满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—I have been worried about the possible ...

—I have been worried about the possible danger of driving on a railway line.

  —Do not be afraid. God will______ us.

A. turn over     B. watch over      C. go over     D. look over


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:--我一直担心行驶在铁路上会出现危险。--不要害怕。上帝会照顾我们的。A翻转,细想,移交;B照看;C仔细检查;D浏览。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语辨析

It was generally believed that the show was not as successful as expected, but____, I think it was a great success.

A. personally     B. directly      C. publicly       D. secretly



—I’d like to go to see the film with you, Dad.

  —Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are ____ into the cinema.

A. required     B. intended      C. admitted      D. supposed



All the students in this school are required to____ at least two lectures on how to study every month.

A. attend      B. take park in      C. join in      D. go in for



I’d like to do something for you_____ everything you have done for me.

A. in exchange     B. in turn      C. in return for     D. in terms of



I will always remember the days_____ I spent with you in that village.

A. on that      B. in which       C. when        D. that



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