满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Qingdao is ________ most beautiful coast...

Qingdao is ________ most beautiful coastal city and I think I’ll go there for _______ third time.

A. a; a        B. the; a       C. the ;the      D. the ;不填


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词用法。句意:青岛是个非常美丽的城市,我想我还会再去一次的。第一个空most前如果用定冠词the ,那么the most表示最高级,则句中应该有表示范围的in 或of 短语,表示在这个范围内最美,本题中没有表示范围的短语,所以most 在此是“非常”的意思,相当于 very 。故正确答案为A。 第二个空a third time 意思为“再一次,又一次”。 考点:考查冠词用法

Kelly Reeves was getting ready for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink full of water. Panic moment! She quickly picked up the wet phone and tried to turn it on, but nothing worked. Her first reaction? She got dressed, drove to the nearest store, and bought a new mobile at full price.

A new study finds that fear of losing your phone is a common illness. About 66 percent of those surveyed suffer from nomophobia or “no mobile phone phobia”. Interestingly, more women worry about losing their phone than men.

Fortunately, there’s a solution.

The first step is to figure out if you have nomophobia. Checking your phone too often is one thing, but the true sign of a problem is that you can’t conduct business or go about your routine when the fear becomes so severe.

Do you go to unusual lengths to make sure you have your phone? That’s another sign of a problem. If you find you check your phone plenty of times per hour, or a total of an hour per day, there may be a problem.

Some of the treatments are similar to those for treating anxiety attacks: leaving the phone behind and not checking e-mail or text messages, and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety. Even if this leads to a high level of worry and stress, the solution is to push through the fear and learn to deal with not having your phone.

Of course, there are also technological alternatives. Luis Levy, a co-founder at Novy PR, says he uses an application called Cerberus that can automatically track the location of his phone. To find it, he can just go to a website and see the phone’s location.

He also insures his phone through a service called Asurion. The company’s description of its product reads like a prescription for anxiety:“60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged each year. You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing that your phone is protected and you can quickly reconnect with family, friends and work, as soon as the very next day!”

1.Why does the author mention Kelly’s experience in the first paragraph? 

A. To introduce the topic for discussion.

B. To inform us that mobile phones are useful.

C. To warn us that we should be careful.

D. To tell us we should get phones ready for a trip.

2.The underlined word “nomophobia” in Paragraph 2 means “     ” .

A. habits of using mobile phones

B. fear of losing mobile phones

C. eagerness for new mobile phones

D. independence of mobile phones

3. Which of the following is a way to treat nomophobia?

A. Avoiding using a phone for some time

B. Learning more about modern technology

C. Protecting one’s phone against any damage

D. Not using a mobile phone in one’s daily work

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Attitude toward mobile phones

B. New mobile phone technology

C. Disadvantages of mobile phones

D. Solutions to nomophobia



Do you have any skiing equipment you no longer need? A ski school in the far north of India could put it to good use.

In March we published a photo story about the extraordinary Zsnskar region in northern India,which is cut off from the outside world for more than seven months of the year,and only accessible (可通行的)via a frozen river.We also included information about the limited use of skiing in the region and the recent creation of the Zanskar Ski School:

“Despite the difficulties of travelling through the region when the snow comes,skiing hasn’t traditionally been used as a means of transport by the locals,largely because trees don't grow here, so there is little in the way of raw materials from which to make skis.In 1995, a group of British scientists in the region noticed the lack of skis and one of them returned to set up the Zanskar Ski School in Padam.The school provides lessons for a small fee and rents skis to the local people. Among the benefits that the school hopes to bring are improved education—children often find it difficult to get to school through the deep snow—and the possibility of offering ski tours to tourists in the future.So far,more than 300 local people have received training,and local doctors and policemen regularly borrow skis.”

But what we weren't able to include in the article is that the ski school is always on the look out for old skiing equipment—particularly of a size suitable for children—and, I thought. Now the European ski season is drawing to a close,there might be a few of you out there who have some old equipment you'd like to see go to a good home.If that's the ease you can get in touch with the school via their website www.zanskarski school.org.

1.What's the purpose in writing the text?

A. To raise money to develop this area

B. To attract more tourists to the area

C. To appeal to more locals to attend the school

D. To ask people to give away their skis to the school

2.The local people don't use skiing to go about because             .

A. it is against the local custom

B. they don't have the wood to make skis

C. trees are in the way of the skiing route

D. it is dangerous to go skiing in this region

3. Who would be the most helpful to the school now?

A. People having old skiing equipment.

B. Students in the Zanskar Ski School

C. Locals in Zanskar region

D. Tavellers enjoying skiing

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. An extraordinary region in India

B. A home for old skis

C. A good means of transport

D. A popular sport—skiing



We are looking for energetic volunteers who might be willing to volunteer their time. It’s a great way to build your volunteer experience, get involved in your community, meet new people and show your pride.

Computer Teacher

The computer teacher will be responsible for teaching older adults computer skills, including basic skills such as turning on computer or more media skills such as setting up email. This position requires patience, dedication and long hours on your feet. Computer skills needed. Ask Mandy, 01313377227.

Meals on Wheels

Do you have time in your schedule to make a difference in the lives of seniors in your community? Meals on Wheels drivers deliver nutritious lunchtime meals to homebound seniors on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our aim is to help seniors who are unable to go out themselves due to age or disability. A valid driver’s license and personal vehicle is required. Call Lucy,(781)2727177.

Tree Nursery Volunteer

Tasks are different according to season, but may include: collecting tree seeds from ancient woodland, preparing seeds for sowing, planting trees and tree aftercare. Some of the work is physical and outdoors, others such as seed preparation can be done indoors. No experience is necessary, but a knowledge or interest in botany would certainly be helpful. Ask Amrita, 07748623073.

Photography Volunteer

     If you have a talent for photography, this may be the role for you. We need someone who can take great photos for posters and websites. We especially need photos of our events and volunteers. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience. You’ll also gain the satisfaction of seeing your work being displayed on the National Trust website and in literature. Ask Sarah, 01248600954.

1.If you are interested in teaching, you can get in touch with ________.

A. Mandy  B. Lucy      C. Amrita  D. Sarah

2.What do Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver for the seniors?

A. Breakfast.      B. Lunch.  C. Supper. D. Snack.

3.Which kind of voluntary work doesn’t require special experience or skills?

A. Computer Teacher.                 B. Meals on Wheels.

C. Tree Nursery Volunteer.         D. Photography Volunteer.



My l4-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat at the same time in a second-hand clothing store. It stood out among big and old coats. It had beautiful tailoring and an unbelievable price: $28. I looked at my son and we both said nothing, but John’s eyes shone. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular with teenage boys, but they could cost several hundred dollars new. This coat was even better. John tried it on and turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror. The fit was perfect.

    John wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a big grin. “Did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They loved it,” he said.

    Over the next few weeks, John changed. He was polite, less argumentative, more thoughtful, and on the whole much happier. “Good dinner, mom,” he would say every evening. Without a word of objection he would carry in wood for the stove. One day when I suggested that he might start on his homework before dinner, John, who always put things off, said: “You’re right. I guess I will.” When I mentioned this incident to one of his teachers, she joked that the coat must have changed him.

John and I both know we should never mistake a person’s clothes for the real person within them. But there is something to be said for wearing a standard of excellence for the world to see, for practicing standards of excellence in thought, speech, and behavior, and for matching what is on the inside to what is on the outside. 

1.What does the author try to express in the first paragraph?

A. The coat looked like a magical coat.

B. They were good at shopping.

C. The coat was a real bargain.

D. They had the same taste in clothes.

2.What does the underlined word “grin” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. A wide smile.                            B. A worried look.

C. A jealous spirit.                        D. A joking tone.

3.After John wore the new coat, the author found he _______.

a. was happier and better-behaved

b. received more praise from his teachers

c. was willing to follow suggestions

d. made rapid progress in study

e. would say sweet words to please her

A. a, b, c             B. a, c, e             C. b, d, e             D. c, d, e

4.What message does the author intend to deliver in the article?

A. We should not judge people by their appearance.

B. Life is full of possibilities when we are young.

C. It’s beneficial to try different things in our lives.

D. What we wear could help shape who we are inside.



I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about 10 years. I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench, and   36   got into a game. I went to all the   37   and showed up even when it was so   38   that your ‘breath froze’ and when the other players had decided to stay home. I felt I had   39   enough and thought of quitting.

I finally decided to   40   the news to my mom that I was leaving the team. My mom may have looked like a tiny and quiet lady but on   41   my words, she said, “Remember, ‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.’ Your mother didn’t raise   42   , so think about yourself in a   43   way and see yourself as a winner!” So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape,   44   my shot(投球) accuracy and changing my   45   . 

Once in a match, we   46   our first game badly. What’s worse, one of our best players got hurt. I was sitting at my  47   place, at the end of the bench, when the coach came over and told me I was going   48   . I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.

The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was a little   49   .  But my mom’s words   50   out in my head like a church bell. Instead of being afraid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my   51   work was paying off.  I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the   52   to score. The crowd went quiet.  All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had  53   me for this moment.

Won! I won!

The lesson I learned from my mom’s   54   has stayed with me over the years. I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I   55   myself.  

1.A. once  B. seldom C. usually  D. evenB

2.A. meetings    B. shows   C. matches        D. practices

3.A. cloudy        B. wet        C. cold       D. windy

4.A. suffered     B. explained      C. planned         D. escaped

5.A. write          B. break    C. read      D. speak

6.A. noticing      B. gathering       C. hearing D. analyzing

7.A. talkers        B. dreamers      C. attackers      D. losers

8.A. positive      B. familiar         C. brief      D. convenient

9.A. testing        B. improving      C. questioning   D. affecting

10.A. aim  B. taste      C. habit     D. attitude

11.A. lost          B. controlled     C. practiced       D. continued

12.A. usual        B. safe       C. secret   D. private

13.A. off   B. in  C. by D. up

14.A. annoyed  B. awkward        C. scared  D. bitter

15.A. put  B. rang      C. gave      D.      stood

16.A. exact        B. extra     C. creative         D. casual

17.A. chance    B. message        C. order      D. note

18.A. spared    B. requested     C. prepared       D. sent

19.A. actions     B. reasons          C. words   D. promises

20.A. judge        B. express          C. comfort         D. doubt



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