满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---Learning a language isn’t easy. It ta...

---Learning a language isn’t easy. It takes time.

--- I agree.           . There's no short cut.

A.All roads lead to Rome                     B.Rome wasn't built in a day

C.Practice makes perfect             D.Slow but sure wins the race


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查谚语:A.All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马,B.Rome wasn't built in a day罗马非一日建成, C.Practice makes perfect熟能生巧,D.Slow but sure wins the race稳扎稳打,句意:--学习语言不容易,是需要时间的。---我同意。罗马非一日建成,没有捷径。选B。 考点:考查谚语

“I      her a long time ago,” he doubted, “She doesn’t look at all familiar.”

A.might have met              B.should have met

C.might meet            D.should meet



This is the third book that he has written in the past five years, the first of       I really enjoyed.

A.which B.that    C.those        D.them



I’ve always      Deng Xiaoping for his courage' and degeneration to push China forward

A.looked down on                   B.looked up to

C.looked around for                 D.looked forward to



Do you know that the meeting _      this afternoon has been put         till next week?

A.to be held; off           B.to be held; forward

C.held; off                     D.held; forward



---You didn’t lock the back door.

一You are wrong.I          .

A.have locked it     B.lock it myself   C.did lock it           D.do lock it



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