满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear i...

The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can ___ all foods are secure to us, but we are sure that the situation is turning for the better.

A.acknowledge     B.guarantee        C.identity                D.clarify


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:三鹿奶粉事件是一个明确的迹象表明,食品安全是一个大问题;没有人能保证所有食品都是安全的人,但可以肯定的是,情况已有所好转。acknowledge 承认;guarantee 保证;identity 身份、特性。clarify 澄清。根据句意最佳选B。 考点: 考查动词在具体语境中的用法。

—I am going to travel to America.Would you consider telling me about your experiences there?

—__.Let's discuss it over dinner.

A.That's all right           B.Go ahead

C.By all means             D.It just depends



I don't think the experiment is ___ failure, because it has provided us with ___valuable experience for our future tests.

A.不填; 不填             B.不填; a              C.a; a       D.a; 不填



假设你现在正参加一场英语演讲比赛,你抽到的题目是“Smile for life, and every day will be sunshine”.请你就该话题展开演讲。你的演讲必须包含以下三个方面的内容:


    2. 用一个事例来支持你的观点;   

    3. 总结发言。

        注意:1. 词数:1 20左右;



Ladies and gentlemen,

 It’s my honor to give a speech here. My topic of speech is “Smile for life, and every day will be sunshine.”              _________________________________        ___     

              _________________________________        ___                        





Thanks for your attention.   



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcomed to the West Lake. First of all, let me make a brief introduction for it .

    The West Lake like a shining pearl lying in the west of Hangzhou City. Surrounded by hill on the three sides, it is famous for it beautiful scenery, a plenty of historic sites and a variety of local products. Legend has it that the West Lake was a jewel falling from heaven when geologists insist this place had been a shallow sea gulf before it became that it is today. In any case, the West Lake inspired poets and painters for centuries. Enjoy your trip. Thank you !



1._____   People with intellectual disability form one of the largest single disability groups in a community. Intellectual disability refers to a general slowness to learn and function within society, and the identification of intellectual disability is usually based on an assessment of a person's performance in a variety of tests. An individual's level of performance, as assessed, can change with time and circumstances. With skilled training and opportunity for development, people with intellectual disability have much greater potential for acquiring skills and for participation in community life than previously had been thought possible.

2._____   In many western societies, five categories of intellectual disability have traditionally been used in order to indicate the perceived degree of difficulty an individual has with learning. All five may occur in either children, adolescent or adult, and show as mild, moderate, severe, profound or multiple intellectual disability.

3.______   For the majority of intellectual disabilities, there is no identifiable cause but there are some causes that are well documented. They include: brain damage at birth due to lack of oxygen--- prolonged labor during childbirth; brain damage before birth due to factors such as rubella, drug or diet-related problems; damage after birth due to illnesses such as encephalitis or accident; hereditary defects in the genes; abnormal chromosome count resulting in, for example, Down Syndrome.

4.______   Like everyone else, people with an intellectual disability need a rewarding job, a satisfying place to live and a good social life. But they may need extra support to achieve these things. Good support services are based on the principle of normalization---which means enabling people to be part of the community like everyone else.

5.______   With the introduction of the intellectually disabled into communities, there is a need to promote awareness of communication. Although many people may have little experience in talking with an intellectually disabled person, there are common guidelines that can simplify the interaction. Firstly, it is useful to remember that people with disabilities have feelings .Speaking in the same friendly manner as you would to anyone else is also recommended. Being prepared to wait a little longer for replies during a conversation with an intellectually disabled person would undoubtedly benefit the exchange.

List of Headings

A.  What do people with an intellectual disability need?

B.  What is intellectual disability?

C.  How do people with an intellectual disability talk?

D.  What are the forms of intellectual disability?

E.  What causes intellectual disability?

F.    How do you talk to a person with an intellectual disability?



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