满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The interviewee has no inner shame to sh...

The interviewee has no inner shame to show his edge over others. _______ the outer fear.

A. As he has        B. So had he

C. Nor did he have     D. Neither does he have


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查倒装句:句意:这个受采访的人展示自己比别人的优势内心没有羞愧,也没有外在的恐惧。Neither/nor+倒装句,表示“…也不是”,因为这句话是一般现在时,所以选D。 考点:考查倒装句

______ the blind wandering through the traffic, motorists would have to step on their brakes at once.

A. Seeing           B. Having seen         C.  Seen            D. To have seen



Much of life today _____ the manners of everyday getting along: queuing, answering the phone, keeping promises, remembering birthdays.

 A. is               B. are                 C. was              D. were



After the snowstorm, mailboxes in the community were covered by snow, or _______, or lying on the ground.

A. breaking         B. being broken         C. having broken     D. broken



He has been talented at designing and creating things ________ he was young.

A. when           B. before              C. since            D. while



I set up email addresses for connecting with my parents last May. But I didn’t write to them as often as I ______.

A. should          B. must have           C. should have       D. must



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