满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mrs. Smith has _________ all the shampoo...

Mrs. Smith has _________ all the shampoo, so she’ll have to buy some more.

A. run out           B. used up         C. given out       D. sped up


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. run out用完(不及物)B. used up用完(及物)C. given out用完(不及物)D. sped up加速,句意:斯密斯太太用完了所有的洗发水,所以她要去再买一些。因为有宾语,所以用及物动词短语use up,选B。 考点:考查词组辨析

—Did your dad fix the brakes on the BMW himself?

—He        , because he doesn’t know much about cars.

A. has it fixed        B. had fixed it     C. fixed it           D. had it fixed



Seeing the world-famous actor standing in front of them, the fans _________ a cry of joy and surprise.

A. left out                    B. let out                    C. cut out                          D. spoke out



It was believed that the film “So Young”, once __________ , would be very popular with the fans of the director—ZhaoWei.

A. being produced     B. producing     C. to produce        D. produced



–-I don’t like this kind of music.

--- __________ . It’s too noisy.

A. Nor do I         B. Neither am I     C. Nor I do.        D. Neither I am



XiJinping is the first Chinese president _________ the Caribbean country since the two nations established diplomatic ties(建交)in 1974.

A. visited           B. visit           C. to visit          D. to be visiting



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