满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- It is said that we will see the film...

--- It is said that we will see the film Gulliver’ Travels at the cinema tomorrow afternoon.

--- ______. I was told yesterday.

A. You are telling me                                               B. The done thing

C. Here it is                                                                         D. That depends


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查交际用语:A. You are telling me我早就知道了。B. The done thing天经地义 别自顾自的, C. Here it is给你,D. That depends那就看情况而定了,句意:据说明天下午我们要去看电影《格列佛游记》。--我早就知道了。昨天有人告诉我了。选A。 考点:考查交际用语

My friend, Tom had just lost his job when, at the precise moment, his girlfriend ______ up with him. She was rubbing salt into his wound.

A. breaks                     B. has broken                                C. had broken                      D. broke



 If you often go to a gallery, it ______ well change forever the way you look at art.

A. may                         B. should                                        C. will                                    D. must



--- We will take the conditions into careful account ______ you have attached to this contract.

--- Thanks. Hope for further cooperation.

A. as                          B. which                                      C. where                            D. what



 Price continued to rise ______ pay was still low, with the result ______ the government became increasingly unpopular.

A. when; that             B. while; which                           C. when; which          D. while; that



Cultural exchange ______ better understanding between people in different countries.

A. allows for         B. calls for                                      C. makes for       D. goes for



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