满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Have you graduated from college? —Yes,...

 —Have you graduated from college?

—Yes, ________.

A. I studied French for two years.

B. I have been studying French.

C. I have studied French for two years.

D. I had studied French for two years.


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态。根据句意可知,我学法语两年,陈述的是过去的事实,故用一般过去时。句意:——你已经大学毕业了么?——是的,我学了两年的法语。故A正确。 考点:考查动词的时态

 ______ he can hardly read is ____________ he is slow in mind.

A. what; that        B. That; what         C. What; because      D. That; because



— I think it was his excitement for his success in the first half that led to his eventual failure in the game.

   — You bet. Old sayings never fail, “________”

A. Failure is the mother of success   

B. Pride goes before a fall

C. A hero is nothing but a product of his time

D. A fall into the pit, a gain in the wit



To finish the task on time, I think we should _______ and cooperate.

A. join together                   B. connect                  C. join hand                D. join forces



 Don't sigh over the small achievement.  _____ , and I'm sure if you keep at it, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel!

A. Lookers-on see most of the game         

B. Constant dropping wears away the stone

C. The world is your oyster                                   

D. Lost time is never found again



It's Mary's own fault if she feels _____ at the party — she makes no effort to be friendly to people

A. cut out                    B. stood out                         C. left out           D. made out



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