满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a young man, I thought life w...

When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me—about how I’d make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want.  36  then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never  37  to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn’t seem so 38 any more. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I 39 that my own life wouldn’t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours.

In the end, girls, that’s why I 40 President because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation. I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their 41  schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill in them a 42 of wonder about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college — 43 their parents aren’t rich. And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own kid and 44 with dignity.

Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous 45 to protect our country — but when we do, I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason, that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully, and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women 46 . And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free — that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation 47 great responsibility.

1.A. However                   B. While                    C. But                               D. Although

2.A. fail                         B. escape                            C. drop                       D. prepare

3.A. shallow                           B. important           C. respectful                  D. delighted

4.A. recognized                     B. regretted                     C. realized                            D. reminded

5.A. searched for       B. accounted for                   C. asked for                    D. ran for

6.A. potential          B. ability                         C. possibility                   D. reputation

7.A. sign              B. sense                     C. ray                       D. bunch

8.A. as if              B. now that                     C. in case                       D. even if

9.A. resign                              B. resettle                        C. retire                           D. request

10.A. borders                   B. situations             C. nations                    D. scenery

11.A. satisfied                        B. fortunate                     C. successful                   D. safe

12.A. comes                     B. goes                      C. lies                               D. stands


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是奥巴马写给他的两个女儿的一封信的节选。信中写到:当我还年轻的时候,我认为生活就该绕着我转:我如何在这世上得心应手,成功立业,得到我想要的。后来,你们俩进入了我的世界,带来的种种好奇、淘气和微笑,总能填满我的心,照亮我的日子。 突然之间,我为自己谱写的伟大计划显得不再那么重要了。我很快便发现,我在你们生命中看到的快乐,就是我自己生命中最大的快乐。而我也同时体会到,如果我不能确保你们此生能够拥有追求幸福和自我实现的一切机会,我自己的生命也没多大价值。 总而言之,我的女儿,这就是我竞选总统的原因:我要让你们俩和这个国家的每一个孩子,都能拥有我想要给他们的东西。 1.考查连词词义辨析。句意是:但是后来你们俩进入了我的世界,带来各种好奇、淘气和那些微笑... ...。前一句说:我年轻时认为生活就应该围着我转。后一句话锋一转,说道两个孩子给我的生活带来了变化。所以选A或者C。However然而,后面要有逗号与其他句子成分分开,这里没有所以不选;While虽然,然而,当... ...的时候,表对比或同时进行;But并列连词,但是表转折;Although 尽管。根据上下文语境故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意是:但是后来,你们俩进入了我的世界,带来的种种好奇、淘气和微笑,总能填满我的心,照亮我的日子。that引导了一个定语从句修饰前面的三个名词。理解这一句是在说孩子给我带来了快乐。空前有否定词never,总是能相当于从没有不能,fail to do 意为不能做成。fail失败;escape逃跑;drop 下降;prepare 准备。根据句意故选A。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意是:突然之间,我为自己谱写的重大的计划显得不再那么重要了。结合后一句说明自己的认识在孩子出生前后的巨大变化。shallow浅的;important重要的;respectful 恭敬的;delighted 高兴的。根据句意故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意是: 而我也同时意识到,如果我不能确保你们此生能够拥有追求幸福和自我实现的一切机会,我自己的生命也没多大价值。recognize辨认出;regret后悔,遗憾;realize意识到;remind 提醒,提示。结合语境故选C。 5.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意是:最后,我的女儿们,下面就是我竞选总统的原因:我要让你们俩和这个国家的每一个孩子,都能拥有我想要给他们的东西。 search for 搜寻;account for 说明,解释;ask for 要求;run for竞选,追查。结合事实:奥巴马是现任美国总统。说明我想说的是我为什么要竞选总统。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意是:我要让所有儿童都在能够发掘他们潜能的学校就读;potential 潜力;ability能力;possibility可能性;reputation 名誉,名声。结合语境这里用发挥孩子们的潜能最佳。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意是:这些学校要能挑战他们,激励他们,并灌输他们对身处的这个世界的好奇心。sign 迹象;sense 感官、感觉、意识;ray光线、射线;bunch 花束、群。A sense of wonder about the world around them 意为:对他们周围的世界感觉到很好奇,wonder 想知道,纳闷。故选B。 8.考查复合从属连词词义辨析。句意是:我要他们有机会上大学,--- 即使他们的父母并不富有。as if 好像;now that既然;in case 万一;even if 即使、尽管。even if 引导让步状语从句,表达我决心让所有的孩子上大学的决心,没有贫富贵贱之分。故选D。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意是:而且我要他们能找到好的工作:薪酬高还附带健康保险的工作,让他们有时间陪孩子、并且能带着尊严退休的工作。resign     放弃、辞职;resettle       安定、重新定居; retire 退休;request请求。本句用两个带有定语从句的名词来说明我对这份工作高质量的要求:既能保障个人的健康,又能陪孩子成长而且到年老时还可以有尊严地离开岗位。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意是:有时候为了保护我们的国家,我们不得不把青年男女派到战场或其它危险的地方。border边境;situation 情况、形式;nation 民族,国家;scenery风景。结合语境判断和战争并列的危险的地方,在四个选项中只有situation最接近。故选B。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意是:也想尽了一切办法保障男女官兵的安全。satisfied 满意的;fortunate 幸运的;successful成功的;safe 安全的。根据语境分析: 在危险的情况下,保证安全是最重要的。其他选项不符合。故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意是:在享有作为这个国家公民的伟大特权之际,重大责任也随之而来。 come来;go 去;lie在于,躺;stand 站。天下没有免费的午餐。 在这里with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation comes great responsibility. 是一个完全倒装句。只有come符合语境。故选A。  考点: 书信类短文。

Yesterday afternoon, I ______ basketball with my classmates for two hours.

A. play         B. played       C. have played      D. had played



In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ___________.

A. that used to be    B. it is used to

C. it was used to    D. it used to be



The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _________ we meet them again.

A. after             B. before             C. since                D. when



— I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice.

— Oh, it __________ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment.

A. must have been             B. should have been 

C. could have been            D. may have been



He _______ Alice for ten years.

A. married to               B. has married to

C. has married               D. has been married to



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