满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Adventure is in my blood. And I had been...

Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation. I didn’t just want a small    in the backyard. I started thinking about doing a solo    somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out    and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be    from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden. When I    my plans with my dad, he    as I thought he would. Because I get my adventurous    from him, he was all for it.

   I had only been away from my    three days now, but there was an inner    going on inside of me. Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I    could make it. The other part of me was ready to      to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

   On the road, I met another      who was quite a bit older than I was. He had started his journey      by bike at the southern part of Norway and had just finished. I could tell he had a great sense of      . It encouraged me not to      .

  As I listened to my      artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled (踩踏板) with my feet. There was      around me for miles.      , that wasn’t entirely true. There were mosquitoes--- millions of them. My arms were so dotted with      that they looked like a topographical map (地形图). But, however      it would be, nothing could stop my advance towards the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

1.A. meeting    B. party     C. conversation          D. lecture

2.A. flight  B. interview       C. trip        D. performance

3.A. instructions        B. maps     C. magazines     D. newspapers

4.A. walking       B. biking   C. flying     D. running

5.A. shared       B. compared     C. prepared       D. changed

6.A. left     B. sighed   C. agreed  D. cried

7.A. stories        B. hobbies         C. skills      D. spirits

8.A. home          B. school   C. hotel     D. office

9.A. request      B. activity  C. battle    D. discussion

10.A. certainly  B. reasonably    C. usually  D. really

11.A. turn B. reply     C. prove    D. adapt

12.A. driver       B. jogger   C. bicyclist         D. pilot

13.A. slowly      B. alone    C. patiently        D. worriedly

14.A. humour   B. direction       C. satisfaction   D. balance

15.A. calm down        B. break down  C. speed up       D. give up

16.A. personal          B. favourite       C. professional  D. successful

17.A. nobody    B. everybody    C. anything        D. everything

18.A. Firstly       B. Eventually     C. Actually        D. Fortunately

19.A. wounds    B. cuts       C. dots       D. bites

20.A. boring      B. difficult         C. complex        D. confusing


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了“我”是一个喜欢探险的人,我要庆祝我的高中毕业,我不想举行派对,而是要进行一次自行车的旅行,从北部的挪威到南部的瑞典。我把我的想法告诉了我的爸爸,他支持我的想法, 我在路上遇到了一些困难,有时个想家,当我在路上的时候我碰见了一个骑自行车旅行的人,从他的身上,我学会了坚强,不要放弃,我被蚊子叮咬但最终还是完成了这次旅行。 1.B考查名词的词义。句意为:我是天生的冒险者,我正在考虑怎么去庆祝我的高中毕业,我不想在后院举行小小的派对。meeting n 会议;party n派对; conversation n 谈话;lecture n演讲。从下文来看,是为了应祝高中毕业而举行的活动,所以不是会议,谈话和演讲等,应是不想举行派对。故答案应为B。 2.C考查名词的词义。句意为:我正在考虑到某个不同寻常的地方进行一次单独的旅行,下文讲述的是我在旅程中遇到了各种各样的困难,所以此处应是单独的旅行。故答案应为C。flight n 飞行,航班;interview n接见,采访,面试;trip n 旅行;performance n表演。 3.B 考查名词的词义。句意为:我拿出地图,画出了一条150英里的路径。instruction n指示,说明;map n地图;magazine n杂志 newspaper n报纸。因为文章讲述的是要旅行,所以应是拿出地图。故答案应是B。 4.B 考查动词的意思。句意为:顺着这条路径,我将骑自行车从挪威的最北面到瑞典的最南面。此处选择骑自行车是因为下文第十三空处的by bike可知两个都是骑自行车的人。所以答案应为B。 5.A 考查动词词义。句意为:当我和我的父亲分享我的计划的时候----。share vt分享,分担,分配;compare vt比较;prepare vt 准备;change vt改变,改换。share sth with sb 和某人分享某物,这里是指我把我的想法告诉父亲。故答案为A。 6.C考查动词的词义。句意为:当我和我的父亲分享我的计划的时候,他如我想到的一样,同意了我的计划。left 离开,留下;sigh 叹息,叹气;agree同意,赞同; cry哭喊,叫。因为后面一句我的父亲也是一个喜欢冒险的人,所以这里应是同意我的想法。故答案为C。 7.D 考查名词的意思。句意为:因为我从父亲那里得到了冒险的精神,他也是一个生来喜欢冒险的人。story n 故事;hobby n爱好;skill n技能;spirit n精神。这里是指我天生有冒险的精神。故答案应为D。 8.A 考查名词的意思。现在我离开家才仅仅三天。home n 家;school n学校; hotel n宾馆;office n办公室。故答案应为A。 9.C 考查名词的词义。句意为:现在,我离开家才三天,在我的内心里就开始了“战斗”。意思是 说,在我的内心里开始了矛盾,我怀疑自己的能力,能否完成这次冒险的活动,是放弃还是坚持。request n 要求;activity n活动;battle n战斗;discussion n讨论。故答案应为C。 10.D 考查副词的词义。句意为:我开始内心的斗争,一方面的原因是我想家了,还怀疑我能否真正成功。certainly adv 当然,确信地;reasonably adv 合情合理地,相当地,适度地;usually adv通常地; really adv 真正地,实在,故答案应为D。 11.C考查动词的词义。句意为:我内心的斗争,一方面是想家等,另一个方面则是我想证明给我自己还有我的家人看,我自己能够做到。turn vt 变成,变得,转换; reply vt回答,回复;prove vt证明,证实;adapt vt适应,使适应。故答案为C。 12.C 考查名词词义。句意为:在路上,我遇到另一个比我年龄稍大的骑脚踏车者。由13空后的 by bike可知,此处应是骑脚踏车者。driver n司机;jogger n慢跑者;bicyclist n骑脚踏者;pilot n飞行员。 故答案为C。 13.B考查副词词义。句意为:他从挪威的南部独自一个人骑脚踏车开始旅程,就要完成了。slowly adv 慢慢地;alone adv 独自地;patiently adv有耐心地;worriedly adv担心地,担忧地。故答案应为B。 【小题 14】C 考查名词的词义。句意为:我可以说,他有很强的满足感。这位比我年龄大的骑者正要完成他的长途之旅,所以应是满足感。humour n 幽默,诙谐;direction n方向,指导,说明;satisfaction n满意,满足;balance n平衡。故答案应为C。 14.D 考查动词短语的意思。句意为:它鼓励我不要放弃。calm down 平静下来,镇定下来;break down分解,发生故障,身体跨了;speed up加速;give up 放弃。因为他比我年龄大,而且就要完成一个不同寻常的旅程,所以这个事迹应是鼓舞了我,所以答案应为D。 15.B 考查形容词的意思。句意为:我一边用MP4听着我最喜欢的艺术家,一边用脚踩着踩踏板。 personal adj个人的,私人的;favourite adj 最喜欢的;professional adj专业的,职业的 successful adj 成功的。 艺术家不应是专业的应是我最喜欢的,所以答案应为B。 16.A 考查代词的用法。句意为:几英里内,我的周围没有任何人。与下文的并不完全准确,有一 些蚊子在我的身边,这里是指“我”的孤独。nobody 没有人;everybody 每个人;anything任何事情;everything 每一件事情。故答案应为A。 17.C考查副词的意思。句意为:确切的来说,这并不完全属实。在我的周围有很多蚊子,数以百 万计的。firstly adv 首先,起初;eventually adv最终,最后;actually adv 事实上,确实地;fortunately幸运 地。说我的周围什么都没有,事实上是不完全正确地。故答案应为C。 18.D考查名词的含义。句意为:我的胳膊被咬得有如此多的泡以致于看起来就像一个地形图。wound n 伤口切口;cut n 刀伤,伤口;dot n 点,园点;bite n 咬,咬伤。这里是指蚊子的叮伤,所以答案应为D。 19.B 考查动词的词义。句意为:但是,无论多么的困难,他都阻挡不住我朝着我的目的地前进。因为你知道,我是一个喜欢探险的人。boring adj令人厌烦的;difficult adj困难的;complex adj复杂的 confusing adj令人困惑的。故答案应为为B。 【考点】考查人生百味类文章的理解及词汇辨析。

_________the answer, the boy, who asked the question, still stood with his hand ______.

A. Giving, raised         B. Giving; rising

C. Given; risen          D. Given; raised



 I don’t mind _____ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A. you to delay making                   B. your delaying making

C. you delaying to make                  D. your to delay to make



 An old lady came _________ to the bus stop, only _______ the bus had gone.

A. to run; to find        B. running; to find

C. and ran; finding     D. running; finding



When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were all __________ ,but we were very happy.

A. out of sight   B. out of reach

C. out of breath         D. out of danger



 Lucy _____her daily spending in order to survive the financial storm.

A. cut down       B. cut off

C. cut  out        D. cut in



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