辨析。A认真的B困难的C乏味的D放松的;这是一种在看电视的同时学习英语,说明这是一个很放松的学习语言的方法。 18.B 固定搭配。In the form of…以…形式;这些课是以一种电视连续剧的形成出现的。 19.A 动词辨析。A学习B生活C猜想D思考;这种方法就像是在看电视,同时也在学习。 20.D 固定搭配。Have an understanding of…理解…;他们也帮助你对那个国家的文化有所理解。 考点:考察教育类短文

I suggest that we ____ to the theater tomorrow, and I hope you can take my advice..

A.to go                                 B.will go

C.go                                   D.can go



Before ___ a loan ____, calculate (核算) your monthly costs.

A.taking; off                             B.taking; away

C.taking; out                             D.taking; over



Diets are most effective when _____ with exercise.

A.combined         B.converted         C.contained         D.claimed



Research _____ that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

A.contrasts          B.indicates          C.highlight          D.reveal



His work _____ have been completed; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself on the beach.

A.should            B.shouldn’t        C.can’t            D.must



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