满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

写作(满分30分) 按下列内容提示,写一篇题目为“人人需要朋友”的短文。 人人需...




注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 120字左右。


不唯一 Possible version: Everyone Needs Friends Everyone needs friends. For example, when you get mad about something, you need your friends to calm you down; when you feel upset, you expect them to comfort you; When you have difficulties, friends will come to help you out. Believe it or not, friends or friendship plays an important part in your life. Without it, you would feel very lonely. How can you make close friends? Firstly, you must be friendly and honest; secondly, you must be concerned about others and willing to help those who are in trouble. Thirdly, you must be excited about your friends’ progress. If you follow the advice above, you’ll surely get along well with others and have many friends. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,首先要认真阅读题目。按下列内容提示,写一篇题目为“人人需要朋友”的短文。人人需要朋友。当你太狂热时,需要人帮助你冷静;太伤心时需要人安慰;有困难时,需要人帮忙,等等。朋友在日常生活中起到十分重要的作用。怎样才能找到更好的朋友呢?请谈谈你的看法和建议,可知需要用第二人称来写,且需要用一般现在时。需要写的内容已经给出,但是写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文,一定要谈谈自己的看法和建议。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。同时注意题目要求120字左右,写的字数不要太多,也不能太少。 考点:提纲类作文


1.I wanted to have a word with her, but she i___________ me and went away.

2.As far as I am c________________ ,I don’t agree with what you said.

3.Children should spend more time taking exercise o______________ and less time watching TV at home.

4.The old man went through many difficulties and s_______________ a lot from them.

5.We g______________ get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night.

6.__________ ___________ ____________ (为了) improve his English he joined an English club.

7.It took her a long time to ____________ ____________(恢复) her heart operation.

8.______________ ______________ (因为)missing the last bus, we had to walk home.

9.Believe it or not, friends ___________ an important ___________ ___________ our life.(起……的作用)



There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at the announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put small signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide. Such services include caring for children or cleaning houses.

Or, job searchers can look in the newspaper. Local newspapers have employment announcements placed by companies seeking workers.

Another popular tool for finding jobs is the Internet. For example, people in four hundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craigslist Web site to buy objects, meet people or find a job. Craigslist says that it receives two million new job listings each month.

Another useful way to find a job is through a college or a university. For example, students at the University of Texas in Austin can go to the Career Exploration Centre to get help in finding a job. Of course, looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called “What Color is Your Parachute(降落伞)?”by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career since it was published in nineteen seventy.

Some experts also help people find jobs. Susan W. Miller owns a company called California Career Services in Los Angeles. She says her company helps people find jobs by first helping them understand their strengths, goals and interests. Then she provides them with methods and resources to help them find the right job.

1.What is the passage mainly about? __________

A.Finding a job                           B.College students’ part-time jobs

C.Craigslist Web site                       D.The relation between study and work

2.By logging on the Craigslist Web site, you can _________ .

A.sell your old things                      B.do some shopping online

C.create your own announcement board       D.get useful information about 450 cities

3.“What Color is Your Parachute(降落伞)?”is a book giving tips to those who want to ________ .

A.work on the plane   B.buy a parachute     C.publish a book      D.find a suitable job

4.It can be learned from the passage that _______ .

A. companies often put job information in local shops.

B. the Internet is the most popular tool for job hunters in the USA.

C. Susan W. Miller’s company is helping people choose careers

D. California Career Services mainly serves university students.

5.How many ways of finding jobs are mentioned in the passage?

A.Three            B.Four             C.Five              D.Six



The other day I heard a few local musicians talking:

“ I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They can’t even understand a bit of music.”

“ I’m never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us.”

But a younger musician said, “There are a few clubs that book my band a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also looking to book a few summer festivals this year.”

I’ve heard that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.

Attitudes are important. Whether they are positive(积极的) or negative (消极的),they are rubbing off on you. If you are around people who complain about lack of work and about other musicians, or blame others, and you play the role of victim(受害者) , chances are you will start as well. So it’s time to take a look at the people you call “friends”.

This is an easy exercise: make a list of the people who you hand out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard.

Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it. Ask if they will help you get the work you’re looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career(职业) path.”

1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.A friend in need is a friend indeed

B.How to make friendship last for ever

C.You are who your friends are

D.Friends are the most important in one’s success

2.The underlined sentence “ rubbing off on you” means ________ .

A.They’ll push you ahead                  B.They will influence(影响) you

C.They’ll cover your shortcomings           D.They will help you achieve your goal

3.The musicians’ words at the beginning are written mainly to show _______ .

A.the musician’s living conditions are quite poor

B.People have poor taste in music

C.People have different attitudes towards the same thing.

D.Young people have greater chances of succeeding

4.By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7 , you can _______ .

A.improve a lot in making more friends

B.come to the right way of making friends

C.develop a better friendship with your friends

D.arrange the time with your friends properly

5.The passage is mainly written for ________ .

A.musicians         B.managers          C.negative people    D.people wanting to succeed



How do you get a man to do his share of the housework? If you are like most women, you’ve faced this question the hard way.

A man will enjoy a clean, orderly house, but he usually won’t make the effort to clean or organize it. This doesn’t mean that a woman has to do all the housework; she may have to manage many of the household duties, and request her partner’s joining. A woman can often say that men and women should take equal responsibility for housework.

Very few men are raised to be fully responsible for housework, and many men look on housework as women’s work. On the other hand, most men will readily work around the yard, make repairs and complete projects on weekends or evenings, and it’s important that you give your man appreciation(欣赏) for those things, too. Most men will take on a little housework around the house if asked politely. They are even more likely to do housework if they can choose what they want to do , and do it without being monitored(监视).

Here is the key: men want to feel that they are doing housework either because they want to do a task, or they simply want to please their women. Men are less likely to take on household tasks they consider uninteresting and unimportant. In other words, men are likely to do a housework task just for the good of the house.

1.The passage is mainly about how to ________.

A.get men to do some housework            B.get men to serve their families

C.praise men’s housework                 D.get men to do all the housework

2.According to a passage, a man _______ .

A.is willing to do housework

B.likes to be told to do housework

C.is taught to be responsible for housework from childhood

D.likes a clean house but doesn’t make effort to clean it.

3.In order to get men to do housework, women should often ________ .

A.order them to do their share              B.ask them to do some housework politely

C.blame men’s laziness                   D.monitor men’s work

4.According to the passage, the underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that men won’t __________ .

A. work without any payment               B.do unimportant housework tasks

C.do housework with women’s praises       D.please their wives

5.According to the passage, which of the following would a husband most probably like to ?

A.Cleaning the table                       B.Doing some washing

C.Painting the fence                       D.Asking his wife to work on the yard.



More and more people think it necessary to study in an English-speaking country and it didn’t take long at all for me to decide to come and study in UK.

Having been in the school for 2 months, I’m getting used to school life, and I am starting to make the most of my time in here. School starts at 9 o’clock every morning, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have long days, in which we have 9 lessons and school finishes at 4 o’clock. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays we have short days, in which we have only 6 lessons and finish at 1 o’clock. After lessons, we have two hours of activity time, when you can choose from a wide range of activities, including all the major sports, such as rugby and football, and also the minor sports such as basketball and tennis.

As a boarder( 寄宿者),the quality of food is something I consider very important, and Merchiston has not let me down. The school kitchens are run by a professional food company, and the quality of food is very excellent and also they take the healthy diet very seriously: I remember once I was once asked to take more salad for my meal by a member of the kitchen staff(员工) for I didn’t have enough vegetables. This brings another point of being a boarder: you need to learn how to look after yourself and be responsible(负责) for yourself. One of the huge advantages of being a boarder is that we can have breakfast in the school, which means we don’t have to pull ourselves out of bed as early as the day pupils!

1.The passage mainly tells us about _______.

A.the author’s school life in the UK as a boarder.

B.the author’s opinion of the school life in the UK.

C.the differences in school life between China and UK.

D.the boarder life in a Britain middle school.

2.According to the second paragraph, we can learn that the author _________ .

A.has not enough time to study              B.likes to play tennis and basketball

C.went to the school two months ago          D.finishes school at 4 o’clock

3.How many lessons do the students have every week in this school?

A.15               B.45               C.27               D.18

4.The underlined words “let me down” in the last paragraph means _______.

A.made me disappointed                   B.made me pleased   C.encouraged me  D.amazed me

5.As a boarder in the school, the author ___________ .

A.is not used to the food there               B.has learned to have healthy diets

C.is specially taken good care of              D.sleep as much as the day pupils



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