满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We had _________ great fun at the charit...

We had _________ great fun at the charity party yesterday. I have never had _________ more exciting experience.

A.a, /              B./, a               C./, the             D.the, a


B 【解析】 试题分析:考察冠词。第一空后的名词fun是一个不可数名词,同时也是抽象名词,要单独使用,不要冠词。第二空后的名词experience在本句中表示经历,是一个可数名词,前面用a泛指一次令人兴奋的经历。句意:在昨天的慈善聚会上我们玩得很开心,我从未有过比这更令人兴奋的经历。故B正确。 考点:考察冠词










注意:1. 词数:120词左右;开头和结尾已给出,该部分不计入总词数。

2. 涵盖所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当增加细节。

Dear Li Fang,

I’m writing to you to share my opinions with you on studying abroad.









单句改错(共5小题,每小题1分,共 5分。每句只能改一处,在原句中直接改正)

1.Air hostesses all smile when they serve for the passengers.

2.No one matches him when it comes to swim.

3.A poor nourished body needs more energy to combat disease.

4.Foreigners always associate China to the Great Wall.

5.Not until then he realize the importance of the problem.



根据汉语提示完成句子(共5小题; 每空1分,满分10分)


When you _____a house, you pay a _____fee.


_____is a very important factor in deciding what kind of home you will be able to_____.


There is not only a _____ price tag but also a _____one.


Eating the right foods each day helps your body __________ functions.


Your clothing tells others about your _____and your_____.



根据首字母及汉语提示拼写单词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1.Sheep p_____ us with wool.

2.With his classmates ,he felt a sense of b_____.

3.It was his carelessness that r_____ in the accident.

4.I m_____ to help him; unexpectedly I have brought him trouble.

5.The bus driver is r_____for the passengers’ safety.

6.You had to be ready for any _____ (紧急事件).

7.The_____ (有经验的) teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work.

8.He is such an_____ (高效的)English learner that he often gets the highest mark in each exam.

9._____ (冒险)is the salt of life to some people.

10.Please tell me some opinions on_____ (多样的)social problems.



A friend of mine was in low spirits one day. He usually dealt with this state of mind by avoiding people until the mood passed. But on that day Fred had an important meeting with his boss, so he decided to put on a false front. During the meeting Fred smiled, joked and played the part of a happy, good-natured person. To his surprise, he soon discovered he was no longer depressed. 

Without realizing it, Fred chanced to find an important new principle of psychological research: acting a part can help us feel the way we want to feel — more self-assured in a trying situation, more cheerful when things go wrong.

How can you put this principle to work in your own life? There’s more involved than simply mimicking a few expressions. You have to be systematic about it. Here’s how:

Smile to cheer yourself up.

Relax to reduce anxiety or fear.

Look your best to increase your self-confidence.

Keep cool in a crisis.

Using our bodies and actions to change the way we feel can be a useful tool in helping us through life’s difficult times. As novelist George Eliot wrote more than a century ago, “Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.” People who remember that — and act upon it — can only be richer and happier for the experience.

1.In paragraph 1 the underlined phrase “to put on a false front” means ______.

A.to wear a wrong coat

B.to act a part unsuccessfully

C.to show a pretended happy appearance

D.to put on airs

2.According to Paragraph 1, Fred ______before the meeting.

A.had very few spirits

B.had many spirits

C.was in bad mood

D.was in good mood

3.The underlined phrase mimicking in Paragraph 3 most probably means ______.

A.learning quickly

B.making faces

C.behaving well

D.imitating others

4.In the last paragraph, the quotation “Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds” may show that ______.

A.actions speak louder than words

B.the more we do, the happier we are

C.our feeling cannot change our behavior

D.actions are very important for us to beat bad moods for good



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