满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The reason I have to go is my mother is ...

The reason        I have to go is        my mother is ill in bed.

A. why...why      B. why...because

C. that...because    D. why...that


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查定语从句和表语从句:句意:我不得不走了的原因是我母亲生病在床。the reason后面跟一个定语(从句),The reason is that my mother is ill in bed. 用why引导定语从句,第二空是表语从句的连接词:原因是什么?是一个事实,这个事实用that引导,选D。 考点:考查定语从句和表语从句

The children, ______ had played the whole day long, were worn out.

A. all of what      B. all of which

C. all of them      D. all of whom



每位同学都希望自己具有良好的人际关系,成为班级中受欢迎的人。请你根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Popular Student”的英语短文,参加学校网站英语论坛的讨论。











Being a Popular Student

We all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers.









请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格的空格处里填人最恰当的单词。


Host family accommodation means that hosts treat the student as a full member of the household, eating together with the student and sharing the common living areas with him/her. No more than three adult students or four junior students will be accommodated in host family accommodation at one time.

Host family accommodation remains popular among international students. It is the most economical and beneficial accommodation for any student. It is also the best way to practise English and learn new cultures. As a result, it is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host family enables students to get enough practice during the short time of their study so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. Living in host families, students are able to spend a lot of time communicating with their “host parents”, who are often very hospitable and friendly, and get to know the local way of life, people and culture. Most host families are always ready to help students out in any situation. Often the bonds that are made between international students and their host families endure many years, and are maintained through letters and e-mails. Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students as it ensures them a family type of living at a low cost.

The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On the one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. One problem is that the majority of hosts in big cities, now generally single and young, have less time available for international students, but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. On the other hand, students’ expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.

To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to make living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long showers. They are also providing students with structured family activities.

It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.


Title: Host Family Accommodation


Host family accommodation refers to a kind of accommodation in which the student is treated as a  1.   member of the host family, eating together and sharing the living areas with the hosts.


Language study

Students learn the language faster because they 3.    frequently enough.

Cultural communication

It is more convenient for students to communicate and get to know the local  4.  , people and culture.

Cost of5.

Sometimes it is the least expensive and enables students to live at a low cost.


Loss of the selling point

Hosts 6. enough time to communicate with students.

Rise in7.

Students are demanding more from their host families.


Improvement of service quality

Hosts are 9.  living conditions.

They are offering students structured 10.activities.


Host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.



The State Council declared Wednesday it would restart China's nuclear power program, ending the hiatus(中断)in nuclear construction since Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster last year.

    China has been the most courageous country in building nuclear power, with the largest number of plants currently under construction. Nuclear power is facing a tough time in developed countries. The Japanese public is demanding the closure of all the country's nuclear power plants. China is at the forefront of nuclear power development. But it has been forced into this position.

    Rapid economic development coupled with improvements in people's life both demand more electricity. It is impossible to exploit fossil resources forever as the supply of coal, oil and natural gas is limited. China has no choice but to develop nuclear power.

    China must be the safest user of nuclear power. It should become a leading country in developing nuclear power technologies and increasing the world's knowledge of nuclear power. 

    It needs to do at least two things. First, it needs to promote safety in nuclear power plants, based on the technologies of the West. The former Soviet Union, the US and Japan all had severe nuclear accidents, proving there are risks. China should try to remove these risks.

    Second, China should establish effective communication mechanisms(机制)between the government, power plants and the public. It's wrong to think the government can control every aspect of nuclear power plant construction.

    The opposition to nuclear power program in developed countries has prevented them from building new plants, but they already have many. These governments are reluctant to close these plants despite strong opposition, because they cannot find better substitutes. 

    Nuclear power only occupies 1.8 percent of China's current electricity grid(输电网), much lower than the proportion in many developed countries. China's nuclear power plan should introduce the advantages of the technologies of other countries and also be creative in providing security. Its space technology is not the most advanced, but its launch safety measures have proven to be among the best.

    China's high-profile high-speed railway development has drawn a lot of controversy, as will the active attitude towards developing nuclear power. But China cannot just copy what the developed countries have done. The development of nuclear power must be unique to China and it must be a ground-breaking success. But now, the real test lies ahead.

1.In the third paragraph the writer focuses on ______.

A. the reason why China is to develop nuclear power

B. the difficulty China has in developing nuclear power

C. the measures China will take to develop nuclear power

D. the benefits China will have by developing nuclear power

2.What attitude do people in developed countries have towards nuclear power program?

A. Supportive.           B. Opposed.     C. Indifferent.                      D. Objective.

3.. If the Chinese government is to develop nuclear power, it needs to ______.

A. copy exactly what the developed countries have done

B. depend entirely on domestic scientists and technologies

C. avoid people’s involvement in nuclear power plant construction

D. do everything in its power to guarantee safety in nuclear power plants

4.What is the future of China’s nuclear power program according to the text?

A. It will be unique but can hardly pass too many tests.

B. It will be full of controversy but carried out firmly.

C. It will be on a smooth way to a ground-breaking success.

D. It will receive much opposition from developed countries.



WASHINGTON(Reuters)‑People who drink two or more sweetened soft drinks a week have a much higher risk of pancreatic cancer (胰腺癌), an unusual but deadly cancer, researchers reported on Monday.

      People who drank mostly fruit juice instead of sodas did not have the same risk, the study of 60,000 people in Singapore found.

      “Sugar may be to blame but people who drink sweetened sodas regularly often have other poor health habits,” said Mark Pereira of the University of Minnesota, who led the study.

      “The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin(胰岛素) in the body, which we think contributes to pancreatic cancer cell growth,” President said in a statement.

      Writing in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Pereira and his colleagues said they followed 60,524 men and women in the Singapore—Chinese Health Study for 14 years.

      Over that time, 140 of the volunteers developed pancreatic cancer. Those who drank two or more sweetened soft drinks a week had an 87 percent higher risk of being among those who got pancreatic cancer.

      Pereira said he believed the findings would apply elsewhere.

      “Singapore is a wealthy country with excellent healthcare. Favorite pastimes(消遣) are eating and shopping, so the findings should apply to other western countries.” he said.

      But Susan Mayne of the Yale Cancer Center at Yale University in Connecticut was cautious.

      “Although this study found a risk, the finding was based on a relatively small number of cases and it remains unclear whether it was a causal(因果的) connection or not.” Said Mayne, who serves on thee board of the journal, which is published by the American Association for Cancer Research.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest form of cancer, with 230,000 cases globally. In the United States, 37,680 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in a year and 34, 290 die of it.

1.We can infer from Pereira’s word that_________

A. the healthcare in Singapore should be greatly improved

B. 2 soft drinks a day are considered harmful to health

C. 87 out of 140 volunteers developed pancreatic cancer

D. sugar might not be the only cause of pancreatic cancer.

2.How does Susan seem to feel about the findings of the study?

A. Satisfied        B. Doubtful        C. Worried         D. Hopeful

3.The best title of the text might be_______

A. The Deadliest Forms of Cancer

B. Drink Fruit Juice Instead of Sodas

C. A Study in University of Minnesota

D. Sugary Soft Drinks Lead to Cancer



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