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Keeping healthy, with easy access to aff...

Keeping healthy, with easy access to affordable medical care, is still a dream for many people, with medicine price rising ________.

A. firmly             B. narrowly           C. sharply            D. neatly


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词辨析:A. firmly坚定地,B. narrowly勉强地,C. sharply锐利地;严厉地;厉害地;D. neatly整洁地,句意:因为药品价格上涨的厉害,保持健康,能很容易的获得医疗护理是很多人的梦想。所以选C。 考点:考查副词辨析

With help from all parts of the country, the people in the flooded area managed to _______ that harsh winter.

A. get through                     B. look through          C. come up                           D. get out



— At the end of the day we can gather our guests to enjoy fine wine.

— You seem to be getting off the point. How is that _______ to this discussion?

A. suitable                                     B. tentative                          C. parallel                    D. relevant



It is true that at times the U.S.A. has experienced periods of _______ unemployment as well as labor shortages.

A. available                          B. acute

C. accessible                        D. ashamed



We would appreciate it if customers don't______ to leave their suggestions and expectations for our product.

A. hesitate    B. pretend      C. undertake     D. offer



Lily was talking to our teacher about examination, when suddenly Tom _______.

A. cut off     B. cut out       C. cut up       D. cut in



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