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Have you ever picked a job based on the ...

Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there’s a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will get you a long-term hurt regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas:

1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?

There are isolating(孤立的)jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.

2) How do you handle change?

Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don’t happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.

3) Do you enjoy working with computers?

    I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you’ll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.

4) What type of work environment do you enjoy?

    This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won’t know immediately to a smaller setting where you’ll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.

5) How do you like to get paid?

    Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.

    Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I’ve seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. You may ignore your skills when you select job.

B. Job skills are the most important things when you select job.

C. There are more important things than job skills when you select job.

D. Selecting job, you should assess your skills and match them with the position.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.

B. Interactive jobs make people shy easily.

C. Extreme people tend to work with others.

D. Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.

3. What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?

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A. Design                     B. Changes                           C. Cooperation           D. Hobbies

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Lifestyles and Job Pay               B. Jobs and Environment

C. Job Skills and Abilities    D. Personalities and Jobs


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析: 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了你在选择职业时,应该考虑几个个人性格的因素 1.C 猜测句意。根据文章第一段中的There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas;  可以推知:你在选择职业生涯的时候,除了技术和职位以外还有几个你个人的性格问题需要考虑。这和选项C相吻合 2.D 考查推理判断。根据文章第二段中的Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer.可知,大多数人不极端但他们有他们偏爱的倾向。可推知D正确。A错是因为:孤立的工作使外向的人便疯狂,而不是所有的人;B项错因为:相互交流的工作使害羞的人感到不自在,而不是使人更害羞;C错因为:文章没提到极端的人易于和其他人合作。 3.C细节推断题。从第二段的句子:There are isolating jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy.可知找工作的时候要乐观,从最后一段的句子:Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that.可知找工作要有动力,It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.可知找工作的时候要有激情。没有提到要合作。故选C项。 4.D主旨大意。根据文章第一段中的中心句If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas;  可知,文章讲述的是:人的特性和工作之间的关系。故选D 考点  社会知识类阅读。

Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954 to a Mexican American family. As the only girl in a family of seven children, she often felt like she had “seven fathers,” because her six brothers, as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling shy and unimportant, she retreated(躲避) into books. Despite her love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to participate.

In high school, with the encouragement of one particular teacher, Cisneros improved her grades and worked for the school literary magazine. Her father encouraged her to go to college because he thought it would be a good way for her to find a husband. Cisneros did attend college, but instead of searching for a husband, she found a teacher who helped her join the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa. At the university’s Writers’ Workshop, however, she felt lonely―a Mexican American from a poor neighborhood among students from wealthy families. The feeling of being so different helped Cisneros find her “creative voice.”

“It was not until this moment when I considered myself truly different that my writing acquired a voice. I knew I was a Mexican woman, but I didn’t think it had anything to do with why I felt so much imbalance in my life, but it had everything to do with it! That’s when I decided I would write about something my classmates couldn’t write about.”

Cisneros published her first work, The House on Mango Street, when she was twenty-nine. The book tells about a young Mexican American girl growing up in a Spanish-speaking area in Chicago, much like the neighborhoods in which Cisneros lived as a child. The book won an award in 1985 and has been used in classes from high school through graduate school level. Since then, Cisneros has published several books of poetry, a children’s book, and a short-story collection.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about Cisneros in her childhood?

A. She had seven brothers.                 B. She felt herself a nobody.

C. She was too shy to go to school.           D. She did not have any good teachers.

2.The graduate program gave Cisneros a chance to _____.

A. develop her writing style         B. run away from her family

C. make a lot of friends             D. search for a husband

3.According to Cisneros, what was the key factor in her success?

A. Her early years in college.                B. Her training in the Workshop.

C. Her childhood experience               D. Her feeling of being different.

4.What do we learn about The House on Mango Street?

A. It is quite popular among students.

B. It is a book of poetry written by Cisneros.

C. It wasn’t a success as it was written in Spanish.

D. It won an award when Cisneros was twenty-nine.



That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in      for seventeen years, I had no     about my ability to hold their attention and to impress on them my     for the literature of my mother tongue.

As I entered the room, I was     when the monitor shouted: “Stand up!” The entire class rose, and I was somewhat     about how to get them to sit down again. Once that awkwardness was over, I quickly     my calmness and began what I thought was an informed lecture, sure to gain their respect — perhaps     their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.

I asked my students to keep     as homework. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually     by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today.     her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a     theme. “Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical     for all the works we’ll study in class,” I complained. “How     they say I didn’t teach them anything?”

It was a long term, and it     became clear that my ideas about     were not the same as those of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise     questions and provide enough background so that students could     their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide     information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!

   , I benefited a lot, for my experience with my Chinese students has made me a     American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

1.A. England     B. America        C. China        D. Australia

2.A. worry        B. idea      C. doubt                D. skill

3.A. profession B. admiration   C. explanation  D. expression

4.A. attracted   B. embarrassed         C. amused              D. shocked

5.A. puzzled     B. sure     C. worried              D. curious

6.A. reminded           B. returned      C. regained             D. recovered

7.A. more B. even    C. yet                 D. still

8.A. discussions        B. notes    C. compositions         D. diaries

9.A. replaced   B. frightened    C. troubled            D. moved

10.A. Later        B. Perhaps        C. Somehow          D. Indeed

11.A. common          B. strong C. similar            D. strange

12.A. happenings     B. characters    C. development         D. background

13.A. should     B. need    C. will                D. must

14.A. immediately    B. certainly       C. simply      D. gradually

15.A. admiration       B. question        C. education          D. conclusion

16.A. difficult   B. interesting   C. essential             D. general

17.A. draw        B. find      C. search                D. offer

18.A. special            B. standard       C. exact             D. serious

19.A. Therefore        B. However      C. Then          D. Though

20.A. richer       B. happier         C. friendlier           D. better



It is important to know about the cultural differences that        cause problems.

A. must           B. dare               C. shall            D. may



上个星期你们班同学就“现代社会是否需要孔子精神“进行了一次讨论。讨论结果如下表所示。请根据表中内容写一篇100字左右的英语短文。参考词汇:孔子思想:Confucian thought










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People often have troubles getting used to a new culture. They are usually curious when they first arrive a foreign country. Therefore, if they stay for a long time, they may start to feel different stages of culture shock. They can feel alone or sad because he can’t deal with the local people. How quick people get used to culture differences may be depend on the way they learn. That’s a problem if they can’t speak the language. On other hand, some can study the situation and make good guesses about the culture. When they finally began to understand some of the language and make some new friends, they will gradually enjoy themselves and feel satisfying.



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