满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once my friend Peterson bought a pack of...

Once my friend Peterson bought a pack of chicken, the brand of which was very famous at that time. But when he got home he found that the chicken had gone bad. He took the chicken back to the shop and he was paid twice of the price. We may say now he should have been satisfied but my friend would not like to stop. He decided to write a letter to Frank, president of the company, who was also the founder of the chicken brand.

About a week later he received a letter written by the president himself. In the letter he apologized to my friend for it whole –heartedly .There was also a card in the envelope ,with which my friend could get another pack of chicken in any of the shops. In the end my friend was asked to answer some questions.

1. When and where did you buy the chicken?

2. What was the real problem of the chicken?

3. What did the shop ass istant say when you took the chicken back to the shop?

4. W hat do you think is the reason for the chicken to go bad?

5. What do you suggest we should do to get away from such problems?

Two days later, my friend also received a telephone call from the president’s office, asking whether he had received the letter as well as the card and then some other questions. Since then, my friend has always bought chicken of this brand whenever he wants to.

1.What did the friend get when he took the bad chicken back to the shop?

A. Another pack of chicken.

B. Two packs of chicken.

C. Double the price.

D. A whole-hearted apology.

2.What did the author’s friend do when he came back from the shop after he was paid back?

A. He felt satisfied with the result.

B. He wrote a letter to the President of the US.

C. He became very angry with the shop assistant.

D. He wrote a letter to the president of the company.

3.What is the author’s friend’s attitude towards the chicken brand?

A. He still believes in it.

B. He doesn’t believe it at all.

C. He will never buy it again.

D. He has never been satisfied with it.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The company may still be a top brand now.

B. The president of the company is a responsible person.

C. The company must have closed down.

D. The author may also believe in the chicken brand.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:作者的朋友买了一盒鸡肉,发现变质后退回商店,得到两倍赔偿。但是当他向生产鸡肉的公司老总反映情况后,老总竟亲自回信道歉并赠送一张卡,持这张卡朋友可以去任何一家商店拿到一盒鸡肉,这种无言的承诺重新赢回了朋友对这个品牌的信赖。 1.C细节理解题。从文章首段He took the chicken back to the shop and he was paid twice of the price.可知朋友退回变质的鸡肉,得到两倍的赔偿。所以C选项正确。 2.D细节理解题。从文章第一段but my friend would not like to stop. He decided to write a letter to Frank, president of the company,和下文he received a letter written by the president himself.可知他给公司老总写了一封信,所以D选项正确。 3.A推理判断题。根据文章最后Since then, my friend has always bought chicken of this brand whenever he wants to.可以推测朋友仍然信任这个品牌,故选A。 4.B推理判断题。从文章中公司老总的做法可知他是个做事认真,有责任心的人,故B为正确选项。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

One day, a farmer’s donkey fell into a dried up well. The animal cried   16  for hours as the farmer tried to  17  what to do. Finally, he decided that the animal was  18  , the well needed to be covered up, and  19   the donkey just wasn’t worth the  20  , so he invited his neighbors to  21   and help him bury the donkey in the well. They all held shovels (铲) and begin to shovel  22   into the well. At first, the donkey  23   what was happing and  24   cried pitifully. Then, to everyone’s  25  , he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked  26   into the well and was  27   at what he saw.  28   each shovel load of dirt that hit his back, the donkey  29   something surprising. He shook it off and took a step up! As the farmer’s neighbors  30   to shovel dirt  31   the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. The donkey stepped  32   over the edge of the well! As with the donkey,  33   is going to shovel dirt  34   you, all kinds of dirt. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, by never giving 35  .

1.A. happily           B. hardly        C. sadly           D. greatly

2.A. carry out        B. think out         C. leave out       D. watch out

3.A. young             B. small           C. old     D. large

4.A. rescuing         B. killing         C. selling        D. buying

5.A. money            B. effort         C. praise         D. time

6.A. come around     B. come over    C. come down   D. come to

7.A. stone     B. earth          C. dirt             D. soil

8.A. realized          B. found         C. heard         D. saw

9.A. again     B. ever           C. never         D. once

10.A. joy       B. amazement    C. disappoint ment    D. excitement

11.A. off       B. down          C. up      D. over

12.A. astonished        B. sorry         C. worried D. angry

13.A. With             B. As      C. For              D. On

14.A. did       B. had             C. made          D. considered

15.A. began          B. stopped C. started      D. con tinued

16.A. at the top of     B. on top of       C. at the foot ofD. in front of

17.A. luckily          B. successfullyC. hard               D. easily

18.A. life       B. world         C. time             D. work

19.A. off     B. on      C. up               D. down

20.A. up       B. away           C. in      D. out



I called Mom yesterday and she said she had something delicious ____ for me.

A. in common       B. in store      C. in general      D. in order



_________ we could afford it, we wouldn’t go abroad for our holidays.

A. In case          B. Now that     C. Even though    D. So that



Lily is so kind-hearted a girl that she often gives __________ needs her help.

A. who      B. whom   C. whoever        D. whomever



— Are there any flights for Hong Kong tomorrow?

— _______ Why not give a call to find it out?

A. I’ve no idea.         B. It depends.   

C. Why not stay longer?           D. Are you leaving?



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