满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The captain of a ship and a merchant(商人)...

The captain of a ship and a merchant(商人)were friends.The merchant had a young son,who wanted to be a sailor(水手),so the captain took him for voyages in his  .One day when the captain had come from a     with a lot of money,the merchant told him that the price of iron(铁) had    and suggested that he should buy some with his money.“I’ll      it for you in my storehouse   _ you return from your next voyage,and perhaps you’ll get     money.” But while the captain was away,the price of iron went up  _ 60% ,so the merchant sold it and kept the money.When the captain came back,his      friend told him that he was very sorry and the mice had    all the iron. The captain knew that his friend was    lies,but he stayed  _and said,“I knew that you had problems    mice in your storehouse.” After a few days,the captain started     voyage,and when he returned home,he said to the merchant,“I’m very sorry,but  _our voyage a bird came down and carried your son away.” The merchant was very    and said,“Birds cannot carry boys!” “And    can mice eat iron,” answered the captain.The merchant took the captain to a   ,who said,“The merchant must  the captain the money which he got when he   the iron,and then the captain must    the merchant’s son back to him.”

1.A. car       B. cart      C. ship        D. plane

2.A. voyage   B. travel     C. business    D. visit

3.A. fallen    B. raised     C. widened    D. risen

4.A. keep     B. hide      C. hold       D. put

5.A. when    B. since      C. after       D. until

6.A. many    B. more      C. a bit       D. less

7.A. on      B. in         C. to         D. by

8.A. dishonest B. honest     C. real        D. former

9.A. sold     B. borrowed   C. eaten      D. drunk

10.A. talking   B. making    C. telling      D. saying

11.A. friendly  B. calm      C. quiet       D. angry

12.A. about    B. in         C. on         D. with

13.A. another  B. next       C. the other    D. other

14.A. while    B. after       C. during      D. before

15.A. boring   B. puzzled     C. angry      D. afraid

16.A. yet      B. neither      C. so        D. either

17.A. lawyer   B. manager     C. child      D. judge

18.A. return    B. give        C. offer      D. lend

19.A. kept     B. bought      C. sold       D. stole

20.A. bring    B. fetch        C. carry      D. catch


1.C 2. 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了一个故事。商人和船长是朋友,一次船长出海归来,听从了商人的建议,买了很多铁,并且由商人看管着。但是出海回来时商人却告诉船长铁被老鼠吃掉了,船长不动声色,到下次出海回来后带回的消息是商人的儿子被海鸟叼走了。于是两人对簿公堂。 1.C名词辨析。A汽车;B 手推车;C轮船;D 飞机。根据上下文及常识可知船长出海要用船,当水手当然也要在船上,所以C选项正确。 2.A 名词辨析。A 航海,航天; B 旅行;C生意,公司;D 参观。从上文the captain took him for voyages和下文 you return from your next voyage可知此处是指船长出海归来,故A选项正确。 3.A 动词辨析。A 下降;B 举起; C 加宽;D 上升。根据常识可知做买卖要低价进高价卖,而且从下文the price of iron went up可以推断得知商人建议船长时铁价比较低,所以此空选A。 4.A 动词辨析。A 保存,保管;B 隐藏;C举行,抓住;D 放。从语境可知商人承诺要替船长保管着这些铁,并且承诺要把它们放在仓库里,所以正确选项为A。 5.D 连词辨析。A 当。。时候;B自从;C 在。。之后;D 直到。。。根据情理可知商人说要替船长保管这些铁直到他下次出海回来。故D选项正确。 6.B 不定代词辨析。A 许多;B 更多;C 一点;D 更少。商人建议船长买进铁,所以从他经商的头脑判断船长应该会能赚到更多的钱。所以选B。 7.D 介词辨析。A 在。。之上;B在。。里;C到;D在。。旁边,或表示程度。根据上下文可知铁价上涨了60%,而在这四个选项中只有介词by可以表示(相差的)程度,所以D选项正确。 8.A 形容词辨析。A 不诚实的;B 诚实的;C 真正的;D以前的。从商人的做法可以断定他是个不讲信用,不诚实的人,所以A选项正确。 9.C 动词辨析。A 卖;B 借;C 吃;D喝酒。根据下文他们在法官面前的话mice eat iron,可知商人撒谎说老鼠把铁给吃掉了,所以选C。 10.C动词辨析。A谈话;B 制作;C 告诉;说D 说。固定短语 tell a lie “说谎”,所以选C。句意:船长知道他的朋友在撒谎。 11.B形容词辨析。 A 有好的;B 平静的;C安静的;D生气的。根据转折连词but以及下文船长说的话I knew that you had problems  47  mice in your storehouse.可知船长表现的很平静,没有发火着急,所以答案选B。 12.D介词辨析。 A关于; B 在。。里C在。。上;D 和。。一起,关于。固定短语:have problems with sth “有。。的问题”,相当于 have trouble/ difficulty with sth。所以D为正确选项。 13.A不定代词辨析。 A 另一个; B下一个;C 其他的(特指); D 其他的(泛指)。根据上下文可知船长是再一次出海,在此不是特指某一次,所以选A。 14.C 介词辨析。A 当。。时候;B 在。。以后;C 在。。期间;D 在。。之前。从语境可知船长是指在航海期间,商人的儿子被海鸟叼走了。During是介词“在。。期间”后面可以用名词做宾语,而while是连词,后面要跟句子,所以C选项正确。 15.B 形容词辨析。A 枯燥的;B 感到迷惑的;C 生气的; D 恐怕。从下文商人说的话“Birds cannot carry boys!”可以推断商人对船长所说的话感觉很困惑, 所以B选项正确。 16.B 不定代词辨析。A然而;B两者都不;C 也,D两者中的任意一个。根据语境可知船长在此指的是老鼠也不会吃铁, 来承接前句“Birds cannot carry boys!”。在英语中如果前句是否定句,后面表示“也如此”的话,用“neither /nor+动词+主语”结构。所以B选项正确。 17.D名词辨析。 A 律师;B经理; C 孩子;D法官,裁判。根据情理可知人们之间起了纷争的时候要去找法官,所以选D。 18.B 动词辨析。A 归还;B给;C提供;D借给。根据故事的内容可知,商人卖掉了船长的铁而获得许多钱,而不是借的船长的钱,所以此处用give而不选return。故B选项正确。 19.C 动词辨析。A 保持;B 买来;C卖掉;D 偷。根据上文so the merchant sold it and kept the money可知C选项正确。 20.A动词辨析。 A带来;B 去取来;C 携带;D 逮住,接住。从上文可知船长在出海时把商人的儿子给藏了起来,所以法官要求船长把商人的儿子带回来。Bring指把人或东西带到说话的地方来,而fetch是去取来,去拿来的意思。carry没有方向性,而且一般指肩挑背扛等较重的物体。所以A选项正确。 考点:考查故事类短文。

 Mr. Smith, _______ of the _____ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tiring; bored   B. tired; bored      C. tired; boring   D. tiring; boring



 Sarah,hurry up! I’m afraid you don’t have time to__________.

A. get change   B. get changing   C. get to change    D. get changed



 My sister will get up early tomorrow morning,because the train to London _________at 6:00 a.m.

A. will leave    B. is going to leave   C. is to leave     D. leaves



 After he retired, Mr. Green _______painting, but soon lost interest.

A. took up   B. gave up    C. made up   D. used up



 Work hard at your lessons, ______ you’ll fail the exams again.

A. and    B. but     C. otherwise        D. besides



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