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假如你是李华,最近,你班同学就中学生是否可以带手机上学进行了讨论。 请你根据下列...

假如你是李华,最近,你班同学就中学生是否可以带手机上学进行了讨论。 请你根据下列信息,给校长写一封信,客观地介绍你班讨论的情况。



1. 没有必要带手机。


3. 学生用手机会增加家长经济负担。




1.词数:100字左右    2.经济负担economic burdens.   3.信的开头已经为你写好

Dear principle,

  I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether a mobile phone should be brought to school. ——————————————————————————————


One possible version: Dear principle, I am writing to tell you about the discussion we have about whether a mobile phone should be brought to school  To tell you the truth , the students in our class have different opinions .About 70% of the students think that we shouldn’t bring mobile phones to school .Because with them we may not fix our attention to the lessons .If the phone is no t turned off by chance and the ringing will destroy the class. Furthermore  , using mobile phones will add to our parents’ economic burdens .However , about 30%of the students think we can bring phones to school on condition that we turned off them in class .With a mobile phone it is convenient for us to keep in touch with our parents and friends。Besides , the mobile phone is a tool of information times .It may not be right to ban students from carrying mobile phones. Yours sincerely LiHua 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达要求给校长写一封信汇报班级就“中学生是否可以带手机”进行的讨论结果。所以文章在开头首先要讲明写信的目的。其次,在介绍学生们的观点看法时要用一般现在时;文章要求客观地介绍讨论结果,所以文中要避免出现表达个人观点态度的词。此外,在陈述要点时要加入适当的连接词以使语句通顺,内容连贯,结构紧凑。 【亮点说明】文章要点全面,结构清晰,开头表明写信的目的,然后分别介绍了两种不同的观点。文中插入语To tell you the truth和Furthermore 、Besides、However等表示递进、转折意义副词的使用使文章上下文衔接自然,紧凑,而且文中原因状语从句.Because with them we may not fix our attention to the lessons、条件状语从句If the phone is no t turned off by chance; on condition that we turned off them in class、宾语从句that we shouldn’t bring mobile phones to school的使用也显示了作者对语言的熟练运用能力。此外With a mobile phone等短语也避免了句式的单一。总之,这是一篇优秀的范文。 考点:考查提纲作文。


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Our government is trying hard to build an energy-saving society. It is somebody’s duty to work hard and reach this goal. Besides, not everybody has realized the important of it. Take our school for example. Sometime we can see that lights and computers are still on after class. Some students even forget to turn on the tap after using it and have water run all the time. Our papers are printed on only one side, which causing much waste. It’s time we did something to avoid this kind of waste. Firstly, make sure that all the light and other electric facilities turned off when we leave the rooms. Try to form the habit of turning off the tap immediate after using it. What’s more, papers should be printed on both sides and reused if possible.




The sea has always interested man. From it they can get food, minerals, and treasure. __1.__ But he could not go far beneath its surface __2.__. However, he is not a fish. He must breathe air, so he can’t stay under the water’s surface for any length of time. To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems. A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases __3.__. He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a nose and mouth piece. Water weighs 800 times as much as air. Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea _4.__. When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. As he rises to surface, the water pressure less. If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles (气泡). The diver is then suffering  from the bends (潜水夫病).The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain __5.__ . 

A. His body is under great pressure.

B. Scientists are trying to find more about the sea.

C. For thousands of years, he could sail on it.

D. They can even kill him.

E. He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above. 

F. The water pressure can cause a diver to breathe with difficulty. 

G. Man wants to explore deep into the sea.



If the eyes are the romantic’s window into the soul, then the teeth are an anthropologist’s ( 人类学家 ) door to the stomach.

   In a study published last month in the journal Science, Peter Ungar of the University of Arkansas and his partner, Matt Sponheimer of the University of Colorado, US, examined the teeth of our early human ancestors to find out what they were really eating.

   They already knew that different foods cause different marks on teeth. Some cause scratches, while others cause pits (坑).The carbon left on teeth by different foods is also different. Tropical grasses, for example, leave one kind of carbon, but trees leave another kind because they photosynthesized ( 光合作用 ) differently.

   Traditionally, scientists had looked at the size and shape of teeth and skulls ( 头骨 ) to figure out what early humans ate. Big flat teeth were taken to be signs that they ate nuts and seeds, while hard and sharp teeth seemed good for cutting meat and leaves. But this was proven wrong.

   The best example was the Paranthropus (傍人), one of our close cousins, some of which lived in eastern Africa. Scientists used to believe Paranthropus ate nuts and seeds because they had big crests(突起)on their skulls, suggesting they had large chewing muscles and big teeth. If this had been true, their teeth should have been covered with pits like the surface of the moon. They would also have had a particular type of carbon on their teeth that typically comes from tree products, such as nuts and seeds.

   However, when the two scientists studied the Paranthroupus, it turned out to have none of these characteristics. The teeth had a different kind of carbon, and were covered with scratches, not pits. This suggests they probably ate grass, not nuts and fruit stones. It was the exact opposite of what people had expected to find.

   Carbon “foodprints” give us a completely new and different insight into what different species ate and the different environments they lived in. If a certain species had the kind of carbon on its teeth that came from grasses, it probably lived in a tropical grassland, for example.

1.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 probably means that _____.

A. anthropologists can study the structure of human stomachs by studying their teeth.

B. anthropologists can study the diet of early humans by studying their teeth

C. anthropologists can learn whether humans were healthy by looking at their teeth

D. anthropologists can get the most useful information about humans from their teeth

2.According to Paragraph 3 to 5, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Scratches on teeth are caused by eating nuts or seeds.

B. Pits on teeth are caused by eating grass or leaves.

C. Early humans with hard and sharp teeth ate meat and leaves.

D. Different foods leave different marks and carbon on teeth.

3.The example of the Paranthropus was mentioned in the article in order to _____.

A. tell readers that they are one of our close cousins living in eastern Africa

B. tell readers they had different eating habits from modern humans

C. prove that size and shape of skulls does not show accurately what early humans ate

D. tell readers that living environment makes a difference to skull structure



What’s On Stage

An acrobatic show: To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe (剧团) will present “The Soul of China”, where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills will run down your spine(脊柱) as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge.

Time: 7:30 p.m., September 13-19

Place: Capital Theatre, 22 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District


Joint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display.

Time: 9:00 a. m.-5:00 p.m. until September 10

Place: Huangshicheng Art Gallery, 136 Nanchizi Dajie, Dongcheng DistrictOil paintings: The Wanfung Art Gallery will host a joint show of oil painting by 10 young and middle-aged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture the wondrous variety of life in unique styles.

Time: 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. until September 15

Place: 136 Nanchizi Street, Dongcheng District

Literature museum: The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an in-depth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to 1949.

Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., daily

Place: 45 Anyuan Donglu, Chaoyang District (Shaoyaoju area)

ConcertsBeijing rocks: “The Fashion Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.

Time: September 16

Place: The Olympic Center

Belgium orchestra:La Petite Bande, the Baroque Orehestra of Belgium, will perform in Beijing at the Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the world in memory of the 250th anniversary of Bach’s death.

Time: 7:30 p.m. September 11-14

Place: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

1.What do you think of the acrobatic show mentioned above?

A. When you watch it, you will certainly feel cold.

B. Unexpected things will make you excited and surprised.

C. Something strange will puzzle everyone, including scientists.

D. Even the bravest ones will be too frightened to go on watching.

2.The most characteristic about the Fashion Night of Chinese Rock is that ______.

A. it will certainly cause a rock storm throughout China

B. it is to bring thousands of rock fans out of their homes

C. it is to be held in memory of one of the greatest musicians

D. it will let the audience choose the performers and the music

3.Suppose it is September 14 today, how many activities can people choose to attend?

A. 2.                             B. 3.                              C. 4.                              D. 5.

4.On the whole, we can conclude ______.

A. we can enjoy a large variety of cultural activities in Beijing

B. people in Beijing prefer modern culture to something traditional

C. most of the cultural activities in Beijing are for foreign visitors only

D. there are usually more cultural activities in September than in any other month



 People are different. Some are extrovert. These people are outgoing, confident, and know the “gift of the gab”. They also feel very comfortable when in groups of people.

      Unfortunately we have the other extreme. This is the introvert. The introvert feels sick in crowds, and does not like them. These people feel awkward in the crowds, when placed in this type of situation. Many introverts are shy and lack confidence. They need to get used to people, and want to run away when questioned by people.

      The introvert feels very lonely in a crowd, but this could happen to the outgoing  as well.

      I think that I fall into the middle of the two kinds. Sometimes if I am comfortable about the type of people in the crowds, I feel welcome. If for some reason the crowd consists of different types of people, then I do not feel very comfortable in the crowd.

      So what do I do when I suddenly feel lost and alone in the crowd? I try to calm my mind by taking deep breath and telling myself that even this will pass. I then try, and get away from the crowd by making excuses or even trying to get to my car and go home. This, of course, is a poor excuse and doesn’t often work well. These are excuses that are employed. The ones that I am not so proud of are acting like I have an emergency to go to. This is a very good lie, but I feel really bad afterwards.

      I have tried this one, and have succeeded. I try and find someone who feels just like I do. I then try and make a new friend. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not. This is quite a noble way of staying in the crowd.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A. What is the character of the introvert?

B. Why do people feel lonely in a crowd?

C. How can we make ourselves calm down in a crowd?

D. What do you do when you suddenly feel lonely in a crowd?

2.The word “extrovert” is most likely to mean ______.

A. serious        B. excited       C. outgoing     D. nervous

3.From the fourth paragraph we can infer that _____.

A. the writer is good at getting along with others

B. the writer does not like to deal with people from other regions

C. the writer sometimes does not feel very comfortable in the crowd

D. the writer has double personality when faced with different types of people

4.When the writer feels lonely, he prefers to calm down by _____.

A. making a call  B. making excuses

C. holding his breath  D. deep breathing



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