满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In order to lose weight, the young lady ...

In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to ___ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills.

A.hang out           B.work out         C.turn out     D.figure out


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:为了减肥这位少妇更喜欢有规律的锻炼,而不是服用昂贵的减肥药。work out在此意为“锻炼,健身”;hang out“走动,溜达”;turn out“结果是”;figure out“理解,计算出”。故答案为B项。 考点: 考查动词短语的用法。

—How do you think I should receive the reporter?

—___ you feel about him, try to be polite.

A.How             B. What                 C.Whatever               D.However



You are saying that the plan will be carried out successfully, and it is ____ I disagree.

A.what               B.that                 C.where             D.how



Don't be discouraged.___things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

A.Taking             B.To take           C.Take                    D.Taken



At the beginning of a speech, it is very important to grab the audience's attention and make them interested in ____ you have to say.

A.what            B.which       C.that                    D.who



The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can ___ all foods are secure to us, but we are sure that the situation is turning for the better.

A.acknowledge     B.guarantee        C.identity                D.clarify



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