满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I find some of the ways in which Chinese...

I find some of the ways in which Chinese parents show love for their children rather surprising. Obviously there are some pretty big differences between our behaviors and theirs in this respect. Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them. Is this a sort of spoiling or love? I wonder.

Most westerners would think it is a sort of spoiling rather than love. We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life. That includes learning to accept the fact that he can't get everything he wants. As an adult, he will not always get the quite expensive car he hunts for; she will not always manage to acquire the beautiful dress she longs for. So we try to teach our children early to cope with the disappointment of not getting what they want.

I find too much such kind of love for the children can actually spoil them. To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard. Without doubt, the child is the very center of a whole circle of adults, but on the other hand he or she is also expected to start studying according to adults' wishes. Many children of my son's age take piano lessons, painting classes and even English lessons. It looks as if Chinese adults think that just playing without learning anything is a waste of time. So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play. But without this sort of play how can western children develop such free and rich imaginations? In fact the connection between this imagination and the creativity is so important in the children’s future life.

1.In which way do most Chinese children seem to be spoiled?

A. They can be supported by their parents.

B. They can play whenever they want.

C. They need not behave themselves.

D. Their demands can always be satisfied.

2.In the author's opinion, the life of a Chinese child is         .

A. rather hard         B. rather easy         C. independent        D. colorful

3.The author thinks Western children appear spoiled because         .

A. they can manage time by themselves

B. they can have the freedom to play

C. they can take piano lessons

D. they may have expensive toys

4.The best title of the passage could be         .

A. Chinese children's early education

B. How to develop kids' imagination

C. What is the real love for children

D. The imagination and creativity


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析 本文是说明文。本文是围绕着爱与溺爱和教育孩子展开的,阐明什么是真正的爱。 1.D细节题。根据第一段Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them中国孩子能得到他们想要的,所以才会被宠坏,故选择D项。 2.A推断题。根据最后 一段To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard.,另我吃惊的是,中国孩子的生活又是非常难的,参加种学习,属于原文重现类型。故选A项。 3.B 细节题。根据最后一段So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play。从这个方法来说,西方的孩子是被宠坏的,因为他们能玩。故选 B项。 4.C 主旨大意。开篇说对中国父母对待的孩子的方式感到十分的吃惊,第二段提到西方人认为这是不是爱,第二段We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life.爱应该让孩子教育孩子带给他们过独立的生活,第三段阐述中国孩子的生活是十分困难的,因为有各种学习压力的存在,不让孩子尽情的玩。从不同的角度围绕着什么是真正的爱来开展的,故选 C项。

We all need a healthy environment. ____, we produce waste every day and it ____ harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do ____ to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real ____ to the environment. Here are some ideas for you to live a ____ life.

Remember these three _____: reduce, reuse and recycle.

Reduce means “use less”. Don't ____ things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think if it is really ____ or maybe the ____ one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from a ____ country.

Reuse means “use again”. Use things for ____ possible. When we buy things, make sure that they ____ a long time. We should take care of them ____ they will last, and we should ____ them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them ____.

Recycle means “change things into something else”. Although it ____ energy to change something into something else, it’s better than ____ things or burning them. Find out ____ can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy ____ made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save ____.

1.A. Therefore      B. However      C. Otherwise     D. Besides

2.A. gives          B. takes         C. causes        D. does

3.A. something      B. everything    C. nothing        D. everything

4.A. difference      B. mistake       C. effect         D. help

5.A. busy          B. hard          C. green         D. happy

6.A. letters         B. words         C. sentences     D. lessons

7.A. buy           B. produce       C. save         D. waste

8.A. necessary      B. important      C. helpful       D. useful

9.A. cheap         B. expensive      C. new         D. old

10.A. rich           B. developed      C. foreign      D. poor

11.A. as soon as      B. as long as      C. as much as    D. as well as

12.A. use           B. last            C. keep        D. live

13.A. so that        B. if              C. because      D. though

14.A. sell           B. lend           C. throw        D. repair

15.A. less           B. more          C. again        D. better

16.A. costs          B. spends         C. takes        D. pays

17.A. throwing away  B. putting away    C. taking away   D. giving away

18.A. that           B. which         C. what         D. how

19.A. cups           B. bags          C. boxes        D. products

20.A. money         B. trees          C. paper        D. time



Look! Here _____. Let’s get on it.

A. is coming a bus  B. comes a bus  C. a bus is coming  D. a bus comes



It is such a good place      everybody wants to go and visit       it is well known all over the world.

A. that; that    B. as; as   C. as; that      D. that; as



— Joe, don’t forget to bring your laptop with you tomorrow, OK?

   — Oh, thank you. I wouldn’t bring it if you _____ me.

A. hadn’t reminded            B. haven’t reminded          C. wouldn’t remind             D. shouldn’t have reminded



________ that Tom got inside the room to see what was going on.

A. So strangely did he feel                           B. So strangely he felt

C. So strange did he feel                             D. So strange he felt



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