满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Everyone would like to see the plan carr...

Everyone would like to see the plan carried out the manager thought of _____ the present situation.

A.solving             B.being solved     C.to solve           D.to be solved


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:每一个人都想看见被那个经理想出的的解决目前的形势的计划执行。the manager thought of是作定语,来修饰先行词plan,to solve表示目的状语,这里solve与the manager之间是主动关系。故选C。 考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。

---What about ____ passage?

---It's too difficult ____ passage for me.

A.a, a           B.a, the         C.the, a        D.the, the



Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise.  ________,our minds are developed by learning.

A. Probably      B. Likely   C. Similarly     D. Generally



— Let's have a game of tennis; the loser has to treat the other to a hot dog.


A. I'm afraid so                B. It's a deal

C. You've got a point     D. My treat




1.  早起锻炼可使身体健康、强壮。

2.  早起朗读,有助于记住学过的的东西。

3.  可为一天的活动做好准备,有充足的时间洗漱、吃早餐。坚持早起对培养性格也很有用。

词汇:记住: memorize  培养性格:character-training

坚持:stick to     刷牙:brush our teeth


Getting up early is a good habit。                                             

















Most Americans have a city they like best. Over the years, American songwriters have described these feelings in music. More songs have been written about America's biggest city, New York, than about any other city. Many others dream about leaving their small towns to go there. They want to become rich and famous. Frank Sinatra sings about this dream in the most popular song written about New York. 

    Almost three-million people live in the middle western city of Chicago, Illinois. It is now America's third largest city. It used to be the second largest city. So, of course, it needed its own song. Judy Garland sings the song, "Chicago, Chicago. "

     One of America's most exciting cities is Las Vegas, Nevada. In nineteen-sixty-four, Elvis Presley starred in a movie called "Viva Las Vegas." Here is the song from that movie. It is sung by the group Z-Z Top.

As we all know, one of the most beautiful cities in America is San Francisco, California. The most popular song about the city is called "I Left My Heart in San Francisco." Tony Bennett recorded it in nineteen-sixty-two. It sold more than three-million records.

Many people love Los Angeles, California. It is now America's second largest city. Los Angeles is popular because the weather is warm and the sun shines almost all the time. Randy Newman sings about his feelings for the city in the song, "I Love L.A." Not everyone, however, loves Los Angeles. Some people do not like all the big roads around the city. They like living in a smaller place. A place like San Jose, California. Dionne Warwick sings about going back to this city. The song is, "Do You Know The Way To San Jose."

Songs about American Cities



1.__________    Features                       Songs                              Songwriters/ Band

         New York  America's biggest city        A song about New York     


Illinois       Chicago,   

3. America's ____________ city        "Chicago, Chicago"             Judy Garland





5._________      America's second largest city                              6._________            Randy Newman


San Francisco   


7.___________        "I Left My Heart in San Francisco."    





small          "Do You Know The Way To San Jose  

Dionne Warwick



Las Vegas 

exciting    A song from "Viva Las Vegas."   

10. the group ___________




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