满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The advisor_____ she went for advice is ...

The advisor_____ she went for advice is very famous.

A.to whom      B.to whose      C.whom      D.which


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题考查“介词+关系代词”的用法。注意,题中包含一个短语,go to sb for advice,相当于turn to sb for advice。根据介词to排除C、D;whose作定语,不能与介词连用,排除B。故选A。 考点:考查定语从句

The opening ceremony has been put off_____ the bad weather.

A. in case of     B. in spite of      C. instead of      D. because of



—Could you lend Lucy some money?

  —_____! She is always borrowing money and never thinking of paying back.

A. No problem     B. Come on     C. No way     D. Go ahead



Talor is really stubborn. Whenever we have arguments, I am the one to______.

A. give off     B. give in      C. give away     D. give up



As is known to all, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless_____ used in everyday communication.

A. gradually     B. accurately     C. familiarly      D. frequently



—It is reported that a school bus fell into a river and 14 pupils were killed in Hunan Province the other day.

  —Yes,_____ news came as _____ shock to all of us.

A. the;the     B .a;/      C. the;a       D./;a



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