满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is shown that men have as women do on...

It is shown that men have         as women do on average while driving according to recent statistics.

A. twice as many serious accidents

B. serious accidents as twice many

C. twice serious accidents as many

D. serious accidents as many twice


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查倍数的表达:倍数的表达法是:倍数+as+adj+名词+as,倍数放在最前面,所以排除BD,还有as后面接形容词+名词,所以C不对,句意:根据最近的数据表明在开车的时候,男子发生严重事故平均是女子的两倍。选A。 考点:考查倍数的表达

 Not until the train pulled into the station          that his suitcase was gone.

A. had he found     B. did he find   C. he had found    D. he found



The news came as no surprise to me . I ____ for some time that the factory was going to shut down .

A. knew       B. know        C. have known       D.  had known 



However difficult you find         to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run.

A .this                        B. one                          C. it                               D. that



—Has Mr.Tom White arrived ? 

 ---- Yes ,already .  ______he wait outside or just come in ?

A. Shall      B. May    C. Could      D. Must 



If you are in trouble , Mike is always willing to _______ a hand .

A. lend         B.  shake           C.  wave       D.  want



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