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Embroidering (刺绣) When I was a little bo...

Embroidering (刺绣)

When I was a little boy living in New York, my mother used to embroider a great deal. I would sit at her knee and look up from the    36    and ask what she was doing. She    37   me that she was embroidering. I told her that it looked like a mess from where I was. As from the underside I watched her work within the    38   of the little round hoop(铁环)that she held in her hand, I complained to her that it sure looked    39    from where I sat.

    She would smile at me, look down and   40    say, "My son, you go about your    41    for a while, and when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on my    42    and let you see it from my side."

I would wonder why she was using some dark threads along with the    43    ones and why they seemed so jumbled(混乱的)from my   44   . A few minutes would pass and then I would hear Mother's voice say, " Son, come and sit on my knee." This I did only to be  surprised and    45  to see a beautiful flower or a sunset. I could not    46   it, because from underneath it looked so messy.

   Then mother would    47   to me, "My son, from underneath it did look messy and jumbled, but you did not realize that there was a   48   plan on the top. It was a    49   . I was only following it. Now look at it from my side    50    you will see what I was doing."

   Many    51    through the years, I have    52    up to my Heavenly Father and said, “ Father, what are You doing? ” He    53   , “ I am embroidering your    54   . ” I say, " But it looks like a mess to me. It seems so jumbled. The threads seem so dark. Why can't they all be bright ? " The Father seems to tell me, " My child, you go about your business of doing My business, and one day I will bring you to    55    and put you on my knee and you will see the plan from My side. "

1.A. floor                   B. corner          C. ceiling                       D. step

2.A. demanded       B. blamed                 C. persuaded        D. informed

3.A. decorate              B. boundaries        C. picture           D. surface

4.A. messy                  B. dirty              C. shabby            D. tight

5.A. smartly                 B. cautiously       C. gently             D. precisely

6.A. complaining            B. playing                        C. embroidering              D. imagining

7.A. back           B. chair             C. knee             D. table

8.A. white          B. black                       C. bright            D. shining

9.A. eyes                   B. opinion           C. heart           D .view

10.A. hopeful      B. thrilled                       C. expecting           D. enthusiastic

11.A. believe         B. consider              C. see                   D. touch

12.A. talk            B. mention              C. say                           D. whisper

13.A. pre-drawn      B. previewed         C. preserved                   D. produced

14.A. direction        B. line                 C. diagram                      D. design

15.A. or             B. and                    C. until                         D. unless

16.A. times                  B. days              C. seasons                   D. chances

17.A. climbed               B. jumped                   C. shouted                      D. looked

18.A. required             B. answered          C. instructed               D. concluded

19.A. decision       B. fortune          C. life                      D. business

20.A. home                 B. mother                   C. America                     D. Heaven


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:文中作者讲述了自己小时候看母亲刺绣的事情,刺绣时绣品的正面泾渭分明,图案精美,而反面则丝线交错,杂乱无章。所以在生活中也是这样,当你感到人生迷茫世事纷乱的时候,其实你只是看到事情的反面而已。 1.A名词辨析。A地板;B 角落;C 天花板;D 台阶。从下文As from the underside I watched her work可以推测得知孩子应该是站在低处看母亲刺绣,所以看到的是丝线杂乱。A选项正确。 2.D动词辨析。A 要求;B责备;C 劝说;D 通知,告知。that she was embroidering.是母亲说话的内容,所以此处用inform ,句意:母亲告诉我她在刺绣。D选项正确。 3.B名词辨析。A 装饰;B 边界,分界线;C图片;D表面。从常识可知刺绣时候应该在铁箍或者竹子做的绷子以内刺绣,所以B选项正确。 4.A形容词辨析。A 混乱的;B 肮的;C 破旧的;D 紧的。从下文why they seemed so jumbled(混乱的)可知在刺绣的背面线是杂乱的,故A选项正确。 5.C副词辨析。A机智灵敏地;B小心谨慎地; C温柔地;D 精确准确地。从情理可知孩子在回答孩子问题时,母亲说话应该是柔声细语的。 6.B动词辨析。A 抱怨;B 玩耍;C 刺绣;D 想象。从下文when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on可知母亲在刺绣,按情理应该是让孩子去玩一会,回头再让孩子来看。所以B选项正确。 7.C名词辨析。A 后背;B 椅子;C 膝盖;D 桌子。下文母亲喊Son, come and sit on my knee."由此可知母亲让孩子做到膝盖上,C选项正确。 8.C形容词辨析。A 白色的;B 黑色的;C 鲜艳的;D 闪光的。从文章最后作者问上帝的话The threads seem so dark. Why can't they all be bright ?可以推测刺绣时候有黑线,当然也有鲜艳的丝线。C选项正确。 9.D名词辨析。A 眼睛;B 观点;C 心脏;D 视觉,视线。从上下文可知是从小孩子站的角度和视线来看,刺绣背面杂乱的状态。所以正确选项为D。 10.B形容词辨析。A 有希望的;B 激动震颤的;C 令人期望的;D 热情的。作者此时坐在母亲膝盖上看到得是刺绣的正面,正面和反面截然不同,所以孩子感到惊讶。和surprised同类的词是 “感到震惊的”,所以B选项正确。 11.A动词辨析。A 相信;B 考虑;C 看到;D 触摸。从上文可知孩子从低处看到的和坐在母亲膝盖上看到的完全不同,所以作者惊讶震撼不相信眼前的情景, A选项正确。 12.C动词辨析。A谈话;B 提及;C 说;D 低语。从下文的"My son, from underneath it did look messy and jumble可知此处是母亲在和孩子说话,C选项正确。 13.A动词辨析。A 提前画的;B 预演,试映;C 储藏,保存;D 生产。从常识可知刺绣时要提前把花样画到布上,所以A 选项正确。 14.D名词辨析。A 方向;B 线条;C 图表;D 花样。刺绣时按照画的图案都称为花样,故D选项正确。句意:那就是图案花样。 15.B连词辨析。A 或者;B 并且;C 直到;D 除非。Look at it from my side 和 you will see what I was doing是两个并列句,前后表示顺承关系。所以B选项正确。句意:从我这边看,你就能看到我所做的了。 16.A名词辨析。A 次数;B 天,日子;C 季节;D 机会。从语境可知每当作者迷茫无措时,他都会想起母亲的刺绣,所以此处应该是多次。A选项正确。句意:这么多年来,很多次我都抬头仰望上帝。。 17.D动词辨析。A 爬;B跳;C 喊,嚷;D 看。因为是和上帝对话,所以应该是仰视在天堂的Heavenly Father,look up to 仰视,尊敬;D选项正确。 18.B动词辨析。A 要求;B 回答;C 指示,命令;D 得出结论。从前句Father, what are You doing? ”可知是作者发问,所以推测后面上帝回答道。B选项正确。 19.C名词辨析。A决定;B 机会,财富;C 生活;D 生意。从下文内容可知此处是指作者生活中感到混乱,茫然的时候,而且life 词意更广,所以C选项正确。 20.D名词辨析。A 家 ;B 母亲;C 美国;D 天堂。因为作者是在寻问上帝,所以应该是去天堂,故D选项正确。 考点:考查故事类短文。

 — This is the first time I __________ my first picture with my own hands.

— It's time that you __________ a picture for me.

A.took; will take              B.have taken; took

C.took; took            D.will take; have taken



We can't have lunch at the restaurant, because __________.

A.not all of us have money

B.all of us don't have money

C.everyone of us don't have money

D.none of us has money



The suspect's fingerprint printed on the gun was the main __________ against him.

A.evidence         B.Information           C.crime             D.conviction



Many children, _________ parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.

A.their            B.whose          C.of whom          D.with whom



It must be kept in mind that _______ lifelong study can you survive in the high competitive society.

A.until when       B.until then     C.only through           D.only when



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