满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______ has an internal clock that regul...

 ______ has an internal clock that regulates the beating of our hearts, and the ______ of our breathing.

A. Mankind; step           B. Human; pace           C. Human being; step         D. Man; pace


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词:句意:人类有永恒的时鈡(生物钟),它控制着我们的心跳和呼吸的频率。human 或human being是可数名词,可以排除, pace是步幅,频率 而steps是脚步,选D。 考点:考查名词

The noise from the top floor, loud and constant, of the meeting-room ______ can be clearly heard in our classroom.

A. to be decorated                                                      B. having been decorated

C. being decorated                                                           D. decorated



--- It is said that we will see the film Gulliver’ Travels at the cinema tomorrow afternoon.

--- ______. I was told yesterday.

A. You are telling me                                               B. The done thing

C. Here it is                                                                         D. That depends



My friend, Tom had just lost his job when, at the precise moment, his girlfriend ______ up with him. She was rubbing salt into his wound.

A. breaks                     B. has broken                                C. had broken                      D. broke



 If you often go to a gallery, it ______ well change forever the way you look at art.

A. may                         B. should                                        C. will                                    D. must



--- We will take the conditions into careful account ______ you have attached to this contract.

--- Thanks. Hope for further cooperation.

A. as                          B. which                                      C. where                            D. what



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