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Take care! Accidents _________ happen al...

Take care! Accidents _________ happen along this part of the road.

A. will           B. would           C. must             D. Shall


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:当心!这条路的这一段大概会发生事故。A. Will用于第二、三人称表示推测,意思是‘大概’ D. Shall用于第一人称表征求对方的意见 C. must表示确信或有很大的可能性,和动词原形连用表示是对现在情况的推测。B. would+动词原形表对现在或将来的委婉的推测。should,ought to ,would,will,must表推测或判断,语气依次递增。根据句意will最好。 考点:考查情态动词的用法。

That was because the school bus was _________ by a thick fog.

A. broke off      B. held up           C. kept up           D. turned off



With so much work _________, they feel worried all the time.

A. doing         B. to do             C. done             D. having done



假设你是李华,是一名高三学生。你的同班同学王强因患白血病(leukemia)而住院,目前已经花光了家里的所有积蓄,现在需要骨髓移植(bone marrow transplant), 需要20万元。请你帮他写一封求助信。要点如下:




联系电话:白天5221600; 晚上5221610



Dear friends,

   I’m very sad to tell that









Yours truly,

Li Hua










Have you ever heard the saying: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy? What this means is that if you study all the times you will become a boring person. You must go out and have a fun with your friends, otherwise you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with someone only talked about work and study.

Perhaps you have a confident problem. Please try to remember that you do is just for yourself rather than no one else, but do not compete with your classmates. No one can be happier in studying seven days and seven nights in a week.




The Dark Age of Greece

【小题】Among early civilizations, we call the low points "dark ages", because civilizations often dropped to such a low level that it is hard to get an accurate picture of their history during these periods. During a dark age, a civilization may not have produced monuments, statue, or other objects which we use to learn about early civilizations.

One' of the most important dark ages was the dark age of Greece,which lasted from about 1100 BC to 900 BC. Prior to-that-time,Greece had a highly advanced society called the Mycenaean civilization. The Mycenaeans were a trading civilization1.In fact, the Mycenaean civilization was so important that when it collapsed in the 12th centuryBC,most other civilizations in the region collapsed as well.The next 200 years are like a blank page to  historians and we know very little about this period.2.The collapse of the Mycenaeans brought an end to writing in the area, and thus an end to the written records historians rely on.

The little that we know about this period has been learned from archaeology. It seems that civilization became much less advanced. The pottery from this period is much simpler and less artistic. This suggests that there was lack of wealthy people to buy higher quality products. 3.   This would suggest a large decrease in population, possibly due to a widespread lack of food and consequent starvation.

Sometime around 800 BC, the Greeks began to emerge from this dark age, most probably due to the influence of other civilizations. They had lost their early writing system, but began to use the writing system of the Phoenicians at this time.4.Over the next 300 years, their civilization continued to rise, and their dark age was forgotten.

A.Many civilizations undergo a series of high points and low points during their history.

B.Many early civilizations underwent dark ages, but Greece never recovered from its dark age.

C.They began constructing larger cities and trading with their neighbors again.

D.Another interesting point is that most of the large cities of earlier time periods appear to have been abandoned in favor of much smaller settlements.

E.Many pieces of evidence suggest that there was a huge increase in population during the dark age of Greece.

F.and they did much to spread their culture across the eastern Mediterranean.

G.One major reason for this is that writing basically stopped.



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