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Life is to be enjoyed. There’s no point ...

Life is to be enjoyed. There’s no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back that’s even better. When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, and manage stress better, they find that they feel so much better that it reconstructs the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living. The latest studies show that when you exercise and eat right:

YOUR BRAIN receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you become smarter, think more clearly, have more energy, and need less sleep. Two studies showed that just walking for three hours per week for only three months caused so many new neurons (神经细胞) to grow that it actually increased the size of people’s brains!

YOUR FACE receives more blood flow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. You look younger and more attractive. In contrast, an unhealthy diet, chronic emotional stress and smoking reduce blood flow to your face so you age more quickly. Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries (动脉) to narrow down, which decreases blood flow to your face and makes it wrinkle earlier. This is why smokers look years older than they really are.

YOUR GENES change. In May, a study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that changing your lifestyle changes your genes.

YOUR TELOMERES (染色体端粒) get longer. Telomeres are the ends of our chromosomes (染色体) that control how long we live. As telomeres become shorter, then cells age more quickly, thus shortening your life.

 Besides, one of the most interesting findings in the study was that the mothers’ awareness of stress was more important than what was really occurring in their lives. The researchers gave the women a questionnaire and asked them to rate on a three-point scale how stressed they felt each day, and how out of control their lives felt to them. The women who were aware that they were under heavy stress had significantly shortened and damaged telomeres compared with those who felt more relaxed. On the contrary, some of the women who felt relaxed despite raising a disabled child had more normal-appearing telomeres.

In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed; if you feel fine, you are fine.

1.Which of the following are good for lengthening one’s life, according to the passage?

① eat healthy food  ② drink plenty of water  ③ take exercise  ④ get up early

⑤ go to sleep early  ⑥ release one’s stress

A. ①③⑥                           B. ①②③                           C. ①⑤⑥                           D. ③④⑥

2.The underlined words “your skin glows” in Paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to _________.

A. your skin becomes white as there is plenty of sunshine

B. your skin becomes smooth as there is much blood in it

C. your skin looks pink as you are healthy

D. your skin becomes soft as you exercise enough

3.In the author’s opinion, when you exercise and eat right, you will experience some changes EXCEPT _________.

A. brains becoming cleverer                                 B. faces having fewer wrinkles

C. arteries turning narrower                         D. genes being changed

4.From the last but one paragraph we learn that _________.

A. mothers will have more damaged telomeres if they raise a disabled child

B. mothers don’t know how to handle stress effectively

C. some women were asked to fill out a questionnaire about educating children

D. mothers’ positive attitudes are the key to managing their stress

5.The best title for the passage would be _________.  

A. Eat better, live better                                         B. Feel better, live longer

C. Less stress, fewer diseases                 D. Smoke more, age sooner


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:最新研究表明适当的锻炼和正确的饮食和愉悦的心情能够带来很多好处。比如一个人的大脑会有更多的血液流过,带来更多的氧气,这样人就会思维活跃,精力充沛;此外。面部也会减少皱纹,看上去更年轻漂亮。而不恰当的饮食,不良情绪和吸烟会加速一个人的衰老和死亡。 1.A细节理解题。根据文章第一段When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, and manage stress better, they find that they feel so much better that…..可知A选项正确。 2.C词义猜测题。根据下文You look younger and more attractive.可推测出如果一个人看上去年轻漂亮的话,皮肤应该是健康的颜色,由此可知C选项正确。 3.C细节理解题。根据文章第三段Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries (动脉) to narrow down,可知是吸烟这种不健康的习惯会让动脉血管变窄,所以正确答案为C。 4.D细节理解题。根据文中On the contrary, some of the women who felt relaxed despite raising a disabled child had more normal-appearing telomeres.可知答案选D。 5.B主旨大意题。文章开头提出life is to be enjoyed,然后讲述健康的饮食,适当的锻炼和对压力的正确处理给人带来的好处,最后进行总结概括In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed; if you feel fine, you are fine.由此可知文章的最佳标题为B。 考点:考查科学知识类短文阅读。

A fellow speaker from California named Geri flew to Japan, in her favorite jeans and a casual jacket, to give her first speech. Fourteen hours later, four perfectly dressed Japanese gentlemen greeted her at Narita Airport. Smiling and bowing low, they handed her their business cards. With her bag in one hand, Geri took their cards with the other. She thanked them, glanced briefly at the cards, and put them into her jeans pocket quickly.

When the five of them arrived at the hotel, they invited Geri to tea in the lobby (大厅). While sipping tea, the gentlemen presented her with a small gift which she eagerly opened. She was thrilled with the gift and shouted excitedly, “Oh, it’s beautiful!”

At this point, the four Japanese gentlemen stood up and, bowing only very slightly, said “Sayonara” and left immediately. Poor Geri was left astonished. What did she do wrong?

Everything! Her jeans were the first gaffe. Even if you’re coming off a bicycle in Japan, you do not meet c1ients (客人) casually dressed. The second mistake was Geri’s handling of their business cards rudely. In Japan, the business card is one of the most important communicative tools. It is always presented and accepted respectfully with both hands. However, Geri put their cards away much too quickly. In Japan, people use business cards as a conversation starter. You chat about each other’s cards and work and do not put theirs away until they gently and respectfully place yours in safekeeping. Putting it carelessly into her jeans pocket was the ultimate disrespect.

Then, the fourth horror of horrors was that Geri should not have opened the gift in front of her clients. In a land where saving face is critical, it would be embarrassing to discover the gift they gave was not as nice as the one they received. What is worse, Geri hadn’t even given them a gift!

1.In the four Japanese gentlemen’s eyes, Geri took their cards _____________.

A. excitedly                B. embarrassingly               C. politely          D. disrespectfully

2.Why did the four Japanese gentlemen leave Geri suddenly?

A. Because they couldn’t bear Geri’s behavior any longer.

B. Because they had finished the task.

C. Because Geri had something more important to do.

D. Because Geri felt embarrassed.

3.What does the underlined word “gaffe” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. ignorance               B. sadness                            C. mistake          D. carelessness

4.The third mistake Geri made was that she _____________.

A. used her own card as a conversation starter

B. took her clients’ cards with one hand

C. kept her clients’ cards in a wrong place

D. met her clients in jeans

5.What lesson can we draw from this story?

A. Honesty is the best policy.

B. Think twice before you take any action.

C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

D. Don't claim to know what you don't know.



The Town of Pressure and the Town of Pleasure were neighbors but had nothing in common. Residents built walls to      influence from the other town.

In Pressure,      struggled to be the very best. When women gave birth, they would      to have the baby with the loudest cry. There was violent competition in every aspect of life. Because     was the index (指数) of success, people were     busy making money, with     for relaxation. Some young people couldn’t bear the intensity and resorted to drink or drugs to escape.

, over in Pleasure, the motto was “As long as you like it, do it.” People grew up without      and     do anything they liked. Children played computer games day and night. At school, teachers didn’t _   whether students showed up or not. Workers might sit around the office      sipping coffee and doing nothing.      the lack of regulations, nobody worried about losing their jobs. It was      that mattered. No one had the      thought of moving forward, either for themselves or for the town. The computers they used were      models from Pressure.

Some of the young were addicted to      because of the meaninglessness of their lives. Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is     for?” But, just before life in the two towns completely     , there came a saint – Mr. Reason. He went from door to door, talking with people and giving advice. People in Pressure learnt to be      with what they had, while people in Pleasure began to make plans. They     the walls between them and built a road to connect the two. The towns’ people came to realize the truth—there is no space between Pressure and Pleasure if they don’t go to extremes.

1.A. connect                        B. keep                                 C. keep out                         D. prevent

2.A. everyone           B. anyone                    C. nobody                   D. somebody

3.A. have                     B. like                                    C. compete                          D. try

4.A. health                           B. joy                                     C. children                           D. wealth

5.A. seldom                          B. always                    C. hardly                               D. sometimes

6.A. much time          B. no reason                        C. many reasons                  D. no time

7.A. Meanwhile                  B. At the same time            C. Therefore                        D. Virtually

8.A. pleasure                       B. pressure                         C. work                                 D. happiness

9.A. must                     B. need                                 C. could                               D. dared

10.A. know                           B. find                                   C. recognize                         D. care

11.A. in the morning B. in the evening                 C. all day long            D. in the afternoon

12.A. Thanks to                  B. Regardless of                  C. Owe to                    D. According to

13.A. money                        B. time                                  C. pleasure                          D. pressure

14.A. strongest          B. slightest                           C. most                                  D. smallest

15.A. the old             B. the new                            C. the best                            D. the same

16.A. books                          B. work                                 C. money                              D. drugs

17.A. pressure           B. life                                    C. pleasure                           D. money

18.A. improved                   B. failed                               C. succeeded                       D. lived

19.A. content            B. surprised                         C. patient                              D. angry

20.A. built                            B. put down                         C. pulled down                   D. set up



We can give you a lift to the airport _______ you don’t mind the crowdedness, for there have already been four of us in the car.

A. unless                              B. though                    C. provided                 D. until




1、表达感谢之意     2、提出回报对方     3、期待进一步向对方请教(字数120左右)



A music show from Hunan Satellite TV named I’m a singer has been gaining popularity since the heat from voice of china gradually cooled, The show invites professional musicians to compete , Rather than using the traditional underdogs-become –famous format,it is up to the 500 aucience members to decide the fate of the stars on stage ,Let’s check out how the readaptation of a classic love song to rock’n’roll introduced us to the emotional world of rock nusic.

In the second week of the Hunan TV music competiton show I’m a singer,paul Wong surprised his audience members and fellow contestants with a rock adaptation of the famous 1993 hit Goodbye Kiss by Jacky Cheung.Although the lyrics remain unchanged and the original structured is largely maintained, Wong’s rock adaptation of the song truns it into something completely new, No longer is it the sorrowful tale of two lovers parting ways, but an accusation filled with repressed anger.

With so much of the original song, untouched , what is it that transforms the song to such an extent that the TV show’s host seemed barely to recognize it?

It’s not only the instrumentation and the different sound of the song that makes it a rock version        

Something degy—it is the sound of rebellion.

    By keeping the original lyrics but transforming their meaning through a reinterpretation of the musical accompaniment(伴奏), wong’s adaptation becomes as much a song about rebellion as it is a rebellion against the original version of the song itself.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?(No more than 15 words)


2.Fill the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words(No more than 5 words)


3.Who decide the fate of the performers?(No more than 8 woreds)


4.List three factors which make the readaptation of the song Goodbye Kiss quite different?

                 ;②                   ;③                  

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese




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