满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---There’s someone knocking on the door....

---There’s someone knocking on the door. Who _________ it be?

---It must be John. He promised to be here at 8:00.

A. must         B. can          C. need       D. shall


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。A必须;B能够,可能;C 需要;D将会。从句意可知此处表示推测,而must表推测时只用于肯定句,C、D选项意思不恰当,can表推测可以用于否定句和疑问句表示“可能”,所以B选项正确。句意:--有人在敲门。可能会是谁呢?--肯定是约翰。他答应八点钟来这儿了。 考点:考查情态动词用法。

In Pakistan, marrying without parental approval can mean ____________ from one’s family.

A. being completely cut up              B. to be completely cut off

C. to be completely cut up                       D. being completely cut off



To make her business look impressive, Lisa rented a big office _____ the fact that money wasn’t enough to pay the employees.

A. despite       B. beside                          C. because of                   D. in case of



The President _____ the woman’s service to her country by awarding her a medal.

A. accepted            B. recognized                  C. declared                      D. realized



Miss Li always tries her best to create an atmosphere in class ______ can help her students practice their speaking skills.

A. for which           B. which        C. where         D. of which



Marry had made up her mind to give it up, but on _________ second thought she determined to have __________ third try.

A. / ; /      B. a;   a         C. the; a      D. / ; a



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