满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His health is improving day by day. It i...

His health is improving day by day. It is quite ______ that the medicine has a good effect on his disease.

A.strange           B.apparent          C.complex          D.uncertain


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查形容词:A. strange 奇怪的B. apparent明显的C. complex复杂的D. uncertain不确定的,句意:他的健康一天天好转,很明显这个药对他的病有作用了。选B。 考点:考查形容词

-- You seem to be burning yourself out with so much work!

-- ______. I'm dying for a thorough rest and a good workout.

A.Generally         B.Actually           C.Typically          D.Exactly



The policemen ______ the house again and again, and finally found the evidence.

A.got through        B.picked up         C.went over         D.turned over



Nobody but doctors, nurses or those ______ by Dr. Hu ______ to enter the patient's room.

A.invited; are allowed                     B.are invited; are allowed

C.are invited; is allowed                    D.invited; is allowed



 -- Peter, set down the result of the experiment, ______?

-- Oh, yes, but I need to find my pen first.

A.will you           B.shall you          C.don't you          D.do you



For quite ______ students, their teacher's advice is more important than ______ of their parents.

A.few; one          B.a few; that         C.few; some         D.a few; those



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