满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Travel is a very good activity. When tra...

Travel is a very good activity. When traveling, you can relax1.   ,forget your tiredness or troubles, and have the energy to take on the new tasks waiting for you.

But sometimes traveling is 2.    an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable, If you climb a mountain, it may rain suddenly. You may be caught3.    the rain and may catch a cold. The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen 4.    you may have an injury. All these terrible things are 5.   can happen to you .

Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you 6.    make a good preparation. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, you should choose7.___good companion so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful enough and try to avoid accidents. 8.   you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.


1.yourself或yourselves 2.not 3.in 4.or 5.what  6.should或must 7.a  8.If 【解析】 试题分析: 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了旅行中应该注意的几件事情。 1.yourself或yourselves 考查代词的用法。根据后文的forget your tiredness or troubles可知,relax yourself或yourselves; 2.not 考查语境理解。根据后文可知,旅游有时也会遭遇不幸的事。比如,感冒,钱被偷等等。故填not,意为:有时旅游不是令人高兴的事; 3.in 考查短语的用法。此处caught in the rain意为:遇到雨; 4.or 考查并列连词的用法。根据文意可知,钱被偷和受伤都是不幸的事,可能会有一种情况发生。故用or; 5.what  考查名词性从句的连接词。此处what作表语从句的主语。意为:所有不幸的事情都有可能发生在你的身上; 6.should或must 考查情态动词的用法。所以,每次旅行都应该或必须做好充分的准备; 7.a  考查冠词的用法。此处companion是可数名词,故用不定冠词a; 8.If 考查状语从句的连接词。如果你这么做了,你就可以享受你的旅行了。 考点:考查学生对用法知识及语境的理解。

When I was about 6 years old I lived in Kenya. There was a lot of      and there were always street children on the roads asking for money. There was such a big divide between those children and me and I grew up very aware of being so     .

We had a wonderful and very kind driver, John, who had been working with my     for decades. He used to take us to and from school. One day while we were stopped in traffic a young street child, probably no more than 10 years old,     with a friendly greeting, “Hi, John!”

He      the car and shook John’s hand,. John then gave him a little bit of money and waved him off with a smile before we carried on our way to school.

I had watched the whole incident completely     . John had a large family himself and had to work very hard to make ends     .I knew that he didn’t have any spare money. So, of course, at that age I couldn’t understand why he would be giving money to the child.

“Who was that?” I asked. “My friend,” he replied. “I see him every morning on my way to work and I give him a little bit of money.”        Unable to comprehend, I asked, “Why do you have to give him money every morning?” John replied, “So he can use it to buy some food.”

It was probably at that     that I understood what kindness really was. A person who was in a difficult situation himself still found some money to      for a child who needed it. Even at the age of 6 that had such a great impact on me. I didn’t have any money, but I wanted to      too. So when my grandfather gave us a chocolate bar after dinner every Friday, I would          mine up so I could give it to John to give to his friend.

1.A.kindness   B.violence     C.poverty     D.excitement

2.A.fortunate   B.intelligent   C.guilty       D.unfair

3.A.college    B.company    C.family       D.team

4.A.passed by  B.got in       C.got back     D.called out

5.A.stopped    B.approached   C.examined    D.followed

6.A.annoyed   B.surprised     C.satisfied     D.touched

7.A.meet      B.leave        C.move       D.turn

8.A.Even      B.Merely       C.Yet        D.Still

9.A.sight      B.degree       C.spot        D.moment

10.A.spare      B.spend       C.supply      D.raise

11.A.belong     B.contribute   C.change      D.interfere

12.A.keep      B.divide       C.save        D.add



There ___when we came here last time, which was said to date back to 773 BC.

A. stood a great castle        B. does stand a great castle

C. stands a great castle        D. did stand a great castle



—Can you see the bridge ___over there?

— Yes. It’s scheduled to be completed next year.

A. built     B. to be built      C. being built      D. having built



But for your timely warning, we ___have been unaware of the danger. Thank you very much!

A.shall           B. must          C. will             D. would



___some of the juice and perhaps you’ll like it.

A.Trying         B. To try          C. Try             D. Having tried



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