满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The police came running and the crowd. A...

The police came running and       the crowd.

A. broke off           B. break into

C. broke up           D. break down


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查短语辨析:A. broke off折断中断,B. break into破门而入,        C. broke up分手,解体,驱散,打碎, D. break down崩溃,抛锚,句意:警察跑来驱散人群。选C。 考点:考查动词短语辨析

 —My wife tries her best to do everything for our children.

—That's exactly       I disagree.

A.what                         B.how                  C. when                         D. where



----We’d like a double room, please.

----I’m sorry, but all but two single rooms with sea view      .

A. is reserved                                                    B. have been reserved

C. has reserved                                                  D. had reserved



Once air pollution       in most cities, it is hard      .

A. rises; dealing with                      B. arouses; to be dealt with

C. raises; dealt with                                                 D. arises; to deal with



Only when       possible to settle the problem.

A. our teacher comes will it be

B. does our teacher comes will it be

C. our teacher comes it will be

D. has our teacher come will it be



Since there is no such       thing as a free lunch in the world,      one million people of the city decided to build their home by themselves.

A. a; the                     B. /; /                          C. /; the                      D. a; /



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