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Next time a customer comes to your offic...

Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee. And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions—those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A. Bargh.

Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable. Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies’ conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness. Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle. Harlow’s work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.

Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.

To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the study’s hypotheses(假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form. The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.

“We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.

1.The author mentions Harlow’s experiment to show that ________.

A. babies need warm physical contact

B. caregivers should be healthy adults

C. adults should develop social skills

D. monkeys have social relationships

2.In Bargh’s experiment, the students were asked to ________.

A. write down their hypotheses

B. evaluate someone’s personality

C. fill out a personal information form

D. hold coffee and cold drink alternatively

3.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. abstract thinking does not come from physical experiences

B. feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwide

C. physical temperature affects how we see others

D. capable persons are often cold to others

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Drinking for Better Social Relationships.

B. Developing Better Drinking Habits.

C. Experiments of Personality Evaluation.

D. Physical Sensations and Emotions.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:文章介绍最近的心理学的一项研究发现,人们对“温暖”或者“寒冷”的感受可以改变人们的情感。 1.细节理解题。在试验中,猴子喜欢去靠近布制的“妈妈”而不喜欢“金属线”做的“妈妈”。这使心理学家们强调养育者应该让孩子们多接触一些令人感觉温暖的东西,以帮助孩子们成长为有正常社交技能的健康的成年人,故 A项正确。 2.细节理解题。由文中倒数第二段中的“After that,the students were asked torate the personality of‘Person A’based on a particular description.”在试验中,学生被要求评价某人的性格。 可知答案选B 3.推理判断题。全文都在论述人们对“温暖”或“寒冷”的感觉可以影响人们对事物的评价。因此,物理温度会影响我们看待他人的方式。因此选C。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍的是人们对物理温度的感觉对人们情绪的影响,D项概括性比较强。 答案 D 考点:考查科普类短文

People diet to look more attractive.Fish diet to avoid being beaten up,thrown out of their social group,and getting eaten as a result.That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.

  The research team have discovered that subordinate(低一等的) fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger competitors."In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals,a male and female,had breeding(繁殖)rights within the group," explains Marian Wong."All other group members are nonbreeding females,each being 5-10% smaller than its next largest competitor.We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation."

  The reason for the size difference was easy to see.Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor,it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group.More often than not,the evicted fish is then eaten up.

  It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish.Whether they did so voluntarily,by restraining how much they ate,was not clear.The research team decided to do an experiment.They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened.To their surprise,the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered,clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights,over having a feast.

  The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group.Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves,so keeping their competitors small.

  While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious,Dr.Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understand how hierarchical(等级的)societies remain stable.

  The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to humans."As yet,we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature," the researchers comment."Data on human dieting suggests that,while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness,rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females' own ideal."

1.When a goby grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor,it _________.

A.leaves the group itself         B.has breeding rights

C.eats its competitor       D.faces danger

2.The underlined words "the evicted fish" in Paragraph 3 refer to _________.

A.the fish beaten up      B.the fish driven away

C.the fish found out        D.the fish fattened up

3.The experiment showed that the smaller fish _________.

A.fought over a feast     B.preferred some extra food

C.challenged the boss fish      D.went on diet willingly

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Fish dieting and human dieting.         B.Dieting and health.

C.Human dieting.          D.Fish dieting.



You must have heard these words like how happy it is to be a child. But would you  16  change places with a child? Think of the years at school: the years  17  living in constant fear of examinations and school  18 . Every movement you make, every thought you think is  19  by some adults. Think of the  20  you had to go to bed early, you had to eat  21  thing that was supposed to be good for you. Remember  22  “gentle” pressure was given to you with words like “If you don’t do as I say, I will…”. I’m sure you will never forget!

 23  these are only part of child’s  24 . No matter how kind and loving parents may be, children often  25  from some terrible and illogical  26  since they can’t understand the world around them. They often have such fears in the dark or in the dream. Adults can  27  their fears with other adults  28  children have to face their fears alone.

But the most  29  part of childhood is a period when you  30  to go out of it, the period when you go into adolescence(youth).Teenagers start to be  31  their parents and this causes them great  32 . There is a complete lack of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents pay much attention to their  33  and the impression they make on others.They  feel shy, awkward and clumsy(笨拙的). Feelings are strong and hearts  34  broken. Teenagers  35  moments of great happiness or black despair. And through this period, adults seem to be more unkind than ever.

1.A.willing    B.unhappily          C.friendly             D.honestly

2.A.spent      B.taken         C.had  D.devoted

3.A.results            B.exercises           C.reports      D.teachers

4.A.observed        B.seen           C.known       D.watched

5.A.years      B.times         C.evenings           D.days

6.A.helpful  B.harmful             C.hateful       D.delicious

7.A.what       B.why   C.that  D.how

8.A.Though            B.Even so      C.But    D.Therefore

9.A.difficulties  B.life         C.trouble      D.fears

10.A.gain      B.suffer         C.receive      D.get

11.A.troubles        B.fears          C.diseases    D.worries

12.A.enjoy  B.deliver       C.share         D.break

13.A.while    B.when         C.so      D.however

14.A.exciting         B.interesting     C.painful       D.forgettable

15.A.have     B.need          C.remember               D.begin

16.A.dislike           B.be against      C.cheat         D.be for

17.A.unhappiness  B.interests       C.happiness               D.determination

18.A.confidence            B.patience           C.appearance       D.action

19.A.really  B.truly           C.naturally           D.easily

20.A.pass      B.experience        C.face            D.take



If I         long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor,       those AIDS patients.

A.had lived; helping               B.should live; help     

C.were to live; helping            D.should have lived; help   



Once          a difficult and even dangerous place , Vietnam is now a friendly detestation that welcomes visitors from all over the world        .

A.considered; visiting    B.considered; to visit

C.considering; visiting   D.considering; to visit



There are no easy answers to questions brought to us by the rapidly changing world,        we can try to turn challenges into opportunities.

A.so       B.but                 C.for                D.then



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