满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’ve always Deng Xiaoping for his courag...

I’ve always      Deng Xiaoping for his courage' and degeneration to push China forward

A.looked down on                   B.looked up to

C.looked around for                 D.looked forward to


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语:A.looked down on瞧不起,B.looked up to尊敬,C.looked around for四处寻找,D.looked forward to渴望,句意:我总是尊敬邓小平为他推动中国前进的勇气和改革。 考点:考查动词短语

Do you know that the meeting _      this afternoon has been put         till next week?

A.to be held; off           B.to be held; forward

C.held; off                     D.held; forward



---You didn’t lock the back door.

一You are wrong.I          .

A.have locked it     B.lock it myself   C.did lock it           D.do lock it



Companies in Zhongguancun all have their own characteristics, but they all share      spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun         success.

A.the; a B.不填; a              C.the;不填            D.a;a



Who do you think will _______ since the president has resigned?

A.take over         B.take up           C.take in            D.take off



--How was your weekend, Rose?

--Awful! This was the first time I ________ alone at home, bored to death.

A.had left           B.had been left       C.have been left      D.have been leaving



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