满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One of our biggest fears nowadays is tha...

One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a “sea of technology” rather than experiencing the natural world. Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of the world, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child’s play.

Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in park use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment(蚕食)?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the woods.

Without having a nature experience, kids can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment to their lives. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents—and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters(培养)leadership by the smartest, not by the toughest, Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child. The three-year-old turning over his first rock realizes be is not alone in the world. A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value that more.

Kids are not to blame. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite(仪式)of passage.

Everyone, from developers, to schools and outdoorsy citizens, should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that strengthen love, respect and need for the landscapes. As parents, we should devote some of our energy to taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause.

1. According to the author, what causes kids’ getting lost in a “sea of technology”?

A. The wild places of the world

B. The kids themselves

C. The outdoor activities

D. TV and computer games

2.The underlined words “that place” in paragraph 2 can most probably refer to _______.                  

A. a hill          B. a library          C. a bar            D. a classroom

3.According to the author, children’s breaking an arm is _______.

A. the fault on the part of their parents

B. the natural experience in their growing up

C. the result of their own carelessness in play

D. the effect of stress from computer

4.What’s the author’s opinion on children’s experiencing the nature world?

A. It leads to children’s escape from school.

B. It’s helpful only in a limited way.

C. It helps develop children from all sides.

D. It increases the chance of getting injured.


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:如今最令我们担忧的事情之一是,我们的孩子将来有一天会在“技术的海洋”里迷失,而不是去体验自然世界。令人忧虑的电视节目和电脑游戏正在使孩子们和户外的大千世界严重隔离,如果大人们不对孩子的玩乐方式进行干预,这将改变野外的世界和生物,甚至会影响到人类的健康。如果孩子们感受不到户外世界的奇妙,长大后也不会成为自然美景的保护者。 缺乏自然界的体验,孩子们同样能够成长,但他们却大大失去了生命中的丰富多彩。研究表明,在户外自然界多活动的孩子在学校里的学习成绩更好,而且在自然野外活动可以培养领导才能。即使是一个小小的户外体验,也会激发孩子的好奇。每一个人都应该帮助孩子们重新获得探索某些东西的自由和乐趣,让他们在田野里和树林里发展友情,这有助于增强他们对自然美景的爱、尊重和需要。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, (令人忧虑的电视节目和电脑游戏正在使孩子们和户外的大千世界严重隔离,)判断作者认为:造成孩子在“技术的海洋”里迷失的原因是电视和电脑。故选D。 2. 词义推测题。根据第二段第一句话:Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. (我们每一个人在自然界里都有一个有时要去光顾的地方,即使那个地方已被夷为平地。)判断后一句是:我们不能成为有那么一个地方的最后一代人。那么一个地方就是指前面的 a place in nature we go sometimes。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段的...but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite of passage.(......但是重复来自电脑游戏的压力却替代了断臂之痛而作为度过孩童时代的一种仪式。)判断孩子摔断胳膊是成长过程中很自然的经历。故选B。 4.推理判断题。最后一段的段落大意:每一个人,从开始成长、上学到成为走出家门步入社会的公民,都应该帮助孩子们重新获得探索某些东西的自由和乐趣,让他们在田野里和树林里发展友情,这有助于增强他们对自然美景的爱、尊重和需要。作为父母,我们应该付出一些精力带孩子们到自然界当中去,这将是我们最伟大的事业。由此判断:作者对孩子体验大自然的观点是有助于孩子在各方面的发展。作者的态度十分肯定。故选C。 考点:人生百味类短文阅读。

Disneyland may look like a straightforward theme park. But there’s a secret world hidden behind the balloons, castles and cotton candy — a place where wild cats wander at midnight, Mickey Mouse hides in the wallpaper, and movie stars drink martinis behind closed doors.

Cat security — It’s not easy keeping the ground of Disneyland spotless, as well as free of unwanted pests. Every night after closing time, 200 wild cats were freed into the park to help keep the rodent(啮齿)population under control. Though Disney doesn’t comment on the matter, rumor(传闻)has it that the cat taskforce dates back to 1957. After unsuccessful attempts to chase them out of the park, Disney decided to put the cats to work instead.

Hidden Mickeys—At Disneyland the round-eared Mickey Mouse image is everywhere. But you can also see hundreds of “Hidden Mickeys” across the park, which are very difficult to spot: they’re camouflage (伪装)in the architecture and landscaping as well as in the smallest stylistic details.

Cocktail(鸡尾酒)behind closed doors—Disney is dry unless you can manage to get your name on the list at Club 33. The secret cocktail club has a limited membership of just 487 and a waiting list of approximately 14 years. Walt Disney designed the club as a special space to entertain possible investors; since then, it has hosted US presidents, film stars and foreign guests.

Always on stage—At Disneyland, a doorman isn’t a doorman, he is a “cast member”. So are the large numbers of cashiers, painters, ride operators, gardeners and performers. All “cast members” are trained to follow a specific rule that helps preserve the Disney magic. On the list of dos and don’ts? Never break character. If wearing a costume that belongs in Fantasyland, don’t set foot in Tomorrowland—it might Confuse visitors or break the park’s orderly image. Cast members have a Disney “look book” that details the fresh-faced ideal—no long fingernails, beards, or unnaturally colored hair allowed. It’s a return to Walt Disney’s All-American standards: when the park opened even guests with facial hair weren’t allowed entrance.

1.The reason why there are many wild cats in Disneyland is that ________.

A. they’re in charge of the cleaning of the park

B. they’re allowed to act as cleaners and guards

C. they have to keep watch in the daytime

D. they have a comfortable house to live in

2.From the passage we can know that in Disneyland “Hidden Mickeys” are _________.

A. small          B. obvious          C. everywhere       D. dishonest

3.What do the underlined Words “Disney is dry” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. It’s easy to join the Club 33.           B. The ground keeps dry.

C. It doesn’t often rain.                 D. Drinking alcohol is forbidden.

4. From the last paragraph, we can know the workers in Disneyland _______.

A. must know the dos and don’t

B. needn’t have their facial hair shaved

C. can wear unnaturally colored hair

D. mustn’t get in Tomorrowland



Can a fish hear fishermen moving along the stream? What are the facts about the ability of a fish to see? Can they tell the difference between colors?

The sharp hearing of a fish has been proved by two scientists, who trained a fish to expect its food when it heard the sound of a whistle. And a slight sound two hundred feet away could drive fishes away. That should make fishermen start thinking.

One scientist had made experiments to prove fish can recognize different colors such as red, brown, yellow and green.

Fish also have an eye for different shapes. One scientist proved this by teaching fish to connect certain patterns with food. He used a small circle and a square. If the fish swam towards the circle, they received food as a reward. If they swam towards the square, they received nothing. The fish learned in time to go to the circle but not to the square. Does this mean that in time fish might learn to leave alone all food on hooks that they have seen often before? Here is something for all fishermen to think about!

These facts help to make more believable some of the “believe it or not” stories that have been told about fish. It is clear that fish have sometimes shown their ability to gain knowledge as man does. A good example of what we might call “thinking” by a fish is given by an experience of Dr. Andrew Gage. Fishing over a bridge, he hooked a fish. It struggled and dragged the line two hundred feet away before he stopped it. Then it swam back to the bridge. The clever fish then swam round a pile and, with a sudden push, broke the line. If the story ended there, one could say that the fish had freed itself by chance. However, Gage went on fishing. Below him he could see the fish that had broken loose. After another twenty minutes the fish again seized the food on the hook. This time it did not swim out but swam round one of the piles and again broke the line.

Many stories are told of the fish that get away and the clever “old hand” ones that can’t be caught. The more often a fish is nearly caught, the more difficult it will be to interest it next time.

1.The last two paragraph’s mainly discuss _________.

A. whether a fish can think as man does

B. how a fish could escape from danger

C. how to catch a fish more easily

D. whether a fish is believable

2. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Fish can hear and see

B. How clever is a fish?

C. Fish can play tricks

D. How scientists help fishermen.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that _________.

A. it’s difficult to catch fish;

B. fish are cleverer sometimes than fishermen

C. fish seem to learn by their experience

D. fewer people will be interested in fish



I was eight when my neighbors got a TV. It was small and expensive, but that didn’t matter. IT WAS WONDERFUL. Everyone in the building came up to the fifth floor to see this latest wonder of the modern world. That was in 1948.

Soon, a lot of people got a TV, but not us. My parents didn’t think it was good for children. Being a good son, I didn’t argue with them. But I secretly watch TV—at my friends’ homes.

By 1955, televisions weren’t so expensive and were much larger. My parents still thought they were not good for us, but my sisters insisted, saying they were the only people in the neighborhood who didn’t have one. All their friends talked about certain programs and actors, but they couldn’t. Their friends laughed at them, which made them feel very unhappy. My youngest sister cried, saying she was never going back to school and that life without a TV wasn’t worth living. Nothing my parents said made her feel better. The next morning, without telling us, they went out and got a new TV.

When we were young our parents allowed us to watch TV for two hours a night. And we couldn’t watch until our homework was finished. But after a year or two, TV wasn’t exciting or new anymore. It became just another part of our lives like shoes or soap. My parents still had fears about TV. We were going to forget how to read, and TV was going to fill our minds with violence, they said.

Today people still argue about the value of TV. Nobody can deny the power of TV, which has a powerful influence on our lives. On average, Americans spend 30 hours a week watching TV. Is this influence good or bad? This is an unanswerable question indeed: It is hard enough to measure influence; and it is even harder to decide what is good and what isn’t. What is good, I suppose, is that many people are concerned about TV’s influence and that we have the power to change what we don’t like.

The people of Monhegan Island, 18 kilometers away off the coast of Maine, don’t have electricity, and they decided; once again, that they liked that way. Electricity, they think, would make life too easy and spoil their way of life. Maybe the young people wouldn’t want to go to town dances anymore. Maybe they would be more interested in staying at home and watching TV.

1.How old was the author, when their family got a TV?

A. About 15.      B. 8.               C. 18.              D. About 10.

2.The author’s parents finally decided to buy a TV because _______.

A. they wanted to meet their daughters’ needs .

B. the children couldn’t go to school without a TV

C. the sisters would like to be like their friends

D. they had to do as the youngest daughter told them to

3.The author thinks “to judge whether a TV’s influence is good or bad” is ________.

A. concerning     B. hard             C. meaningless       D. important

4.The last paragraph is written to show ________.

A. the disadvantage of TV

B. TV influences people a great deal

C. the advantage of TV

D. we can change what we don’t like




This morning, as I was getting close to the supermarket, I saw a small   36    gathering around an elderly woman with blood under her face. I stopped and asked if I could   37  . I told her I was certified(授予证书的)in first aid. Then I   38   someone for a first aid kit(工具箱). But she didn’t want help, saying she was fine. But she wasn’t fine. I asked her to   39   with me and we   40   about her routine of getting groceries. People brought out ice packs, water and paper towels from the   41   nearby. I put on the gloves from the first aid kit, and cleaned her up a bit, but   42   I just talked to her and held her hand.

Two   43   happened to be passing by and   44   to help check her out a bit. Finally, after ten minutes the   45   arrived and I talked to the emergency medical team and they   __46  .

I was certified in first aid years back, and I got re-certified a month ago, but I never   47   it once. However, I realized being certified isn’t   48   about providing the aid. I didn’t stop the bleeding. I didn’t   49   to examine her. Mostly it was about providing comfort for people in a difficult   50  . The certification gave me the   51   to do that: to kneel on the sidewalk, holding an old woman’s hand, and to help make those _ 52   few minutes just a little bit better.

If you’re not certified in first aid, I can’t   53   it strongly enough. It takes four hours of your time at your   54   Red Cross. With what you’ll   55   , maybe you’ll be able to help someone like the old lady one day.

1.A. people             B. public C. traffic    D. crowd

2.A. watch out      B. look out         C. help out         D. make out

3.A. paid         B. sent    C. applied D. scolded

4.A. stay          B. walk    C. accompany   D. shop

5.A. looked              B. cared C. talked   D. quarreled

6.A. hospital           B. supermarket         C. station  D. office

7.A. mostly             B. maybe  C. simply   D. extremely

8.A. policemen     B. volunteers     C. clerks    D. doctors

9.A. refused            B. stopped      C. lay         D. woke

10.A. ambulance    B. family   C. driver   D. officer

11.A. operated on    B. turned up  C. ran away        D. took over

12.A. liked                B. noticed     C. used      D. met

13.A. necessarily     B. possibly      C. hopefully       D. commonly

14.A. want                B. teach         C. permit  D. try

15.A. place              B. situation      C. life         D. position

16.A. harm             B. confidence   C. lesson   D. wish

17.A. confusing      B. moving        C. scary     D. friendly

18.A. recommend     B. demand    C. support          D. explain

19.A. formal             B. national     C. local      D. private

20.A. recognize      B. offer   C. allow     D. Learn



The window _________ a beautiful view out over the river.

A. covers         B. spares           C. applies           D. Affords.



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