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Street art can be found on buildings, si...

Street art can be found on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris to New York City. This special kind of art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, cloth or even stickers. Street art has become part of a global visual culture. Now, even art museums and galleries are collecting the work of street artists. 

It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement. This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world. Also, because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission, street artists usually work secretly. This secretive nature of street art and its countless forms make it hard to define exactly. And people have different opinions about the movement. Some think street art is a crime and destroys property. But others see this art as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.  Many experts say the movement began in New York City in the nineteen sixties. Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their TAG on walls and train cars around the city. This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork. This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti. It is visually exciting and energetic. 

Graffiti also became a separate movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities. Graffiti art represented social and political rebellion. These artists could travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see. Sometimes this street art created a dispute between artists and city officials. Graffiti artists created their images and city officials quickly painted over them. During the 1980s, two famous New York painters—Keith Haring and Jean Michel began showing their work in art galleries and museums. This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. Street art has become popular and is accepted as a kind of culture.

B. Street art is very special compared with other forms of popular art.

C. Many people are beginning to learn street art.

D. Street art is better developed in big cities than in rural areas.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. TAG was a word created by people to distinguish street artists and the other artists.

B. There are three reasons to explain why it is hard to define the history of street art.

C. The movement of street art began in the 1980s in New York City.

D. Not all the people think that the street art is a rich form of cultural expression.

3.The city officials used to do away with graffiti probably because        .

A. they caused arguments between people

B. they were ugly in someone’s eyes

C. they were not painted under proper guidance

D. they didn‘t express good traditional culture.

4.They best title of the passage is        .

A. The way to become a street artist.

B. What does Graffiti art stand for?

C. The history of an art movement.

D. The work of street artists.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:讲述街头艺术的起源和发展。 1.A 推理判断题 根据Street art has become part of a global visual culture. 街头艺术已经成为全球视觉文化的一部分。说明街头艺术受欢迎而且已经被认可为一种文化。 2.D 细节理解题 根据And people have different opinions about the movement. Some think street art is a crime and destroys property. But others see this art as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.  人们对这个运动有不同的 观点,一些人认为街头艺术是犯罪,是破坏财产。但其他人把这种艺术视为一种非传统文化表达的一种丰富形式。可知,不是所有人认为这是一种非传统文化表达的一种丰富形式 3.B 推理判断题 根据Sometimes this street art created a dispute between artists and city officials. 有时候这种街头艺术在艺术家和市政官员这件造成争论。说明有人认为街头艺术丑陋,令人厌恶。 4.C 主旨大意题 根据文章结构,首段介绍街头艺术及现状,第二段分析不好提供这种运动准确历史的原因及Graffiti的来源。最后一段This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture. 介绍街头艺术开始成为大众文化的时期。 考点:考查文化类阅读理解。

To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their essential window on the world: their means of communicating, capturing prey, meeting mates and protecting themselves. A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to starve to death. So important is the web to an orb-web spider's survival that the animal will continue to construct new webs daily even if it is being starved. For 16 days the starving spider builds completely normal webs. Then, as the animal gets scrawnier, it constructs a wider-meshed (网孔、网眼)web using fewer strands(线). Such webs would only trap larger prey, which is more economical from the perspective of a starving spider. The spider stores energy by recycling web protein. It simply eats its own web each evening and reuses it to produce new silk. In studies with radioactivity, labeled materials, it was found that 95 percent of web protein reappears in the next day web. Most of the energy needed for web-building is used in walking over the strands as they are laid down. Scientists are impressed by the adaptability of the spider's highly preprogrammed brain, which is larger for its size than the brain of any other invertebrate(无脊推动物). If web-building is interrupted, or if some of the existing strands are destroyed, the spider simply goes back to see where the web is left off and then finishes building a normal web. One spider will finish building the incomplete web of another.

1.Which of the following best expresses the main ideas of the passage?

A. Secrets of Spiders' Adaptability

B. Importance of Webs to Spiders

C. Secrets of the Spiders' Life

D. Spiders' Highly Preprogrammed Brain

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Most spiders will stop conducting webs when hungry.

B. One Web-building spider usually conducts one web. 

C. Web-building spiders will probably die without their webs. 

D. Web-building spiders have good eyesight.

3.The underlined word “scrawnier” in the second paragraph probably means ______. 

A. weaker but good-looking

B. fatter and stronger

C. nice and healthier

D. thinner and bony

4.A spider's ability to finish an incomplete web proves that ______.

A. it has a highly preprogrammed brain

B. it reuses its web protein to reproduce new silk

C. the web is everything for a spider

D. it is able to rebuild a destroyed web



Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So, when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already been taken except one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one and Mr. Robinson was happy that he had not taken the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it. When he reached it, however, he saw there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said “This seat is reserved for proper load balance. Thank you.” Mr. Robinson had never seen such a notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something heavy in its baggage room which made it necessary to have the passengers properly balanced, so he walked on and found another empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in. Then, when the plane was quite full, a very beautiful girl stepped into the plane. The soldier quickly took the notice off the seat beside him and in this way succeeded in having the girl beside him during the whole trip.

1.When he got on the plane he was happy to find that _______.

A. a notice was put in a window seat

B. some of the seats were not occupied

C. there was a seat that he had hoped to have

D. the plane was not very crowded

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr. Robinson was the last passenger to get on board the plane. 

B. Mr. Robinson was surprised to see the notice in the seat.

C. The window seats were all occupied when Mr. Robinson got on hoard the plane.

D. The plane Mr. Robinson took was heavily loaded with luggage.

3.In the end Mr. Robinson found out that _________.

A. the notice was put on the seat by the soldier.

B. the solider was waiting for his girl friend

C. the girl was the last passenger who got on the plane.

D. the seat by the window was kept for the last passenger.

4.This short passage may be taken from a _____.

A. novel        B. news report       C. science fiction      D. magazine.



In this modern world, we rush around all day with no time for stillness. And when we are   48   to be still, we're in line for something, or waiting at a doctor's appointment, or on a bus or train. This comes at a   49  : we lose that time for consideration, for observing and listening. We lose peace. And   50   yet: sometimes no action is better than too much action at all. You can run around crazily, but get nothing done. Take a moment to think about how you spend your days? Are you always   51   through your schedule?

Is this how you want to spend your life? If not, take a moment to be still. Don't think about what you have to do, or what you've done already.   52   be in the moment. Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your   53  , and how you'd like it to be. See your life with less movement and less rushing. See it with more stillness and more peace. It's pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. Once you've got   54   to that, try doing less each day. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of waiting for it.

Value the stillness. It's a treasure and it's   55   to us, always.

1.A. forced        B. ordered         C. invited  D. told

2.A. cost                 B. risk                      C. loss                      D. danger

3.A. later  B. worse   C. better   D. deeper

4.A. breaking    B. rushing C. living     D. going

5.A. Nearly        B. Ever      C. Just        D. Already

6.A. life     B. belief    C. road      D. future

7.A. addicted    B. accustomed  C. permitted      D. ready

8.A. available    B. convenient   C. potential        D. reasonable




I was six when I joined my father's fields in Okla. By the time I was eight, I was helping Dad   36   old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail I   37   out of old boards. I got my first real job, at JM's Restaurant when I was 12. My main responsibilities were   38   tables. At that age, it was   39   going to work and glimpsed at my friends run off to swim or play. I didn't necessarily like work, but I loved what working   40   me to have. Because of my job, I was always the first one to buy something delicious. This made me   41   .

Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working   42   around town. A local clothing store offered me credit despite my young age. I immediately bought an expensive coat and shoes on credit. I was   43   only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the store keeper $90!

So I learned   44  the danger of easy credit. I paid it off as soon as I could. My first job taught me   45  and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had   46 . As my father, who worked three jobs, once told me, “If you understand sacrifice and   47   , there are not many things in life you can't have.” How right he was.

1.A. make B. paint     C. sell        D. repair

2.A. pulled         B. put        C. picked  D. pressed

3.A. sweeping   B. packing C. clearing         D. emptying

4.A. easy   B. heavy    C. difficult D. pleasant

5.A. allowed      B. preferred      C. taught   D. managed

6.A. proud         B. rich       C. grateful          D. hopeful

7.A. showed      B. got         C. flew       D. carried

8.A. raising        B. spending       C. counting        D. making

9.A. greatly        B. actually C. hardly   D. really

10.A. self-development  B. self-control  C. self-criticism       D. self-confidence

11.A. lost  B. improved      C. developed            D. experienced

12.A. responsibility   B. promise      C. independence       D. ambition



—Are you through with your high school?

—Well, _____.

A. sort of            B. go ahead       C. why not         D. that's OK



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