满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most Chinese people these days know what...

Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher”, since almost all pupils study English from their third year. Usually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school. But my first English teacher is no other than my father. Looking back, I can see that, when I was only a little girl, he created an English environment by providing me with flashcards,fun English- language toys and even dolls which can sing English songs! My interest in English had certainly been awakened (唤起) when I began to learn English at school. Just imagine, he went a step further and asked me to learn New Concept English by myself! I was puzzled and even angry. I could not understand why a father could be so strict with his little girl. All the same, he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow through with his idea. At first, I read stories with tears and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me. In the end, I came to love the funny stories and, to be honest, my father was always there with a helping hand. I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support. And that’s why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher. He is one who awoke my interest, and who gave me much confidence .

1.Most pupils in China begin to learn English________.

A.in primary school  B.from parents  C.at three years old  D.at home

2.The underline part ”no other than my father” in the passage probably means________.

A.like my father     B.not my father  C.my father himself D.not only my father

3.From the whole passage we can see that________.

A.the girl preferred playing to learning English

B.the girl hates her father because he was strict

C.the girl is very thankful to her father

D.the father gave up after knowing his daughter could not understand

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How I learned English at school    

B.My father---my first and lifelong English teacher

C.The relationship between my father and me 

D.I’ve made progress in English learning


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述了作者学英语的过程里他的父亲对他的帮助,根据文章And that’s why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher.他不仅仅是作者的英语老师,而且是他一生的老师。 1.A 推理题。根据文章1,2行Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher”, since almost all pupils study English from their third year.可知中国的学生通常是在三年级的时候学英语,三年级正好是在小学。故A正确。 2.C 推理题。根据文章2,3行Usually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school. But my first English teacher is no other than my father.通常第一个英语老师都是很漂亮的女老师,但是我的第一个英语老师是我的父亲。这里的but表示上下文之间是转折关系,也就是说我的第一个英语老师不是一个漂亮的女老师,而是我的父亲。故该短语指C项。 3.C 推理题。根据文章最后3行I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support. 和He is one who awoke my interest, and who gave me much confidence .可知我对我的父亲心怀感激之情,正是我的父亲我的英语才会如此的优秀。故C正确。 4.B 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了作者学英语的过程里他的父亲对他的帮助,根据文章And that’s why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher.他不仅仅是他的英语老师,而且是他一生的老师。故B正确。 考点:考察人物类短文阅读

The worker I hired to repair my house had just finished a difficult first day on the job. A broken wheel made him an hour late; his ladder (����) fell down when he was painting the roof and now his old truck wouldn' t start. With each problem he shouted angrily, more at himself than at his things. As I drove him home, the man didn't say a word.

I tried talking to the man to kill time. I managed to find out that he had come up from Blue Hills in Victoria with his family six months ago to find a job. This was his first job since moving here. I now knew why his price was lower than any other worker I could find in the local newspaper. He really needed the job. His clothes told me as much.

On arriving, much to my surprise, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked through his front garden he suddenly stopped at a small tree and placed his hands on it. Then, when he opened the door he completely changed. Instead of his troubled face, there was now a warm smile, hugs for his two children and a kiss for his wife.

The following day, I asked him about the tree.

"That's my trouble tree," he answered. "Work troubles aren't welcome at home with my wife and the children. So I hang them on that tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again. "

"And you know what else?" he said smiling,"The next morning I find that there aren't as many as I remember hanging up the night before. "

1.Which of the following things did NOT happen to the worker?

A. His truck broke down.       B. He was late for work.

C. He fell onto the roof.      D. His ladder fell down.

2.When did the worker first arrive in this town?

A. Today.      B. Last night.

C. Six weeks ago.       D. Six months ago.

3.Where did the writer find the worker?

A. Through a newspaper.       B. Beside the trouble tree.

C. In his old house.      D. In Blue Hills, Victoria.

4.Why did the worker touch the tree?

A. To get good luck,         B. To leave his trouble outside.

C. To send good wishes to his family.  D. To clean his hands.



Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly that you would rather die than go? Well that’s how I      about joining Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club assisting philanthropies(慈善事业).But now I believe that you     open up your mind to things because eventually you might     end up enjoying it.

“It’s a waste of time”, I said when my mom told I had to join Madcaps, and then when she said I had to      at a homeless shelter I thought this just could not be      .

We got there late, of course, and the security guard led us to the kitchen    we ran into 48 other fellow Madcaps members. Since I’m     so socially awkward(糟糕的) I had met only one person at a pool party, earlier this year. I looked around for her but she was not there. Damn, I was     ! When the man in charge came out and asked for 3 mothers to work outside the      to clean up the plates, my mom just happened to volunteer leaving me to      food with others.

Soon the     families started to walk in and a little girl walked up and pointed to the food I was     I gave her the cold sandwich, she nodded in a form of saying      , and then walked to join her family at the large table.

As she walked away I thought of how much I       I get to go the top schools. I have a great house and I have a warm meal every night. It     that little girl to make me realize how lucky I am. After that moment I had a change of     . Now, I love Madcaps and don’t miss one meeting, I have       being socially awkward and now have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do      the required 20 hours of philanthropies.

I believe that if you have an     mind about things you can accomplish more and become a better rounded person. I believe sometimes you can make a difference just     doing one thing you don’t want to do .

1.A.cared       B.joked  C.felt      D.doubted

2.A.should      B.would C.may     D.can

3.A.also B.just      C.not      D.still

4.A.report      B.live      C.donate         D.volunteer

5.A.better      B.sooner         C.easier D.worse

6.A.where      B.when  C.until    D.because

7.A.suddenly B.occasionally         C.hardly D.normally

8.A.shy  B.late     C.alone  D.hopeless

9.A.kitchen    B.house C.club    D.shelter

10.A.pack       B.purchase     C.serve  D.bake

11.A.poor       B.homeless    C.vluntary       D.local

12.A.playing with B.putting away C.looking for  D.holding out

13.A.hello      B.sorry   C.thanks          D.okay

14.A.had         B.earned        C.achieved     D.did

15.A.moved   B.took    C.helped         D.encouraged

16.A.heart      B.luck     C.identity        D.taste

17.A.believed in     B.learnt from C.got over      D.thought about

18.A.more than      B.nothing but C.anything but        D.less than

19.A.intelligent       B.abstract       C.empty         D.open

20.A.before   B.by        C.upon   D.to



—Hey, taxi!

           , sir?

—Can you take me downtown?

A.What’s it      B.What’s up    C.Can I help you     D.Where to



—I don’t suppose Jimmy could have done well in the mid-term exam last week,______?

--- ______ he almost failed in the exam.

A.had he; Yes       B.did he ; No         C.do  I ;  Yes       D.could  I ; No



It is strange that such a thing ______ in your school.

A.will happen        B.happens    C.should happen           D.happened



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