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根据汉语意思完成句子 (每空1分, 共15空, 满分15分) 1.作为回报,在我...

根据汉语意思完成句子 (每空1分, 共15空, 满分15分)


_______ _________, he sent me a watch as a gift on my birthday.


______ _____ _____ _____, he is growing more mature.


He got up late.  ________  __________ he was late for school.


________ ______ ______ ______ his teacher, he has made great progress in English.


My goal is to provide humans with a life ______ ____________ _________.


1.In return  2.As time goes by/With time going by    3.It’s/That’s why  4. With the help of   5.of high/good quality 【解析】 试题分析: 1.In return  固定搭配in return作为回报;如果需要接宾语,要使用in return for…作为…的回报。 2. As time goes by/With time going by    本句考察“随着”;可以使用as接句子,或者with后面接复合结构。 3.It’s/That’s why  本句考察的是表语从句。要注意why引导的从句内容表示的是结果,而because引导的从句表示的是原因。 4. With the help of   考察固定搭配with the help of在…的帮助下。句中的help等于aid或者asist。 5.of high/good quality 固定搭配of high quality高质量。要注意:“of+名词”=该名词构成的形容词。 考点:词汇、语法、句式考查题

课文完型填空 (每题1分,共10题, 满分10分)

My name is Elias. I am a poor black worker in South Africa. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was ___91___very difficult period of my life. I was twelve years old. It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice. He offered guidance to poor black people on their ____92___ problems. He was generous with his time, ___93___which I was grateful.

I needed his help because I had very ___94___education. I began school at six. The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away. I had to leave because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare. I could not read ___95___ write well. After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. ____96____, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. ____97____, I did not have one because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I would become out of work..

The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest. He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. I became more hopeful about my future. I never forgot how kind Mandela was. When he organized the ANC Youth League, I _____98_____ it as soon as I could. He said:

“The last thirty years have ____99___the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage ____100_____ we have almost no right at all.”

1.                A.a              B.an             C.the  D.\


2.                A.personal        B.private         C.social D.legal


3.                A.to             B.for            C.in   D.about


4.                A.few            B.many           C.much D.little


5.                A.and            B.but            C.or   D.neither


6.                A.So             B.But            C.However  D.And


7.                A.Generally       B.Sadly           C.Luckily   D.Unluckily


8.                A.took part in      B.join in          C.join  D.attend


9.                A.seen           B.looked at        C.watched  D.observed


10.               A.when          B.where         C.which D.that




选择下列词语的适当形式填空 (每题1分,共10题, 满分10分)

as a matter of fact   turn to   think highly of   sep up   deal with   burst into laughter    as a result   come into being   in relief   in a way

1.Do you know when the earth ____________________.

2.After we heard his funny story, we all __________________________.

3.She says she is all right now, which makes me happy ______________.

4.I don’t know how to _____________ the problem .

5.___________, he is right in saying so.

6.He didn't work hard. _____________, he failed his exam.

7.The boss considers Mr Wang as the most able (能干的) member of the team and _____________ him.

8.When she was in difficulty, she didn't know whom to ___________for advice.



单词拼写 (每题1分,共10题, 满分10分)

1.The change in climate may __________(影响) your health.

2.It is reported that only two people _______(幸存)the accident at last.

3.The ship _______(下沉)to the bottom of the sea after hitting an iceberg.

4.You've been working all morning---you __________(应得) a rest

5.He is good at ______(解决) this kind of problem.

6.The textbook c________ 10 units, including a mainly revision.

7.Our constitution (宪法)says that all men are e __________.

8.I would a________ it if you could help me with my English.

9.The teacher decided to d________ all his life to education.

10.In my o_________, I don’t agree with your plan.



The Internet is not perfect. There are many problems with it. The Internet is not organized. There is no one in charge of the Internet. It is sometimes difficult to find what you are looking for. It is also easy to get the wrong information on the “Net”. Some businessmen cheat people on the Internet. Internet thieves can steal credit card numbers. Some advertisers send spam to e-mail boxes. E-mail boxes are often filled with these unwanted advertisements. Illegal(不合法的) businesses can operate on the Internet. These businesses sell X-rated materials, cigarettes and alcohol to teenagers.

The Internet has websites with information about making bombs, breaking the law and terrorism. Criminals(罪犯) can fool people, especially children, in chat rooms. They can spread poisonous(有毒的) information and attack new members.

The Internet is the greatest advance in communication since human appeared. But it can also be like a dark road in a dangerous part of town. Parents need to set parental controls on their children when they use the Internet. This will keep some of the bad material away from their children. The Internet can be dangerous to computers, too. Some people who have bad intentions enjoy causing problems for other people they don’t even know. They create computer viruses(病毒). A computer can get virus by downloading a program that has a virus in it. Some virus come by e-mail.

A virus can destroy the data a person has saved in computer files. A virus can cause a computer to crash(崩溃). A virus can also reproduce(复制) itself! It can send copies of itself to everyone on a person’s e-mail address list. Then these people’s will have the same problems and can’t work normally!

1.The underlined word “spam” in the third paragraph means ___________

A.letters                                B.products

C.useless information                      D.poisonous information

2.Why can illegal businesses operate on the Internet?

A.Because there is no one in charge of the Internet.

B.Because some people like to buy banned products on the Internet.

C.Because X-rated materials, cigarettes, alcohol and so on can be sold well on the Internet.

D.Because people who operate businesses on the Internet are criminals.

3.Parental controls are needed when children use the Internet because________

A.children can’t use the computers well

B.children may damage the computers

C.the Internet is always unsafe for the children

D.poisonous information may have a bad effect on children

4.The harm of a computer virus is that___________

A.it can change the saved data in computer

B.it can reproduce the computer

C.it can make the computer operate ill

D.it can destroy the saved files and the computer itself

5.We can infer from the passage that the key to solving the problems with the Internet is____________

A.to improve the computers                B.to improve people’s moral (道德)level

C.to order people not to use the Internet       D.to find a medicine to kill computer viruses








3.中国在联合国(the UN)中起着重要作用。




5.我们应该充分利用每次机会来练习英语口语(spoken English).




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