满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I have no idea what _____ while I was a...

  I have no idea what _____ while I was asleep.

A. has happened     B. could happen      C. had happened              D. happened


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词时态。从语境可知发生的事情应该是在说话人睡觉期间,应该用一般过去时,而C选项过去完成时需有过去的时间或过去的动作做对照才可以使用, B选项表示将来可能发生,不合句意,故D选项正确。句意:我不知道当我睡着的时候发生了什么事情。 考点:考查动词时态。

         — What did you do during your holidays?

— ______

A. Nothing much.                                           B. Nothing serious.

C. Nothing more.                                            D. Nothing interesting.



 Could you give me the phone number of _____ David Cooper on _____ Fifth Avenue?

A. a ; the                 B. a ; 不填                C. 不填;the                    D. the ; the



You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you

 understand the picture and what makes you think so.

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假如你是李华,是红星中学一名学生。上周末你参加了学校组织的去鸟巢观看第29届奥运会田径比赛的活动。请你根据下面图画所提供的情景写一篇日记。词数不少于60。水立方:Water Cube

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Sunday          Fine

It’s an exciting day today. My classmates and I went to the Bird Nest to watch a track and field event of the 29th Olympic Games.




















How to prepare a lecture

Being invited to give a lecture is an honor.It means that people regard you as an authority on a given field, subject, or issue.It means you are worth listening to.1.   You have to make sure your lecture is interesting, and full of wisdom, from which the audience can take valuable insights.This is why it is important for you to prepare your lecture well.

1.Think of a good topic.

You most likely will be assigned to talk about a certain topic.If that's the case, you only need to make an outline and do some research.But in some cases, you will have to think of your own topic.Although it gives you more freedom to do it, thinking of a topic can be tricky.2.   Or pick a topic that is timely and socially relevant.

2.Make an outline for the lecture.

Start by listing down the points that you will discuss, and then fill in each point with subpoints.If necessary, make a research about your topic.3.   But if in so doing you end up with a very long outline, figure how you can shorten the topic or cut where cutting is needed.


Statistics, figures, medical information, historical accounts, and similar information should all be checked and it will save your credibility as an authority on the subject you are talking about.

4.Add humor.

Don't engage your audience in a dragging soliloquy (独白).5.   Humor will interest your audience.Of course, make sure the elements in your lecture are in line with your main topic and are not nonsense, racial, and offensive jokes.

A.Check your lecture for accuracy.

B.Giving a lecture is challenging, though.

C.If necessary, provide your contact information, such as an email address or blog site.

D.Instead, make your audience smile, or burst into laughter at certain points in your discussion.

E.To make it easier, consider what will interest your audience.

F.It should summarize your whole talk in one sentence.

G.Don't be afraid of exploring the topic, as this will allow you to discover other points that need discussion.



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