满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You cannot accept an opinion ________ to...

You cannot accept an opinion ________ to you unless it is based on facts.

A. offering                                B. to offer                     C. having offered       D. offered


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动;opinion与offer之间是动宾关系,应该用过去分词作后置定语。句意:你不能接受(他人)提供给你的建议,除非它是基于事实的。故选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词

— Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting.

— ______. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

A. All the best                      B. It is nothing

C. No thanks    D. Very well








3.参考词汇:录音笔 recording pen。

Dear Sir or Madam,

   I’m writing to tell you something about the recording pen I bought from your website several days ago.





Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^), 并在其下面写出该加的词。





Mr.Johnson is a hardworking teacher. Every day, he spends too much time with his work.With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night. Hard work have made him very ill. “He has ruined his healthy. We are worried about him.” That is which other teachers say. Yesterday afternoon, I paid visit to Mr.Johnson.I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped.I had to calm myself down. Quietly I step into the room. I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together. I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him.




 Ryan Howes, a clinical psychologist from California, says "Forgiveness is a sensitive act that can feel like it opens us up to more pain. But we need to have a way to process and let go of the effects of injury, or we risk serious physical and emotional consequences."

People who forgive tend to have better relationships, feel happier and more optimistic, and overall, enjoy better psychological well-being.   1.   It's a difficult process.

There's no single guidebook for forgiveness, though several experts sell their own methods.

Howes suggests focusing on four elements:

Express the emotion. Let yourself feel hurt and angry. Express it to the person who made you feel that way   2.   Write a letter; you don't need to send it. Shout your emotions at the top of your lungs while you're in the car, alone, with the windows down.

__3. We want explanations ?even if we don't agree with them. "Was it a misunderstanding? Were you mad at me? Some sort of cognitive framework (认知框架) is necessary, even if you don't like the reason."

Rebuild safety.4.   That might mean an apology, reassurance from the person in question, distance or stronger boundaries.

Let go. Perhaps it's the hardest part: making a conscious decision not to hold a grudge (怨恨).

If you're in a relationship, this means not bringing up past wrongs. By letting go, you give up

your role as the victim and become equals again.   5.

A.Otherwise,talk to a friend or even an empty chair.

B.Control your feelings

C.Understand why

D.Before you forgive, you need to feel reasonably sure that the act won't reoccur

E.Still, no one ever said forgiveness was easy

F.It's a promise to yourself to stop feeling hurt and to fully move on

G.You may feel helpless, or like life is meaningless



A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in his car on a forest track for two months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday.

The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, February17, too weak to say more than a few words.

He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.

The man, who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19.

“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas.” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens- Kuriren, which broke the news.

Ebbe Nyberg, duty officer at the Umea police, said police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.

“We would not make up something like this. The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us.” he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

Umea University Hospital, where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team, said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.

Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food. Besides eating snow, the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的) state, physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

“A bit like a bear that hibernates. Humans can do that.” he said. “He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to. Due to the low temperature, not much energy was used up.”

“Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown,” police said.

1.“Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.”implies that     .

A.police didn’t think it true

B.police were sure of the fact

C.police had some doubt on the fact

D.police had reasons to doubt the fact

2.The reason why the man could survive was most probably that     .

A.he was only forty-five year old

B.he did not use any energy

C.he slept in the sleeping bag

D.he was in a dormant-like state

3.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.A Traffic Accident         B.A Long Sleep in Winter

C.An Incredible Survival     D.A Successful Rescue



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