满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

----- Did you tell the policeman that a...

 ----- Did you tell the policeman that accident?

----- Hardly ________ him the detail of it when he hung up.

A. I told             B. had I told        C. I had told      D. did I tell


B 【解析】 试题分析:---你告诉警察这个事故了吗?--他一打电话我就告诉他这个细节了。这句话用了固定的倒装句型:Hardly+had sb done+when…“一…就…”,选B。 考点:考查倒装句

 – How did you make contact with the travel agent, Tom?

– Oh, that’s easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one _____ the telephone number is provided.

A. that                          B. in which                     C. of which       D. whose



I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I ________ you waiting for such a long time.

A. will not keep     B. have not kept      C. had not kept    D. would not have kept 



– Amazing! You _____ have won the first prize in the national English speech contest!

– I’m lucky that all my efforts have finally paid off.  

A. must          B. may                    C. can           D. should



A qualified doctor has to constantly update his knowledge in order to maintain his professional _____.

A. conscience            B. competence                    C. conservation          D. convenience



 We all consider _____ significant that we should cancel the order immediately.

A. how                         B. which                                C. this                           D. it



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