满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: For each blank in the follo...

 Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

      Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. My   36  , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or   37   some cause known only to him.

      Beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very   38 . He not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to   39   back.

      One morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar   40  . But, no. We seemed to be far off course. After two hours, I suddenly realized that Beans probably   41   the way home. So I urged, "Beans, take me home." He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.

      Soon it became   42   that we were getting nowhere. I began to picture the rest of the day in the   43   without food or drink. We had walked about ten miles. But Beans seemed totally   44 . The sniffing and exploring was going well for him.

     Finally, we   45  a crossroad near a highway. Lady Luck suggested I should turn left. We did and   46   reached a cottage beside a field. I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. He laughed and then drove us home.

     Since our adventure, I  47  that Beans probably knew all along how to get home.

He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.

1.A. deer                     B. dog                          C. lady                          D. man

2.A. imagine                         B. consider                 C. explore                   D. present

3.A. smart                   B. sweet                      C. slow                         D. shy

4.A. turn                      B. kick                          C. jump                        D. speak

5.A. driveway             B. path                         C. crossroad               D. highway

6.A. knew                    B. saw                          C. showed                   D. made

7.A.mysterious           B. ridiculous               C. fascinating              D. apparent

8.A. house                            B. forest                      C. field                         D. cottage

9.A. unconcerned              B. unconscious C. undecided              D. uncomfortable

10.A. left for                        B. went off                  C. came to                   D. drove toward

11.A. punctually                  B. frequently              C. formally                  D. shortly

12.A. regretted                   B. remembered         C. concluded              D. confirmed


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要描述了主人公和他的宠物狗散步的故事,有一天,他们一起在一条从未走过的路上散步,走了很长时间找不到回去的路,最终在别人的帮助下找到了回家的路,但是后来我才明白,我的狗不是不知道路,而是他在探索新的路径以获取更多的乐趣。 1.B考查上下文的联系。由Beans is a white dog可知此空应该为dog. A  deer 鹿 ;   B dog  狗 ;  C lady  夫人; D man 男士都为名词。但下文说到的是狗的故事。 2.C 考查动词词义与辨析。 宠物狗是在探索只有他自己才知道的新目标,这也引起了下文的内容explore vt 探索;consider vt考虑;imagine vt 想象,猜想;present vt 呈现,赠送。 3.A 考查形容词词义及辨析。从下面能理解我说的话,可知狗是非常聪明的。A. smart       聪明的;B. sweet     甜蜜的,芳香的;C. slow 慢慢的; D. shy 害羞的。 4.D 考查动词。不仅能理解我说的话,而且还能够发出声音好像是在回应我,speak back 对话。A. turn out 结果是,证明是; B. kick out 解雇 开除;      C. jump     跳出。 5.B 考查名词词义。我确信,这条道能通向我们熟悉的路上去,path n 小径,小道。A. driveway      车道;C. crossroad          十字路口;D. highway 公路,大路。 6.A 考查动词词义及语境。我突然意识到,Bean知道了回家的路。A. knew知道;    B.saw 看见;C. showed 显示,表现;D. made 使得--。 7.D 考查形容词词义及语境的理解。通过下文知道,事情是很明显的,我们迷路了。apparent adj 明显的,显然的;fascinating adj 迷人的,吸引人的;ridiculous adj 可笑的,荒谬的;mysterious adj 神秘的。 8.B 考查名词词义及上下文的意思。由上文that wind through untold miles of forest可知,此处为forest. A. house 房子;B. forest 森林;C. field      田地,领域    ;D. cottage 小屋,村舍。 9.A 考查形容词词义。下文狗是在寻找乐趣,玩得开心可知此处的“迷路”狗是不关心的。unconcerned adj 不关心的 无关的。 unconscious adj 无意识的,不理智的;undecided adj 未定的,未决定的; uncomforbable adj 不舒服的。 10.C 考查动词短语的意思。最后,我们来到了一个十字路口。leave for 出发,动身;go off 离开,变质;drive toward 朝---驱赶。 11.D 考查副词词义。在别人的帮助下,我们很快来到了一家农舍。punctually adv 准时的,如期的;frequently adv 频繁的;formally adv 正式的;shortly adv 立刻,简短地。 12.C 考查动词词义。最后,我得出结论-----。regretted vt 遗憾,后悔;  remembered vt 记起,记得; concluded vt 总结,得出结论; confirmed vt 确证,确认。 考点:考查记叙文的理解及词汇辨析。

Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew         she was so angry.

A. where            B. whether                  C. that                          D. why



I'm tired out. I        all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.

A. shopped                 B. have shopped

C. had shopped          D. have been shopping



Listening to loud music at rock concerts       caused hearing loss in some teenagers.

A. is                     B. are                           C. has                           D. have



Tim is in good shape physically          he doesn't get much exercise.

A. if                     B. even though C. unless                      D. as long as



I walked slowly through the market, where people      all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.

A. sell                           B. were selling  C. had sold                  D. have sold



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