满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To make her business look impressive, Li...

To make her business look impressive, Lisa rented a big office _____ the fact that money wasn’t enough to pay the employees.

A. despite       B. beside                          C. because of                   D. in case of


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查介词短语用法。A尽管;B 在。。旁边;C因为;D万一。从句意可知后面“付不起员工薪水的事实”和前面句子“租大办公室”之间是让步关系,所以A选项正确。句意:尽管她的钱还不够付给员工薪水,但是为了让她的公司看上去给人印象深刻,丽萨租了一间大办公室。 考点:考查介词短语用法。

The President _____ the woman’s service to her country by awarding her a medal.

A. accepted            B. recognized                  C. declared                      D. realized



Miss Li always tries her best to create an atmosphere in class ______ can help her students practice their speaking skills.

A. for which           B. which        C. where         D. of which



Marry had made up her mind to give it up, but on _________ second thought she determined to have __________ third try.

A. / ; /      B. a;   a         C. the; a      D. / ; a



一家知名外资企业准备与当地政府合作修建一所国际学校为了、建办﹑好学校,该企业总裁Mr. White广泛征求学生意见,并公开了他的邮地址。请你以周杉的名义给他写一封E-mail,谈谈你的建议及理由。


1.学习环境 (如:教室,操场……)

2. 特色课程(如:网球,钢琴……)

3. ……


1. 词数100左右

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和学校的名称。

Dear Mr. White,

I am glad to hear you will build an international school, and I’d like to give you some advice. ___________________________________________________________________________________________



I hope I can enter the school. 

           Sincerely yours,

Zhou Shan



  Some students believe that whether they have much money or large possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they wanted to do if they have money. Some students think that they should be good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way, they don’t have to work hardly and they can own everything. I don’t quite agree on the above points. I don’t think money means happy. We cannot buy much things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, it makes me happy, for I can do a lot of for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, me wealth of happiness is in my study.




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